use of net.dempsy.output.OutputScheduler in project Dempsy by Dempsy.
the class NodeManager method start.
public NodeManager start() throws DempsyException {
nodeStatsCollector = tr.track((NodeStatsCollector) node.getNodeStatsCollector());
// TODO: cleaner?
statsCollectorFactory = tr.track(new Manager<>(ClusterStatsCollectorFactory.class).getAssociatedInstance(node.getClusterStatsCollectorFactoryId()));
// =====================================
// set the dispatcher on adaptors and create containers for mp clusters
final AtomicReference<String> firstAdaptorClusterName = new AtomicReference<>(null);
node.getClusters().forEach(c -> {
if (c.isAdaptor()) {
if (firstAdaptorClusterName.get() == null)
final Adaptor adaptor = c.getAdaptor();
adaptors.put(c.getClusterId(), adaptor);
if (c.getRoutingStrategyId() != null && !"".equals(c.getRoutingStrategyId().trim()) && !" ".equals(c.getRoutingStrategyId().trim()))
LOGGER.warn("The cluster " + c.getClusterId() + " contains an adaptor but also has the routingStrategy set. The routingStrategy will be ignored.");
if (c.getOutputScheduler() != null)
LOGGER.warn("The cluster " + c.getClusterId() + " contains an adaptor but also has an output executor set. The output executor will never be used.");
} else {
String containerTypeId = c.getContainerTypeId();
if (containerTypeId == null)
// can't be null
containerTypeId = node.getContainerTypeId();
final Container con = makeContainer(containerTypeId).setMessageProcessor(c.getMessageProcessor()).setClusterId(c.getClusterId()).setMaxPendingMessagesPerContainer(c.getMaxPendingMessagesPerContainer());
// TODO: This is a hack for now.
final Manager<RoutingStrategy.Inbound> inboundManager = new RoutingInboundManager();
final RoutingStrategy.Inbound is = inboundManager.getAssociatedInstance(c.getRoutingStrategyId());
final boolean outputSupported = c.getMessageProcessor().isOutputSupported();
final Object outputScheduler = c.getOutputScheduler();
// if there mp handles output but there's no output scheduler then we should warn.
if (outputSupported && outputScheduler == null)
LOGGER.warn("The cluster " + c.getClusterId() + " contains a message processor that supports an output cycle but there's no executor set so it will never be invoked.");
if (!outputSupported && outputScheduler != null)
LOGGER.warn("The cluster " + c.getClusterId() + " contains a message processor that doesn't support an output cycle but there's an output cycle executor set. The output cycle executor will never be used.");
final OutputScheduler os = (outputSupported && outputScheduler != null) ? (OutputScheduler) outputScheduler : null;
containers.add(new PerContainer(con, is, c, os));
// it we're all adaptor then don't bother to get the receiver.
if (containers.size() == 0) {
// here there's no point in a receiver since there's nothing to receive.
if (firstAdaptorClusterName.get() == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("There seems to be no clusters or adaptors defined for this node \"" + node.toString() + "\"");
} else {
receiver = (Receiver) node.getReceiver();
if (// otherwise we're all adaptor
receiver != null)
nodeAddress = receiver.getAddress(this);
else if (firstAdaptorClusterName.get() == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("There seems to be no clusters or adaptors defined for this node \"" + node.toString() + "\"");
nodeId = Optional.ofNullable(nodeAddress).map(n -> n.getGuid()).orElse(firstAdaptorClusterName.get());
if (nodeStatsCollector == null) {
LOGGER.warn("There is no {} set for the the application '{}'", StatsCollector.class.getSimpleName(), node.application);
nodeStatsCollector = new DummyNodeStatsCollector();
if (nodeAddress == null && node.getReceiver() != null)
LOGGER.warn("The node at " + nodeId + " contains no message processors but has a Reciever set. The receiver will never be started.");
if (nodeAddress == null && node.getDefaultRoutingStrategyId() != null)
LOGGER.warn("The node at " + nodeId + " contains no message processors but has a defaultRoutingStrategyId set. The routingStrategyId will never be used.");
if (threading == null)
threading = tr.track(new DefaultThreadingModel(nodeId)).configure(node.getConfiguration()).start(nodeId);
else if (!threading.isStarted())
nodeStatsCollector.setMessagesPendingGauge(() -> threading.getNumberLimitedPending());
final NodeReceiver nodeReciever = receiver == null ? null : tr.track(new NodeReceiver( -> pc.container).collect(Collectors.toList()), threading, nodeStatsCollector));
final Map<ClusterId, ClusterInformation> messageTypesByClusterId = new HashMap<>(); -> pc.clusterDefinition).forEach(c -> {
messageTypesByClusterId.put(c.getClusterId(), new ClusterInformation(c.getRoutingStrategyId(), c.getClusterId(), c.getMessageProcessor().messagesTypesHandled()));
final NodeInformation nodeInfo = nodeAddress != null ? new NodeInformation(receiver.transportTypeId(), nodeAddress, messageTypesByClusterId) : null;
// Then actually register the Node
if (nodeInfo != null) {
keepNodeRegstered = new PersistentTask(LOGGER, isRunning, persistenceScheduler, RETRY_PERIOND_MILLIS) {
public boolean execute() {
try {
session.recursiveMkdir(rootPaths.clustersDir, null, DirMode.PERSISTENT, DirMode.PERSISTENT);
session.recursiveMkdir(rootPaths.nodesDir, null, DirMode.PERSISTENT, DirMode.PERSISTENT);
final String nodePath = rootPaths.nodesDir + "/" + nodeId;
session.mkdir(nodePath, nodeInfo, DirMode.EPHEMERAL);
final NodeInformation reread = (NodeInformation) session.getData(nodePath, this);
final boolean ret = nodeInfo.equals(reread);
if (ret == true)
return ret;
} catch (final ClusterInfoException e) {
final String logmessage = "Failed to register the node. Retrying in " + RETRY_PERIOND_MILLIS + " milliseconds.";
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()), e);
else, e);
return false;
public String toString() {
return "register node information";
// =====================================
// The layering works this way.
// Receiver -> NodeReceiver -> adaptor -> container -> OutgoingDispatcher -> RoutingStrategyOB -> Transport
// starting needs to happen in reverse.
// =====================================
this.tManager = tr.start(new TransportManager(), this);
this.rsManager = tr.start(new RoutingStrategyManager(), this);
// create the router but don't start it yet.
this.router = new OutgoingDispatcher(rsManager, nodeAddress, nodeId, nodeReciever, tManager, nodeStatsCollector);
// set up containers
containers.forEach(pc -> pc.container.setDispatcher(router).setEvictionCycle(pc.clusterDefinition.getEvictionFrequency().evictionFrequency, pc.clusterDefinition.getEvictionFrequency().evictionTimeUnit));
// IB routing strategy
final int numContainers = containers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numContainers; i++) {
final PerContainer c = containers.get(i);
c.inboundStrategy.setContainerDetails(c.clusterDefinition.getClusterId(), new ContainerAddress(nodeAddress, i), c.container);
// setup the output executors by passing the containers -> pc.outputScheduler != null).forEach(pc -> pc.outputScheduler.setOutputInvoker(pc.container));
// set up adaptors
adaptors.values().forEach(a -> a.setDispatcher(router));
// start containers after setting inbound
containers.forEach(pc -> tr.start(pc.container.setInbound(pc.inboundStrategy), this));
// start the output schedulers now that the containers have been started. -> pc.outputScheduler).filter(os -> os != null).forEach(os -> tr.start(os, this));
// start IB routing strategy
containers.forEach(pc -> tr.start(pc.inboundStrategy, this));
// start router
tr.start(this.router, this);
final PersistentTask startAdaptorAfterRouterIsRunning = new PersistentTask(LOGGER, isRunning, this.persistenceScheduler, 500) {
public boolean execute() {
if (!router.isReady())
return false;
adaptors.entrySet().forEach(e -> threading.runDaemon(() -> tr.track(e.getValue()).start(), "Adaptor-" + e.getKey().clusterName));
return true;
// make sure the router is running. Once it is, start the adaptor(s)
if (receiver != null)
tr.track(receiver).start(nodeReciever, this);
// close this session when we're done.
// make it known we're here and ready
if (keepNodeRegstered != null)
return this;