use of net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.AnimationSetup in project tdme by andreasdr.
the class Object3DBase method setAnimation.
* Sets up a base animation to play
* @param id
public void setAnimation(String id) {
AnimationSetup _animationActiveSetup = model.getAnimationSetup(id);
// only switch animation if we have one
if (_animationActiveSetup != null) {
baseAnimation.setup = _animationActiveSetup;
baseAnimation.lastAtTime = Timing.UNDEFINED;
baseAnimation.currentAtTime = 0L;
baseAnimation.time = 0.0f;
baseAnimation.finished = false;
use of net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.AnimationSetup in project tdme by andreasdr.
the class Object3DBase method addOverlayAnimation.
* Overlays a animation above the base animation
* @param id
public void addOverlayAnimation(String id) {
// remove active overlay animation with given ids
// check overlay animation
AnimationSetup animationSetup = model.getAnimationSetup(id);
if (animationSetup == null)
if (animationSetup.getOverlayFromGroupId() == null)
// create animation state
AnimationState animationState = new AnimationState();
animationState.setup = animationSetup;
animationState.lastAtTime = Timing.UNDEFINED;
animationState.currentAtTime = 0L;
animationState.time = 0.0f;
animationState.finished = false;
// register overlay animation
overlayAnimationsById.put(id, animationState);
overlayAnimationsByJointId.put(animationSetup.getOverlayFromGroupId(), animationState);
use of net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.AnimationSetup in project tdme by andreasdr.
the class ModelUtilitiesInternal method createBoundingBox.
* Creates a bounding box from given object3d model
* @param model
* @return axis aligned bounding box
public static BoundingBox createBoundingBox(Object3DModelInternal object3DModelInternal) {
Model model = object3DModelInternal.getModel();
AnimationSetup defaultAnimation = model.getAnimationSetup(Model.ANIMATIONSETUP_DEFAULT);
float minX = 0f, minY = 0f, minZ = 0f;
float maxX = 0f, maxY = 0f, maxZ = 0f;
boolean firstVertex = true;
// create bounding box for whole animation at 60fps
AnimationState animationState = new AnimationState();
animationState.setup = defaultAnimation;
animationState.lastAtTime = Timing.UNDEFINED;
animationState.currentAtTime = 0L;
animationState.time = 0.0f;
animationState.finished = false;
for (float t = 0.0f; t <= (defaultAnimation != null ? defaultAnimation.getFrames() : 0.0f) / model.getFPS(); t += 1f / model.getFPS()) {
// calculate transformations matrices without world transformations
object3DModelInternal.computeTransformationsMatrices(model.getSubGroups(), object3DModelInternal.getModel().getImportTransformationsMatrix().clone().multiply(object3DModelInternal.getTransformationsMatrix()), animationState, 0);
Object3DGroup.computeTransformations(object3DModelInternal.object3dGroups, object3DModelInternal.transformationsMatrices);
// parse through object groups to determine min, max
for (Object3DGroup object3DGroup : object3DModelInternal.object3dGroups) {
for (Vector3 vertex : object3DGroup.mesh.transformedVertices) {
// vertex xyz array
float[] vertexXYZ = vertex.getArray();
// determine min, max
if (firstVertex == true) {
minX = vertexXYZ[0];
minY = vertexXYZ[1];
minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
maxX = vertexXYZ[0];
maxY = vertexXYZ[1];
maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
firstVertex = false;
} else {
if (vertexXYZ[0] < minX)
minX = vertexXYZ[0];
if (vertexXYZ[1] < minY)
minY = vertexXYZ[1];
if (vertexXYZ[2] < minZ)
minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
if (vertexXYZ[0] > maxX)
maxX = vertexXYZ[0];
if (vertexXYZ[1] > maxY)
maxY = vertexXYZ[1];
if (vertexXYZ[2] > maxZ)
maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
animationState.currentAtTime = (long) (t * 1000f);
animationState.lastAtTime = (long) (t * 1000f);
// skip on models without meshes to be rendered
if (firstVertex == true)
return null;
// otherwise go with bounding box
return new BoundingBox(new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ), new Vector3(maxX, maxY, maxZ));