Search in sources :

Example 11 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project FredBoat by Frederikam.

the class EvalCommand method onInvoke.

public void onInvoke(@Nonnull CommandContext context) {
    final long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
    String source = context.rawArgs;
    if (context.hasArguments() && (context.args[0].equals("-k") || context.args[0].equals("kill"))) {
        if (this.lastTask != null) {
            if (this.lastTask.isDone() || this.lastTask.isCancelled()) {
                context.reply("Task isn't running.");
            } else {
                context.reply("Task killed.");
        } else {
            context.reply("No task found to kill.");
    final int timeOut;
    if (context.args.length > 1 && (context.args[0].equals("-t") || context.args[0].equals("timeout"))) {
        timeOut = Integer.parseInt(context.args[1]);
        source = source.replaceFirst(context.args[0], "");
        source = source.replaceFirst(context.args[1], "");
    } else
        timeOut = -1;
    final String finalSource = source.trim();
    Guild guild = context.guild;
    JDA jda = guild.getJDA();
    engine.put("jda", jda);
    engine.put("api", jda);
    GuildPlayer player = Launcher.getBotController().getPlayerRegistry().getExisting(guild);
    engine.put("vc", player != null ? player.getCurrentVoiceChannel() : null);
    engine.put("author", context.msg.getAuthor());
    engine.put("invoker", context.invoker);
    engine.put("bot", jda.getSelfUser());
    engine.put("member", guild.getSelfMember());
    engine.put("message", context.msg);
    engine.put("guild", guild);
    engine.put("player", player);
    engine.put("pm", Launcher.getBotController().getAudioPlayerManager());
    engine.put("context", context);
    ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, r -> new Thread(r, "Eval comm execution"));
    Future<?> future = service.submit(() -> {
        Object out;
        try {
            out = engine.eval("(function() {" + "with (imports) {\n" + finalSource + "\n}" + "})();");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            context.reply(String.format("`%s`\n\n`%sms`", ex.getMessage(), System.currentTimeMillis() - started));
  "Error occurred in eval", ex);
        String outputS;
        if (out == null) {
            outputS = ":ok_hand::skin-tone-3:";
        } else if (out.toString().contains("\n")) {
            outputS = "\nEval: " + TextUtils.asCodeBlock(out.toString());
        } else {
            outputS = "\nEval: `" + out.toString() + "`";
        context.reply(String.format("```java\n%s```\n%s\n`%sms`", finalSource, outputS, System.currentTimeMillis() - started));
    this.lastTask = future;
    Thread script = new Thread("Eval comm waiter") {

        public void run() {
            try {
                if (timeOut > -1) {
                    future.get(timeOut, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (final TimeoutException ex) {
                context.reply("Task exceeded time limit of " + timeOut + " seconds.");
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                context.reply(String.format("`%s`\n\n`%sms`", ex.getMessage(), System.currentTimeMillis() - started));
Also used : GuildPlayer( JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) ScriptException(javax.script.ScriptException)

Example 12 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project FredBoat by Frederikam.

the class EventLogger method sendGuildStats.

private void sendGuildStats() {
    if (guildStatsWebhook == null) {
    EmbedBuilder eb = CentralMessaging.getColoredEmbedBuilder().setTimestamp("Joins and Leaves since the last update").addField("Guilds joined", Integer.toString(guildsJoinedEvents.getAndSet(0)), true).addField("Guilds left", Integer.toString(guildsLeftEvents.getAndSet(0)), true);
    Optional<JDA> shards = shardProvider.streamShards().findAny();
    if (shards.isPresent()) {
        JDA anyShard = shards.get();
        User self = anyShard.getSelfUser();
        eb.setFooter(self.getName(), self.getEffectiveAvatarUrl());
    drainMessageQueue(toBeSentGuildStats, guildStatsWebhook);
Also used : EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)

Example 13 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project pokeraidbot by magnusmickelsson.

the class AdminCommands method execute.

protected void execute(CommandEvent event) {
    final User user = event.getAuthor();
    if (user == null || user.getId() == null || (!user.getId().equals(BotServerMain.BOT_CREATOR_USERID))) {
        event.replyInDM("This command is reserved only for bot creator. Hands off! ;p Your user ID was: " + String.valueOf(user.getId()));
    } else {
        final String eventArgs = event.getArgs();
        if (eventArgs.startsWith("userconfig")) {
            String userId = eventArgs.replaceAll("userconfig\\s{1,3}", "");
            final UserConfig userConfig = userConfigRepository.findOne(userId);
            if (userConfig == null) {
                event.replyInDM("No user with ID " + userId);
            } else {
                event.replyInDM("Removed user configuration for user with ID " + userId);
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("permissions")) {
            final JDA bot = botService.getBot();
            final List<Guild> guilds = bot.getGuilds();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("**Permissions for bot across servers:**\n\n");
            for (Guild guild : guilds) {
                final Member member = guild.getMember(bot.getSelfUser());
                if (member == null) {
                    event.replyInDM("Could not get bot as servermember!");
                for (Permission p : member.getPermissions()) {
                    sb.append(p.getName()).append("(Guild: ").append(p.isGuild()).append(" Channel: ").append(p.isChannel()).append(")\n");
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("clear tracking")) {
            event.replyInDM("Cleared tracking cache.");
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("announce")) {
            final JDA bot = botService.getBot();
            final List<Guild> guilds = bot.getGuilds();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Guild guild : guilds) {
                try {
                    guild.getDefaultChannel().sendMessage(eventArgs.replaceAll("announce\\s{1,3}", "")).queue();
                    sb.append("Sent message for guild ").append(guild.getName()).append("\n");
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    sb.append("Failed to send message for guild ").append(guild.getName()).append(": ").append(t.getMessage()).append("\n");
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("ismember")) {
            String userIdAndGuildName = eventArgs.replaceAll("ismember\\s{1,3}", "");
            String[] args = userIdAndGuildName.split(" ");
            if (args.length < 2) {
                event.reply("Bad syntax, should be something like: !raid admin ismember {userid} {guildname}");
            } else {
                final JDA bot = botService.getBot();
                Guild guild = null;
                final List<Guild> guilds = bot.getGuilds();
                String guildName = StringUtils.join(ArrayUtils.remove(args, 0), " ");
                for (Guild guildToCheck : guilds) {
                    if (guildToCheck.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(guildName)) {
                        guild = guildToCheck;
                if (guild != null) {
                    final Member memberById = guild.getMemberById(args[0]);
                    if (memberById != null) {
                        event.reply("User is a member of server " + guild.getName());
                    } else {
                        event.reply("User is not a member of server " + guild.getName());
                } else {
                    event.reply("There was no server the user is a member of.");
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("member")) {
            String userIdAndGuildName = eventArgs.replaceAll("member\\s{1,3}", "");
            String[] args = userIdAndGuildName.split(" ");
            if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
                event.reply("Bad syntax, should be something like: !raid admin member {userid}");
            } else {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                final JDA bot = botService.getBot();
                final List<Guild> guilds = bot.getGuilds();
                sb.append("User with ID ").append(args[0]).append(" is a member of the following servers:\n\n");
                if (guilds.size() == 0) {
                for (Guild guild : guilds) {
                    final Member memberById = guild.getMemberById(args[0]);
                    if (memberById != null) {
                        sb.append(guild.getName()).append(" (Username ").append(memberById.getUser().getName()).append(")\n");
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("guilds")) {
            final JDA bot = botService.getBot();
            final List<Guild> guilds = bot.getGuilds();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Guild guildToCheck : guilds) {
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("test")) {
            final Config configForServer = serverConfigRepository.getConfigForServer(event.getGuild().getName().toLowerCase());
            String[] args = eventArgs.replaceAll("test\\s{1,3}", "").trim().split(" ");
            String pokemon = args[0];
            LocalDateTime startsAt = LocalDateTime.of(, Utils.parseTime(user, args[1], localeService));
            String gymName = StringUtils.join(ArrayUtils.removeElements(args, 0, 1), " ").trim();
            final String region = configForServer.getRegion();
            Raid raid = new Raid(, user), startsAt.plusMinutes(Utils.RAID_DURATION_IN_MINUTES),, gymName, region), localeService, region);
            final Raid createdRaid = raidRepository.newRaid(botService.getBot().getSelfUser(), raid, event.getGuild(), configForServer, event.getMessage().getRawContent());
            event.reply("Bot created your test raid: " + createdRaid);
        } else if (eventArgs.startsWith("tier5")) {
            String[] bosses = eventArgs.replaceAll("tier5\\s{1,3}", "").trim().split(";");
            if (bosses == null || bosses.length < 1) {
                event.reply("Bad syntax, should be: !raid admin tier5 Boss1;Boss2;Boss3");
            } else {
                final CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> currentTier5Bosses = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
                BotService.currentTier5Bosses = currentTier5Bosses;
                event.reply("Set current tier5 boss list: " + StringUtils.join(bosses, ", "));
    event.reply("No such command. Existing ones are:\n- userconfig {userid}\n- permissions\n" + "- clear tracking\n- announce {message}\n- ismember {userid} {guild name}\n- guilds\n" + " - member {userid}\n - test {pokemon} {start time} {gym}\n- tier5 {list of bosses ;-separated}");
Also used : LocalDateTime(java.time.LocalDateTime) User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) UserConfig(pokeraidbot.infrastructure.jpa.config.UserConfig) Config(pokeraidbot.infrastructure.jpa.config.Config) UserConfig(pokeraidbot.infrastructure.jpa.config.UserConfig) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Raid( Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission) List(java.util.List) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)

Example 14 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class CalendarConverter method importCalendar.

 * Purges a schedule from entries and adds events (after conversion)
 * from the next 7 day span of a Google Calendar
 * @param address (String) valid address of calendar
 * @param channel (MessageChannel) channel to sync with
 * @param service connected calendar service with user credentials
public void importCalendar(String address, TextChannel channel, Calendar service) {
    // sanity checks
    if (channel == null || address == null)
    if (!Main.getScheduleManager().isASchedule(channel.getId()))
    // query the google calendar address for the list of events
    Events events;
    try {
        ZonedDateTime min =;
        ZonedDateTime max = min.plusDays(Main.getScheduleManager().getSyncLength(channel.getId()));
        events = DateTime(min.format(EventRecurrence.RFC3339_FORMATTER))).setTimeMax(new DateTime(max.format(EventRecurrence.RFC3339_FORMATTER))).setOrderBy("startTime").setSingleEvents(true).setMaxResults(Main.getBotSettingsManager().getMaxEntries()).execute();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
    try // convert the list of Google Events into discord event entries
        // send 'is typing' while the sync is in progress
        /* lock the schedule for syncing; schedule is unlocked in finally block */
        // change the zone to match the calendar
        // only if the zone has not been manually set for that schedule
        ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of(events.getTimeZone());
        Boolean syncZone = Main.getDBDriver().getScheduleCollection().find(eq("_id", channel.getId())).first().getBoolean("timezone_sync", false);
        if (syncZone) {
            Main.getScheduleManager().setTimeZone(channel.getId(), zone);
        // a set of all unique (not child of a recurring event) events
        HashSet<String> uniqueEvents = new HashSet<>();
        // process events
        for (Event event : events.getItems()) {
            // continue to send 'is typing'
            // if the unique google event ID does not appear in the already processed events
            // convert the event and add it to the schedule
            String recurrenceId = event.getRecurringEventId();
            String googleId = recurrenceId == null ? event.getId() : recurrenceId;
            if (!uniqueEvents.contains(googleId)) {
                // declare and initialize event parameters
                ZonedDateTime start, end;
                String title;
                ArrayList<String> comments = new ArrayList<>();
                int repeat = 0;
                ZonedDateTime expire = null;
                String imageUrl = null;
                String thumbnailUrl = null;
                ZonedDateTime rsvpDeadline = null;
                String titleUrl = null;
                Map<String, Integer> rsvpLimits = new HashMap<>();
                if (event.getStart().getDateTime() == null) {
                    /* parse start and end dates for all day events */
                    start = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.parse(event.getStart().getDate().toStringRfc3339()), LocalTime.MIN, zone);
                    end = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.parse(event.getEnd().getDate().toStringRfc3339()), LocalTime.MIN, zone);
                } else {
                    /* parse start and end times for normal events */
                    start = ZonedDateTime.parse(event.getStart().getDateTime().toStringRfc3339(), EventRecurrence.RFC3339_FORMATTER).withZoneSameInstant(zone);
                    end = ZonedDateTime.parse(event.getEnd().getDateTime().toStringRfc3339(), EventRecurrence.RFC3339_FORMATTER).withZoneSameInstant(zone);
                // get event title
                if (event.getSummary() == null)
                    title = "(No title)";
                    title = event.getSummary();
                // process event description into event comments or other settings
                if (event.getDescription() != null) {
                    // process the description line by line
                    String description = HTMLStripper.cleanDescription(event.getDescription().replace("\n", "<br>"));
                    for (String comment : description.split("\n")) {
                        comment = comment.trim();
                        String lowerCase = comment.toLowerCase();
                        // image
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("image:")) {
                            // split to limit:
                            String[] tmp = comment.split(":", 2);
                            if (tmp.length > 1) {
                                imageUrl = tmp[1].trim().replaceAll(" ", "");
                                if (!VerifyUtilities.verifyUrl(imageUrl))
                                    imageUrl = null;
                        } else // thumbnail
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("thumbnail:")) {
                            String[] tmp = comment.split(":", 2);
                            if (tmp.length > 1) {
                                thumbnailUrl = tmp[1].trim().trim().replaceAll(" ", "");
                                if (!VerifyUtilities.verifyUrl(thumbnailUrl))
                                    thumbnailUrl = null;
                        } else // limit
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("limit:")) {
                            // split to limit:
                            String[] tmp = comment.split(":", 2);
                            if (tmp.length > 1) {
                                // split into white space separated segments
                                String[] str = tmp[1].trim().split("[^\\S\n\r]+");
                                if (str.length >= 2) {
                                    // rebuild the rsvp group name
                                    StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
                                        if (i != str.length - 2)
                                            name.append(" ");
                                    // parse the limit
                                    Integer limit = -1;
                                    if (VerifyUtilities.verifyInteger(str[str.length - 1]))
                                        limit = Integer.parseInt(str[str.length - 1]);
                                    rsvpLimits.put(name.toString(), limit);
                        } else // title url
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("url:")) {
                            String[] tmp = comment.split(":", 2);
                            if (tmp.length > 1 && VerifyUtilities.verifyUrl(tmp[1].trim().replaceAll(" ", "")))
                                titleUrl = tmp[1].trim().replaceAll(" ", "");
                        } else // deadline
                        if (lowerCase.startsWith("deadline:")) {
                            String tmp = lowerCase.replace("deadline:", "").trim().replaceAll(" ", "");
                            if (VerifyUtilities.verifyDate(tmp))
                                rsvpDeadline = ParsingUtilities.parseDate(tmp, zone);
                        } else // plaintext comment
                        if (!comment.trim().isEmpty()) {
                // get the event recurrence information
                List<String> recurrence = event.getRecurrence();
                if (recurrenceId != null)
                    recurrence =, recurrenceId).execute().getRecurrence();
                // parse the event recurrence information
                if (recurrence != null) {
                    // determine the start date
                    ZonedDateTime dtStart = // if orig is null, use start
                    event.getOriginalStartTime() == null ? // if orig is null, use start
                    start : (event.getOriginalStartTime().getDateTime() == null ? start : ZonedDateTime.parse(event.getOriginalStartTime().getDateTime().toStringRfc3339(), EventRecurrence.RFC3339_FORMATTER).withZoneSameInstant(zone));
                    EventRecurrence eventRecurrence = new EventRecurrence(recurrence, dtStart);
                    expire = eventRecurrence.getExpire();
                    repeat = eventRecurrence.getRepeat();
                // if the google event already exists as a saber event on the schedule, update it
                // otherwise add as a new saber event
                Document doc = Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().find(and(eq("channelId", channel.getId()), eq("googleId", googleId))).first();
                // should the event be flagged as already started?
                boolean hasStarted = start.isBefore(;
                if (doc != null && (new ScheduleEntry(doc)).getMessageObject() != null) {
                    /* update an existing event */
                    ScheduleEntry se = (new ScheduleEntry(doc)).setTitle(title).setStart(start).setEnd(end).setRepeat(repeat).setGoogleId(googleId).setExpire(expire).setStarted(hasStarted).setComments(comments).setLocation(event.getLocation());
                    // set special attributes if not null
                    if (titleUrl != null)
                    if (imageUrl != null)
                    if (thumbnailUrl != null)
                    if (rsvpDeadline != null)
                    if (rsvpLimits.keySet().size() > 0)
                    // update event reminders using schedule default settings
                    Main.getEntryManager().updateEntry(se, false);
                } else {
                    /* create a new event */
                    ScheduleEntry se = (new ScheduleEntry(channel, title, start, end)).setTitleUrl(titleUrl != null ? titleUrl : event.getHtmlLink()).setRepeat(repeat).setGoogleId(googleId).setExpire(expire).setStarted(hasStarted).setComments(comments).setLocation(event.getLocation());
                    // set special attributes if not null
                    if (imageUrl != null)
                    if (thumbnailUrl != null)
                    if (rsvpDeadline != null)
                    if (rsvpLimits.keySet().size() > 0)
                    Main.getEntryManager().newEntry(se, false);
                // add to google ID to unique event mapping
                uniqueEvents.add(recurrenceId == null ? event.getId() : recurrenceId);
        // purge channel of all entries on schedule that aren't in uniqueEvents
        Bson query = and(eq("channelId", channel.getId()), nin("googleId", uniqueEvents));
        Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().find(query).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> {
            ScheduleEntry entry = Main.getEntryManager().getEntry((Integer) document.get("_id"));
            Message msg = entry.getMessageObject();
            if (msg == null)
            Main.getEntryManager().removeEntry((Integer) document.get("_id"));
            MessageUtilities.deleteMsg(msg, null);
        // set channel topic
        JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().getJDA(channel.getGuild().getId());
        String calLink = "" + address;
        boolean hasPerms = channel.getGuild().getMember(jda.getSelfUser()).hasPermission(channel, Permission.MANAGE_CHANNEL);
        if (hasPerms)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
    } finally {
        // syncing done, unlock the channel
    // auto-sort
    EntryManager.autoSort(true, channel.getId());
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) java.util(java.util) TextChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel) EventRecurrence(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.EventRecurrence) Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) Filters(com.mongodb.client.model.Filters) DateTime( java.time(java.time) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Calendar( VerifyUtilities(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.VerifyUtilities) Logging(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.Logging) IOException( ScheduleEntry(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.ScheduleEntry) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) DateTimeFormatter(java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter) EntryManager(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.EntryManager) MessageUtilities(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.MessageUtilities) Main(ws.nmathe.saber.Main) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) ParsingUtilities(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.ParsingUtilities) Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Document(org.bson.Document) DateTime( Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) EventRecurrence(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.EventRecurrence) ScheduleEntry(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.ScheduleEntry) IOException(

Example 15 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class ScheduleManager method sortSchedule.

 * Reorders the schedule so that entries are displayed by start datetime ascending order in
 * the discord schedule channel
 * @param cId schedule ID
 * @param reverseOrder (boolean) whether or not to reverse the sort order
public void sortSchedule(String cId, boolean reverseOrder) {
    if (this.getScheduleSize(cId) > 15)
    if (this.isLocked(cId))
    // lock the channel
    // always unlock the schedule at finish regardless of success or failure
    try {
        // identify which shard is responsible for the schedule
        Document doc = Main.getDBDriver().getScheduleCollection().find(eq("_id", cId)).projection(fields(include("guildId"))).first();
        JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().getJDA(doc.getString("guildId"));
        // find the message channel and send the 'is typing' while processing
        MessageChannel chan = jda.getTextChannelById(cId);
        int sortOrder = 1;
        if (reverseOrder)
            sortOrder = -1;
        LinkedList<ScheduleEntry> unsortedEntries = new LinkedList<>();
        Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().find(eq("channelId", cId)).sort(new Document("start", sortOrder)).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> unsortedEntries.add(new ScheduleEntry(document)));
        // selection sort the entries by timestamp
        while (!unsortedEntries.isEmpty()) {
            // continue to send 'is typing'
            ScheduleEntry top = unsortedEntries.pop();
            ScheduleEntry min = top;
            for (ScheduleEntry cur : unsortedEntries) {
                Message minMsg = min.getMessageObject();
                Message topMsg = cur.getMessageObject();
                if (minMsg != null && topMsg != null) {
                    OffsetDateTime a = minMsg.getCreationTime();
                    OffsetDateTime b = topMsg.getCreationTime();
                    if (a.isAfter(b)) {
                        min = cur;
            // swap messages and update db
            if (!(min == top)) {
                Message tmp = top.getMessageObject();
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().updateOne(eq("_id", top.getId()), new Document("$set", new Document("messageId", min.getMessageObject().getId())));
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().updateOne(eq("_id", min.getId()), new Document("$set", new Document("messageId", tmp.getId())));
            // reload display
    } catch (PermissionException e) {
        String m = e.getMessage() + ": Channel ID " + cId;
        Logging.warn(this.getClass(), m);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
    } finally {
        // always unlock
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) java.util(java.util) TextChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel) Projections.fields(com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields) Logging(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.Logging) Updates.set(com.mongodb.client.model.Updates.set) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel) Collectors( Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) Executors(java.util.concurrent.Executors) Projections.include(com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include) TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) PermissionException(net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException) java.time(java.time) ChronoUnit(java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit) Stream( Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission) ScheduledExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Filters.eq(com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq) Main(ws.nmathe.saber.Main) PermissionException(net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException) Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Document(org.bson.Document) PermissionException(net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel)


JDA (net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)42 Guild (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild)10 TextChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel)9 Document (org.bson.Document)9 Permission (net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission)7 Main (ws.nmathe.saber.Main)7 Consumer (java.util.function.Consumer)6 Message (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message)6 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)5 Logging (ws.nmathe.saber.utils.Logging)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Collections (java.util.Collections)4 Date (java.util.Date)4 List (java.util.List)4 Collectors ( Member (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)4 Bson (org.bson.conversions.Bson)4 EmbedBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder)3 User (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User)3 PermissionException (net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException)3