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Example 36 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class ScheduleEntry method getMessageObject.

 * Attempts to retrieve the discord Message, if the message does not exist
 * (or the bot can for any other reason cannot retrieve it) the method returns null
 * @return (Message) if exists, otherwise null
public Message getMessageObject() {
    Message msg;
    try {
        JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().isSharding() ? Main.getShardManager().getShard(guildId) : Main.getShardManager().getJDA();
        msg = jda.getTextChannelById(this.chanId).getMessageById(this.msgId).complete();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        msg = null;
    return msg;
Also used : JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)

Example 37 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class EventListener method onGuildJoin.

public void onGuildJoin(GuildJoinEvent event) {
    // leave guild if guild is blacklisted
    if (Main.getBotSettingsManager().getBlackList().contains(event.getGuild().getId())) {
    // identify which shard is responsible for the guild
    String guildId = event.getGuild().getId();
    JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().isSharding() ? Main.getShardManager().getShard(guildId) : Main.getShardManager().getJDA();
    // send welcome message to the server owner
    String welcomeMessage = "```diff\n- Joined```\n" + "**" + jda.getSelfUser().getName() + "**, a calendar bot, has been added to the guild you own, '" + event.getGuild().getName() + "'." + "\n\n" + "If this is your first time using the bot, you will need to create a new channel in your guild named" + " **" + Main.getBotSettingsManager().getControlChan() + "** to control the bot.\n" + "The bot will not listen to commands in any other channel!" + "\n\n" + "If you have not yet reviewed the **Quickstart** guide (as seen on the listing), " + "it may be found here:";
    MessageUtilities.sendPrivateMsg(welcomeMessage, event.getGuild().getOwner().getUser(), null);
    // update web stats
    JDA.ShardInfo info = event.getJDA().getShardInfo();
    HttpUtilities.updateStats(info == null ? null : info.getShardId());
Also used : JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)

Example 38 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class Pruner method run.

public void run() {, "Running database pruner. . .");
    // purge guild setting entries for any guild not connected to the bot
    Bson query = new Document();
    Main.getDBDriver().getGuildCollection().find(query).projection(fields(include("_id"))).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> {
        try {
            String guildId = document.getString("_id");
            JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().getShard(guildId);
            if (jda == null)
            if (JDA.Status.valueOf("CONNECTED") != jda.getStatus())
            Guild guild = jda.getGuildById(guildId);
            if (guild == null) {
                Main.getDBDriver().getGuildCollection().deleteOne(eq("_id", guildId));
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteMany(eq("guildId", guildId));
                Main.getDBDriver().getScheduleCollection().deleteMany(eq("guildId", guildId));
      , "Pruned guild with ID: " + guildId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
    // purge schedule entries that the bot cannot connect to
    query = new Document();
    Main.getDBDriver().getScheduleCollection().find(query).projection(fields(include("_id", "guildId"))).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> {
        try {
            String guildId = document.getString("guildId");
            JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().getShard(guildId);
            if (jda == null)
            if (JDA.Status.valueOf("CONNECTED") != jda.getStatus())
            String chanId = document.getString("_id");
            MessageChannel channel = jda.getTextChannelById(chanId);
            if (channel == null) {
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteMany(eq("channeldId", chanId));
                Main.getDBDriver().getScheduleCollection().deleteMany(eq("_id", chanId));
      , "Pruned schedule with channel ID: " + chanId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
    // purge events for which the bot cannot access the message
    query = new Document();
    Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().find(query).projection(fields(include("_id", "messageId", "channelId", "guildId"))).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> {
        try {
            String guildId = document.getString("guildId");
            JDA jda = Main.getShardManager().getShard(guildId);
            if (jda == null)
            if (JDA.Status.valueOf("CONNECTED") != jda.getStatus())
            Integer eventId = document.getInteger("_id");
            String messageId = document.getString("messageId");
            if (messageId == null) {
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteOne(eq("_id", eventId));
      , "Pruned event with ID: " + eventId);
            String channelId = document.getString("channelId");
            MessageChannel channel = jda.getTextChannelById(channelId);
            if (channel == null) {
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteOne(eq("_id", eventId));
      , "Pruned event with ID: " + eventId);
            channel.getMessageById(messageId).queue(message -> {
                if (message == null) {
                    Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteOne(eq("_id", eventId));
          , "Pruned event with ID: " + eventId + " on channel with ID: " + channelId);
            }, throwable -> {
                Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().deleteOne(eq("_id", eventId));
      , "Pruned event with ID: " + eventId + " on channel with ID: " + channelId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logging.exception(this.getClass(), e);
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) Projections.fields(com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields) Logging(ws.nmathe.saber.utils.Logging) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel) Projections.include(com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Filters.and(com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.and) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Filters.eq(com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq) Main(ws.nmathe.saber.Main) Filters.where(com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.where) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Document(org.bson.Document) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson)

Example 39 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class ParsingUtilities method compileUserList.

 * generates a list of user IDs for a given RSVP category of an event
 * @param entry ScheduleEntry object
 * @param name name of RSVP category
 * @return List of Stings or null if category is invalid
private static List<String> compileUserList(ScheduleEntry entry, String name) {
    List<String> users = null;
    if (name.toLowerCase().equals("no-input")) {
        List<String> rsvped = new ArrayList<>();
        Set<String> keys = entry.getRsvpMembers().keySet();
        for (String key : keys) {
        JDA shard = Main.getShardManager().getJDA(entry.getGuildId());
        Guild guild = shard.getGuildById(entry.getGuildId());
        Channel channel = shard.getTextChannelById(entry.getChannelId());
        users = guild.getMembers().stream().filter(member -> member.getPermissions(channel).contains(Permission.MESSAGE_READ)).map(member -> member.getUser().getId()).filter(memberId -> !rsvped.contains(memberId)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    } else {
        List<String> members = entry.getRsvpMembers().get(name);
        if (members != null)
            users = entry.getRsvpMembersOfType(name);
    return users;
Also used : java.util(java.util) net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities) ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) StringUtils(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils) ScheduleEntry(ws.nmathe.saber.core.schedule.ScheduleEntry) Collectors( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ZoneId(java.time.ZoneId) ChronoUnit(java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission) LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) DateTimeFormatter(java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter) LocalTime(java.time.LocalTime) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Main(ws.nmathe.saber.Main) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)

Example 40 with JDA

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA in project Saber-Bot by notem.

the class VerifyUtilities method verifyEmoji.

 * verify that a supplied emoji string is a valid discord emoji
 * @param emoji emoji string (either raw emoji char or discord emoji ID)
 * @return true if valid
public static boolean verifyEmoji(String emoji) {
    if (!EmojiManager.isEmoji(emoji)) {
        String emoteId = emoji.replaceAll("[^\\d]", "");
        Emote emote = null;
        try {
            for (JDA jda : Main.getShardManager().getShards()) {
                emote = jda.getEmoteById(emoteId);
                if (emote != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        if (emote == null) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Emote(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Emote)


JDA (net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA)42 Guild (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild)10 TextChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel)9 Document (org.bson.Document)9 Permission (net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission)7 Main (ws.nmathe.saber.Main)7 Consumer (java.util.function.Consumer)6 Message (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message)6 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)5 Logging (ws.nmathe.saber.utils.Logging)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Collections (java.util.Collections)4 Date (java.util.Date)4 List (java.util.List)4 Collectors ( Member (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)4 Bson (org.bson.conversions.Bson)4 EmbedBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder)3 User (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User)3 PermissionException (net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException)3