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Example 16 with Member

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member in project GordoBot by Pedroleal19.

the class kick method execute.

public void execute(CommandEvent event) {
    if (event.getAuthor().isBot()) {
    Guild guild = event.getGuild();
    Member author = event.getMessage().getMember();
    String[] comd = event.getArgs().split(",");
    String EBR = "";
    String reason = "";
    EmbedBuilder EB = new EmbedBuilder();
    Member mentioned = null;
    if (!author.hasPermission(Permission.KICK_MEMBERS)) {
        event.reply(event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " você não tem permissão para expulsar ninguém");
    try {
        mentioned = event.getMessage().getMentionedMembers().get(0);
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        event.reply(event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " você não mencionou ninguém.\nUse: ``gordo expulsar @gordo#0865 , motivo(opcional)``");
    if (event.getAuthor() == mentioned.getUser() || event.getMessage().getMentionedMembers().get(0).getUser().isBot()) {
        EB.setAuthor("O usuario não foi expulso");
        EB.setDescription("Eu não vou expulsar bots ou a pessoa que invocou o comando.\n \nEntre em contato com um administrador do servidor :face_palm: ");
        EB.setFooter("Commando executado por: " + event.getAuthor().getName(), event.getAuthor().getAvatarUrl());
    if (!guild.getSelfMember().hasPermission(Permission.KICK_MEMBERS)) {
        event.reply("Eu não tenho acesso a expulsar membros do servidor, fale com o adiministrador para me dar um cargo com acesso a **expulsar membros** ativado");
    if (event.getMessage().getMentionedMembers().isEmpty()) {
        event.reply(author.getEffectiveName() + " Não encontrei esta pessoa, tem certeza que mencionou o nome corretamente?");
    try {
        reason = (event.getAuthor().getName() + " expulsou o usuario " + mentioned.getEffectiveName() + ", motivo: " + comd[1]);
        EBR = (comd[1]);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        reason = (event.getAuthor().getName() + " expulsou o usuario " + mentioned.getEffectiveName());
        EBR = "Sem motivo";
    try {
        System.out.println("Kick event in:" + event.getGuild().getName() + " , Channel: " + event.getTextChannel().getName() + " , BY: " + event.getAuthor().getName() + " , id: " + event.getAuthor().getId() + " , Banned user: " + mentioned.getEffectiveName());
        EB.setAuthor("O usuario foi expulso");
        EB.setTitle(":white_check_mark:" + mentioned.getEffectiveName());
        EB.setFooter("Commando executado por: " + event.getAuthor().getName(), event.getAuthor().getAvatarUrl());
        EB.addField("Id:", mentioned.getUser().getId(), false);
        EB.addField("Motivo", EBR, false);
        guild.getController().kick(mentioned, (event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + reason)).queue();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        EB.setAuthor("O usuario não foi expulso");
        EB.setDescription("um error inesperado aconteceu, contate o criador do bot");
        EB.setFooter("Commando executado por: " + event.getAuthor().getName(), event.getAuthor().getAvatarUrl());
Also used : EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)

Example 17 with Member

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member in project GordoBot by Pedroleal19.

the class ban method execute.

public void execute(CommandEvent event) {
    Guild guild = event.getGuild();
    Member author = event.getMessage().getMember();
    List<Member> mentioned = event.getMessage().getMentionedMembers();
    String[] comd = event.getArgs().split(",");
    String reason = "";
    String banned = comd[0];
    if (!author.hasPermission(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) {
        event.reply("você não tem permissão para banir ninguém, contate o adiministrador do servidor");
    if (event.getMessage().getMentionedMembers().isEmpty()) {
        event.reply(author.getEffectiveName() + " Não encontrei essa pessoa, tem certeza que mencionou o nome corretamente?");
    if (guild == null) {
        event.reply("Posso ser gordo porem não sou burro, você precisa executar esse comando no servidor");
    try {
        reason = comd[1];
    } catch (Exception e) {
        event.reply(event.getAuthor().getAsMention() + " você não colocou um motivo, banimento será realizado sem descrição");
        reason = (event.getAuthor() + " realizou o banimento sem colocar o motivo");
    try {
        event.reply(author.getAsMention() + "** baniu o usuario: **" + mentioned.get(0).getAsMention() + " :white_check_mark:");
        guild.getController().ban(mentioned.get(0), 7, (event.getAuthor().getName() + reason)).queue();
        System.out.println("Ban event in:" + event.getTextChannel().getName() + " , BY: " + event.getAuthor().getName() + " id: " + event.getAuthor().getId() + " , Banned user: " + banned);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        event.reply("um erro aconteceu");
Also used : Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)

Example 18 with Member

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member in project SkyBot by duncte123.

the class Command method isPatron.

 * This checks if the user is a patrons if ours
 * It checks if the user has the patreon role on our support guild
 * @param u  The user to check
 * @param tc the channel to send the message to, if the text channel is null it wont send a message
 * @return true if the user is a patron
protected boolean isPatron(User u, TextChannel tc) {
    // noinspection deprecation
    if (Arrays.asList(Settings.wbkxwkZPaG4ni5lm8laY).contains(u.getId())) {
        return true;
    Guild supportGuild = u.getJDA().asBot().getShardManager().getGuildById("191245668617158656");
    if (supportGuild == null) {
        return false;
    Member m = supportGuild.getMember(u);
    if (m == null) {
        MessageUtils.sendEmbed(tc, EmbedUtils.embedMessage("This command is a premium command and is locked for you because you are " + "not one of our patrons.\n" + "To become a patron and have access to this command please [click this link](\n" + "You will also need to join our support guild [here]("));
        return false;
    } else {
        if (!m.getRoles().contains(supportGuild.getRoleById("402497345721466892"))) {
            MessageUtils.sendEmbed(tc, EmbedUtils.embedMessage("This command is a premium command and is locked for you because you are " + "not one of our patrons.\n" + "To become a patron and have access to this command please [click this link]("));
            return false;
        return true;
Also used : Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)

Example 19 with Member

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member in project SkyBot by duncte123.

the class WolframAlphaCommand method generateEmbed.

 * Generates an embed for the {@link WAQueryResult result of a computation}
 * @param event  The event
 * @param result The result generated
 * @return An {@link MessageEmbed embed} representing this {@link WAQueryResult result}
private MessageEmbed generateEmbed(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event, WAQueryResult result) {
    Member m = event.getMember();
    EmbedBuilder eb = EmbedUtils.defaultEmbed();
    eb.setAuthor(m.getUser().getName(), null, m.getUser().getAvatarUrl());
    eb.setTitle("**Input:** " + a(result.getQuery().getInput()), a(result.getQuery().toWebsiteURL()));
    for (WAPod pod : result.getPods()) {
        String name = a(pod.getTitle());
        StringBuilder embeds = new StringBuilder();
        // Loop over the subpods
        for (WASubpod sp : pod.getSubpods()) {
            // yet another stringbuilder
            StringBuilder e = new StringBuilder();
            // append the title
            // loop over the contents
            for (Visitable v : sp.getContents()) {
                String d = "";
                if (v instanceof WAImage) {
                    WAImage i = (WAImage) v;
                    d += "[" + a(i.getTitle()) + "](" + WebUtils.ins.shortenUrl(i.getURL()).execute() + ")";
                } else if (v instanceof WAInfo) {
                    WAInfo i = (WAInfo) v;
                    d += a(i.getText());
                // Ramid when?
                // TODO: Display more...
                } else if (v instanceof WALink) {
                    WALink l = (WALink) v;
                    d += "[" + a(l.getText()) + "](" + WebUtils.ins.shortenUrl(l.getURL()).execute() + ")";
                } else if (v instanceof WAPlainText) {
                    WAPlainText pt = (WAPlainText) v;
                    d += a(pt.getText());
                } else if (v instanceof WASound) {
                    WASound sound = (WASound) v;
                    d += WebUtils.ins.shortenUrl(sound.getURL()).execute();
        eb.addField(name, a(embeds.toString().trim()), false);
Also used : EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) Visitable(com.wolfram.alpha.visitor.Visitable) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)

Example 20 with Member

use of net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member in project SkyBot by duncte123.

the class FakeTest method medium.

 * Test medium
 * Mock Lists, don't share objects
public void medium() {
    Member member = new FakeInterface<>(Member.class).create();
    JDA jda = member.getJDA();
    assertNotEquals(jda, member.getJDA());
    assertNotEquals(jda.getGuildById(member.getGuild().getId()), member.getGuild());
    assertEquals(jda.getGuilds(), new ArrayList<>());
Also used : JDA(net.dv8tion.jda.core.JDA) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member) Test(org.junit.Test)


Member (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Member)69 Message (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message)23 Guild (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild)22 EmbedBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder)19 User (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User)19 TextChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel)18 MessageBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.core.MessageBuilder)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 List (java.util.List)10 GuildWrapper (stream.flarebot.flarebot.objects.GuildWrapper)10 Permission (net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission)9 MessageUtils (stream.flarebot.flarebot.util.MessageUtils)9 Role (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Role)8 CommandType (stream.flarebot.flarebot.commands.CommandType)8 Collectors ( FlareBot (stream.flarebot.flarebot.FlareBot)6 Permission (stream.flarebot.flarebot.permissions.Permission)6 Track (com.arsenarsen.lavaplayerbridge.player.Track)5 GuildPlayer ( AudioTrackContext (