use of stream.flarebot.flarebot.FlareBot in project FlareBot by FlareBot.
the class DebugCommand method onCommand.
public void onCommand(User sender, GuildWrapper guild, TextChannel channel, Message message, String[] args, Member member) {
if (args.length < 1) {
MessageUtils.sendUsage(this, channel, sender, args);
FlareBot fb = FlareBot.instance();
EmbedBuilder eb = MessageUtils.getEmbed();
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("flarebot") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("bot")) {
eb.setTitle("Bot Debug").setDescription(String.format("Debug for FlareBot v" + FlareBot.getVersion() + "\nUptime: %s" + "\nMemory Usage: %s" + "\nMemory Free: %s" + "\nVideo Threads: %d" + "\nCommand Threads: %d" + "\nTotal Threads: %d" + "\n\nGuilds: %d" + "\nLoaded Guilds: %d" + "\nVoice Channels: %d" + "\nActive Voice Channels: %d" + "\nCommands Executed: %d" + "\nQueued RestActions: %s", fb.getUptime(), getMB(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()), getMB(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()), VideoThread.VIDEO_THREADS.activeCount(), Events.COMMAND_THREADS.activeCount(), Thread.getAllStackTraces().size(), fb.getShardManager().getGuildCache().size(), FlareBotManager.instance().getGuilds().size(), Getters.getConnectedVoiceChannels(), Getters.getActiveVoiceChannels(), fb.getEvents().getCommandCount(), getQueuedRestActions()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (DataInterceptor interceptor : DataInterceptor.getInterceptors()) sb.append(WordUtils.capitalize(interceptor.getSender().getName())).append(" - ").append(interceptor.getRequests()).append(" requests").append("\n");
eb.addField("HTTP Requests", sb.toString(), false);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("threads")) {
eb.setTitle("Thread Debug").setDescription(String.format("Video Threads: %d" + "\nCommand Threads: %d" + "\nTotal Threads: %d" + "\nThread list: %s", VideoThread.VIDEO_THREADS.activeCount(), Events.COMMAND_THREADS.activeCount(), Thread.getAllStackTraces().size(), MessageUtils.paste(Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().stream().map(th -> th.getName() + " - " + th.getState() + " (" + th.getThreadGroup().getName() + ")").collect(Collectors.joining("\n")))));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("server") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("guild")) {
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("player") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("music")) {
GuildWrapper wrapper = guild;
if (args.length == 2)
wrapper = FlareBotManager.instance().getGuild(args[1]);
if (wrapper == null) {
channel.sendMessage("I can't find that guild!").queue();
Player player = FlareBot.instance().getMusicManager().getPlayer(wrapper.getGuildId());
VoiceChannel vc = (wrapper.getGuild().getSelfMember().getVoiceState() != null && wrapper.getGuild().getSelfMember().getVoiceState().getChannel() != null ? wrapper.getGuild().getSelfMember().getVoiceState().getChannel() : null);
String lastActive = "Not tracked.";
if (VoiceChannelCleanup.VC_LAST_USED.containsKey(vc != null ? vc.getIdLong() : guild.getGuildIdLong())) {
long ms = VoiceChannelCleanup.VC_LAST_USED.get(vc != null ? vc.getIdLong() : guild.getGuildIdLong());
lastActive = String.valueOf(ms) + " (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + "ms ago)";
boolean isPlaying = player.getPlayingTrack() != null;
Track track = player.getPlayingTrack();
eb.setTitle("Bot Debug").setDescription(String.format("Player Debug for `" + wrapper.getGuildId() + "`" + "\nCurrent Track: %s" + "\nCurrent Position: %s" + "\nIs Paused: %b" + "\nPlaylist Length: %s" + "\nIs Looping: %b" + "\nVoice Channel: %s" + "\nLast Active: %s", (isPlaying ? track.getTrack().getIdentifier() : "No current track"), (isPlaying ? track.getTrack().getPosition() + "/" + track.getTrack().getDuration() : "N/A"), player.getPaused(), player.getPlaylist().size(), player.getLooping(), (vc == null ? "null" : vc.toString()), lastActive));
} else {
channel.sendMessage("Invalid debug option").queue();
use of stream.flarebot.flarebot.FlareBot in project FlareBot by FlareBot.
the class ModlogHandler method handleAction.
* Handle a ModAction, this will do a bunch of checks and if they pass it will handle said action. For example if
* you want to ban someone it will do checks like if you can ban that user, ig they're the owner, if you're trying
* to ban yourself etc. After those pass it will then do the actual banning, post to the modlog and handle any tmp
* stuff if needed.<br />
* See also {@link #handleAction(GuildWrapper, TextChannel, User, User, ModAction, String)}
* @param wrapper The GuildWrapper of the guild this is being done in.
* @param channel The channel this was executed, this is used for failire messages in the checks.
* @param sender The person who sent that said action, the user responsible.
* @param target The target user to have the action taken against.
* @param modAction The ModAction to be performed.
* @param reason The reason this was done, if this is null it will default to "No Reason Given".
* @param duration The duration of said action, this only applies to temp actions, -1 should be passed otherwise.
public void handleAction(GuildWrapper wrapper, TextChannel channel, User sender, User target, ModAction modAction, String reason, long duration) {
String rsn = (reason == null ? "No reason given!" : "(`" + reason.replaceAll("`", "'") + "`)");
Member member = null;
if (target != null) {
member = wrapper.getGuild().getMember(target);
if (channel == null)
if (member == null && modAction != ModAction.FORCE_BAN && modAction != ModAction.UNBAN) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage("That user isn't in this server!" + (modAction == ModAction.KICK ? " You can forceban with `{%}forceban <id>` to keep them from coming back." : ""), channel);
// Make sure the target user isn't the guild owner
if (member != null && member.isOwner()) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage(String.format("Cannot %s **%s** because they're the guild owner!", modAction.getLowercaseName(), MessageUtils.getTag(target)), channel);
// Make sure the target user isn't themselves
if (target != null && sender != null && target.getIdLong() == sender.getIdLong()) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage(String.format("You cannot %s yourself you daft person!", modAction.getLowercaseName()), channel);
if (target != null && target.getIdLong() == FlareBot.instance().getClient().getSelfUser().getIdLong()) {
if (modAction == ModAction.UNBAN || modAction == ModAction.UNMUTE)
MessageUtils.sendWarningMessage("W-why would you want to do that in the first place. Meanie :(", channel);
MessageUtils.sendWarningMessage(String.format("T-that's meannnnnnn :( I can't %s myself and I hope you don't want to either :(", modAction.getLowercaseName()), channel);
// Check if the person is below the target in role hierarchy
if (member != null && sender != null && !canInteract(wrapper.getGuild().getMember(sender), member, wrapper)) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage(String.format("You cannot %s a user who is higher than you in the role hierarchy!", modAction.getLowercaseName()), channel);
// not just kick, ban etc.
if (member != null && !wrapper.getGuild().getSelfMember().canInteract(member)) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage(String.format("Cannot " + modAction.getLowercaseName() + " %s! " + "Their highest role is higher than my highest role or they're the guild owner.", MessageUtils.getTag(target)), channel);
try {
// BAN
switch(modAction) {
case BAN:
channel.getGuild().getController().ban(target, 7, reason).queue(aVoid -> channel.sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder().setColor(Color.GREEN).setDescription("The ban hammer has been struck on " + target.getName() + " <:banhammer:368861419602575364>\nReason: " + rsn).setImage(channel.getGuild().getIdLong() == Constants.OFFICIAL_GUILD ? "" : null).build()).queue());
channel.getGuild().getController().ban(target.getId(), 7, reason).queue(aVoid -> channel.sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder().setColor(Color.GREEN).setDescription("The ban hammer has been forcefully struck on " + target.getName() + " <:banhammer:368861419602575364>\nReason: " + rsn).setImage(channel.getGuild().getIdLong() == Constants.OFFICIAL_GUILD ? "" : null).build()).queue());
case TEMP_BAN:
Period period = new Period(duration);
channel.getGuild().getController().ban(channel.getGuild().getMember(target), 7, reason).queue(aVoid -> {
channel.sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("The ban hammer has been struck on " + target.getName() + " for " + FormatUtils.formatJodaTime(period) + "\nReason: " + rsn).setImage(channel.getGuild().getIdLong() == Constants.OFFICIAL_GUILD ? "" : null).setColor(Color.WHITE).build()).queue();
Scheduler.queueFutureAction(channel.getGuild().getIdLong(), channel.getIdLong(), sender.getIdLong(), target.getIdLong(), reason, period, FutureAction.Action.TEMP_BAN);
case UNBAN:
MessageUtils.sendSuccessMessage("Unbanned " + target.getAsMention() + "!", channel, sender);
case MUTE:
try {
wrapper.getModeration().muteUser(wrapper, wrapper.getGuild().getMember(target));
} catch (HierarchyException e) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage("Cannot apply the mute role, make sure it is below FlareBot in the " + "role hierarchy.", channel);
MessageUtils.sendSuccessMessage("Muted " + target.getAsMention() + "\nReason: " + rsn, channel, sender);
try {
wrapper.getModeration().muteUser(wrapper, wrapper.getGuild().getMember(target));
} catch (HierarchyException e) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage("Cannot apply the mute role, make sure it is below FlareBot in the " + "role hierarchy.", channel);
Period period = new Period(duration);
Scheduler.queueFutureAction(channel.getGuild().getIdLong(), channel.getIdLong(), sender.getIdLong(), target.getIdLong(), reason, period, FutureAction.Action.TEMP_MUTE);
MessageUtils.sendSuccessMessage("Temporarily Muted " + target.getAsMention() + " for " + FormatUtils.formatJodaTime(period) + "\nReason: " + rsn, channel, sender);
case UNMUTE:
if (wrapper.getMutedRole() != null && wrapper.getGuild().getMember(target).getRoles().contains(wrapper.getMutedRole())) {
wrapper.getModeration().unmuteUser(wrapper, member);
MessageUtils.sendSuccessMessage("Unmuted " + target.getAsMention(), channel, sender);
} else {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage("That user isn't muted!!", channel);
// KICK and WARN
case KICK:
channel.getGuild().getController().kick(member, reason).queue(aVoid -> MessageUtils.sendSuccessMessage(target.getName() + " has been kicked from the server!\nReason: " + rsn, channel, sender));
case WARN:
wrapper.addWarning(target, (reason != null ? reason : "No reason provided - action done by " + sender.getName()));
EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();
eb.appendDescription("\u26A0 Warned " + MessageUtils.getTag(target) + "\nReason: " + rsn).setColor(Color.WHITE);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("An illegal ModAction was attempted to be handled - " + modAction.toString());
} catch (PermissionException e) {
MessageUtils.sendErrorMessage(String.format("Cannot " + modAction.getLowercaseName() + " %s! " + "I do not have the `" + e.getPermission().getName() + "` permission!", MessageUtils.getTag(target)), channel);
// TODO: Infraction
postToModlog(wrapper, modAction.getEvent(), target, sender, rsn);