use of in project Saber-Bot by notem.
the class ShardsCommand method action.
public void action(String prefix, String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) {
Consumer<String> sendMsg = (msg) -> {
if (event.isFromType(ChannelType.PRIVATE)) {
MessageUtilities.sendPrivateMsg(msg, event.getAuthor(), null);
} else {
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(msg, event.getTextChannel(), null);
String msg = "I am not sharded!";
if (Main.getShardManager().isSharding()) {
if (args.length > 0) {
switch(args[0]) {
case "restart":
Integer shardId = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
msg = "```javascript\n" + "\"Total Shards\" (" + Main.getBotSettingsManager().getShardTotal() + ")\n";
for (JDA shard : Main.getShardManager().getShards()) {
JDA.ShardInfo info = shard.getShardInfo();
msg += "\n[Shard-" + info.getShardId() + "]\n" + " Status: \"" + shard.getStatus().toString() + "\"\n" + " Ping: \"" + shard.getPing() + "\"\n" + " Guilds: \"" + shard.getGuilds().size() + "\"\n" + " Users: \"" + shard.getUsers().size() + "\"\n" + "ResponseTotal: \"" + shard.getResponseTotal() + "\"\n";
if (msg.length() > 1900) {
msg += "```";
msg = "```javascript\n";
msg += "```";
use of in project Saber-Bot by notem.
the class ListCommand method action.
public void action(String prefix, String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) {
int index = 0;
Integer entryId = ParsingUtilities.encodeIDToInt(args[index++]);
ScheduleEntry se = Main.getEntryManager().getEntryFromGuild(entryId, event.getGuild().getId());
String titleUrl = se.getTitleUrl() == null ? "" : se.getTitleUrl();
String title = se.getTitle() + " [" + ParsingUtilities.intToEncodedID(entryId) + "]";
String content = "";
List<String> userFilters = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> roleFilters = new ArrayList<>();
boolean filterByType = false;
Set<String> typeFilters = new HashSet<>();
boolean mobileFlag = false;
boolean IdFlag = false;
for (; index < args.length; index++) {
if (args[index].equalsIgnoreCase("mobile") || args[index].equalsIgnoreCase("m")) {
mobileFlag = true;
if (args[index].equalsIgnoreCase("id") || args[index].equalsIgnoreCase("i")) {
IdFlag = true;
String filterType = args[index].split(":")[0].toLowerCase().trim();
String filterValue = args[index].split(":")[1].trim();
switch(filterType.toLowerCase()) {
case "r":
case "role":
roleFilters.add(filterValue.replace("<@&", "").replace(">", ""));
case "u":
case "user":
userFilters.add(filterValue.replace("<@", "").replace(">", ""));
case "t":
case "type":
filterByType = true;
// maximum number of characters before creating a new message
int lengthCap = 1900;
// maximum number of lines until new message, in mobile mode
int mobileLineCap = 25;
Set<String> uniqueMembers = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, String> options = Main.getScheduleManager().getRSVPOptions(se.getChannelId());
for (String type : options.values()) {
if (!filterByType || typeFilters.contains(type)) {
content += "**\"" + type + "\"\n======================**\n";
List<String> members = se.getRsvpMembersOfType(type);
for (String id : members) {
// if the message is nearing maximum length, or if in mobile mode and the max lines have been reached
if (content.length() > lengthCap || (mobileFlag && StringUtils.countMatches(content, "\n") > mobileLineCap)) {
// build and send the embedded message object
Message message = (new MessageBuilder()).setEmbed((new EmbedBuilder()).setDescription(content).setTitle(title, titleUrl).build()).build();
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(message, event.getChannel(), null);
// clear the content sting
content = "*continued. . .* \n";
if (id.matches("\\d+")) {
// cases in which the id is most likely a valid discord user's ID
Member member = event.getGuild().getMemberById(id);
if (// if the user is still a member of the guild, add to the list
member != null) {
content += this.getNameDisplay(mobileFlag, IdFlag, member);
} else // otherwise, remove the member from the event and update
Main.getEntryManager().updateEntry(se, false);
} else {
// handles cases in which a non-discord user was added by an admin
content += "*" + id + "*\n";
content += "\n";
if (!filterByType || typeFilters.contains("no-input")) {
// generate a list of all members of the guild who pass the filter and map to their ID
List<String> noInput = event.getGuild().getMembers().stream().filter(member -> checkMember(member, userFilters, roleFilters)).map(member -> member.getUser().getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (String type : options.values()) {
content += "**No input\n======================\n**";
if (!filterByType & noInput.size() > 10) {
content += " Too many users to show: " + noInput.size() + " users with no rsvp\n";
} else
for (String id : noInput) {
if (content.length() > lengthCap || (mobileFlag && StringUtils.countMatches(content, "\n") > mobileLineCap)) {
// build and send the embedded message object
Message message = (new MessageBuilder()).setEmbed((new EmbedBuilder()).setDescription(content).setTitle(title, titleUrl).build()).build();
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(message, event.getChannel(), null);
// clear the content sting
content = "*continued. . .* \n";
Member member = event.getGuild().getMemberById(id);
content += this.getNameDisplay(mobileFlag, IdFlag, member);
String footer = uniqueMembers.size() + " unique member(s) appear in this search";
// build and send the embedded message object
Message message = (new MessageBuilder()).setEmbed((new EmbedBuilder()).setDescription(content).setTitle(title, titleUrl).setFooter(footer, null).build()).build();
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(message, event.getChannel(), null);
use of in project Saber-Bot by notem.
the class InitCommand method action.
public void action(String prefix, String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) {
String body;
if (args.length > 0) {
boolean isAChannel = false;
TextChannel chan = null;
String chanId = null;
try {
chanId = args[0].replaceAll("[^\\d]", "");
chan = event.getGuild().getTextChannelById(chanId);
if (chan != null)
isAChannel = true;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
if (// use the argument as the new channel's name
!isAChannel) {
String chanTitle = args[0].replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_ \\-]", "").replaceAll("[ ]", "_");
Main.getScheduleManager().createSchedule(event.getGuild().getId(), chanTitle);
body = "A new schedule channel named **" + chanTitle.toLowerCase() + "** has been created!\n" + "You can now use the create command to create events on that schedule, or the sync command to sync " + "that schedule to a Google Calendar.";
} else // convert the channel to a schedule
if (Main.getScheduleManager().isASchedule(chan.getId())) {
// clear the channel of events
TextChannel finalChan = chan;
Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().find(eq("channelId", chan.getId())).forEach((Consumer<? super Document>) document -> {
String msgId = document.getString("messageId");
body = "The schedule <#" + chanId + "> has been cleared!";
} else {
// create a new schedule
body = "The channel <#" + chanId + "> has been converted to a schedule channel!\n" + "You can now use the create command to create events on that schedule, or the sync " + "command to sync that schedule to a Google Calendar.";
} else // create a new schedule using the default name
Main.getScheduleManager().createSchedule(event.getGuild().getId(), null);
body = "A new schedule channel named **new_schedule** has been created!\n" + "You can now use the create command to create events on that schedule, or the sync command" + " to sync that schedule to a Google Calendar.";
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(body, event.getChannel(), null);
use of in project Saber-Bot by notem.
the class PurgeCommand method action.
public void action(String prefix, String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) {
TextChannel channel = event.getGuild().getJDA().getTextChannelById(args[0].replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""));
// number of messages to remove
Integer[] count = { 100 };
// ID of bot to check messages against
String botId = event.getJDA().getSelfUser().getId();
processing.put(event.getGuild().getId(), channel.getId());
channel.getIterableHistory().stream().filter(message -> message.getAuthor().getId().equals(botId) && (count[0]-- > 0)).forEach((message -> {
// sleep for half a second before continuing
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
Bson query = eq("messageId", message.getId());
if (Main.getDBDriver().getEventCollection().count(query) == 0) {
processing.remove(event.getGuild().getId(), channel.getId());
// send success message
String content = "Finished purging old message.";
MessageUtilities.sendMsg(content, event.getTextChannel(), null);
use of in project commands by aikar.
the class JDACommandManager method getCommandPrefix.
public String getCommandPrefix(CommandIssuer issuer) {
MessageReceivedEvent event = ((JDACommandEvent) issuer).getEvent();
CommandConfig commandConfig = getCommandConfig(event);
List<String> prefixes = commandConfig.getCommandPrefixes();
return prefixes.isEmpty() ? "" : prefixes.get(0);