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Example 1 with Value

use of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class VEventUtil method mergeXparams.

/* ====================================================================
                      Private methods
     ==================================================================== */
private static void mergeXparams(final Property p, final Component c) {
    if (c == null) {
    PropertyList pl = c.getProperties(p.getName());
    if (Util.isEmpty(pl)) {
    String pval = p.getValue();
    if (p instanceof Attach) {
        // We just saved the hash for binary content
        Value v = (Value) p.getParameter(Parameter.VALUE);
        if (v != null) {
            pval = String.valueOf(pval.hashCode());
    Property from = null;
    if (pl.size() == 1) {
        from = (Property) pl.get(0);
    } else {
        // Look for value?
        Iterator pit = pl.iterator();
        while (pit.hasNext()) {
            from = (Property);
            if (from.getValue().equals(pval)) {
    if (from == null) {
    ParameterList params = from.getParameters();
    Iterator parit = params.iterator();
    while (parit.hasNext()) {
        Parameter param = (Parameter);
        if (!(param instanceof XParameter)) {
        XParameter xpar = (XParameter) param;
        if (xpar.getName().toUpperCase().equals(BwXproperty.xparUid)) {
Also used : PropertyList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList) Attach( Value(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ParameterList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList) Parameter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Parameter) XParameter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.XParameter) BwString(org.bedework.calfacade.BwString) DateListProperty( Property(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property) XParameter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.XParameter)

Example 2 with Value

use of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class VEventUtil method toIcalComponent.

 * Make an Icalendar component from a BwEvent object. This may produce a
 * VEvent, VTodo, VJournal or VPoll.
 * @param ei the event
 * @param isOverride - true if event object is an override
 * @param tzreg - timezone registry
 * @param currentPrincipal - href for current authenticated user
 * @return Component
 * @throws CalFacadeException
public static Component toIcalComponent(final EventInfo ei, final boolean isOverride, final TimeZoneRegistry tzreg, final String currentPrincipal) throws CalFacadeException {
    if ((ei == null) || (ei.getEvent() == null)) {
        return null;
    final BwEvent val = ei.getEvent();
    boolean isInstance = false;
    try {
        Component xcomp = null;
        Calendar cal = null;
        final List<BwXproperty> xcompProps = val.getXproperties(BwXproperty.bedeworkIcal);
        if (!Util.isEmpty(xcompProps)) {
            final BwXproperty xcompProp = xcompProps.get(0);
            final String xcompPropVal = xcompProp.getValue();
            if (xcompPropVal != null) {
                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                final Icalendar ic = new Icalendar();
                try {
                    if (!xcompPropVal.endsWith("\n")) {
                    CalendarBuilder bldr = new CalendarBuilder(new CalendarParserImpl(), ic);
                    UnfoldingReader ufrdr = new UnfoldingReader(new StringReader(sb.toString()), true);
                    cal =;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    error("Trying to parse:\n" + xcompPropVal);
        Component comp;
        PropertyList pl = new PropertyList();
        boolean freeBusy = false;
        boolean vavail = false;
        boolean todo = false;
        boolean vpoll = false;
        int entityType = val.getEntityType();
        if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeEvent) {
            comp = new VEvent(pl);
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo) {
            comp = new VToDo(pl);
            todo = true;
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeJournal) {
            comp = new VJournal(pl);
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeFreeAndBusy) {
            comp = new VFreeBusy(pl);
            freeBusy = true;
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeVavailability) {
            comp = new VAvailability(pl);
            vavail = true;
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeAvailable) {
            comp = new Available(pl);
        } else if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll) {
            comp = new VPoll(pl);
            vpoll = true;
        } else {
            throw new CalFacadeException("org.bedework.invalid.entity.type", String.valueOf(entityType));
        if (cal != null) {
            xcomp = cal.getComponent(comp.getName());
        Property prop;
        /* ------------------- RecurrenceID --------------------
       * Done early so we know if this is an instance.
        String strval = val.getRecurrenceId();
        if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
            isInstance = true;
            pl.add(new RecurrenceId(makeZonedDt(val, strval)));
        /* ------------------- Alarms -------------------- */
        VAlarmUtil.processEventAlarm(val, comp, currentPrincipal);
        /* ------------------- Attachments -------------------- */
        if (val.getNumAttachments() > 0) {
            for (BwAttachment att : val.getAttachments()) {
        /* ------------------- Attendees -------------------- */
        if (!vpoll && (val.getNumAttendees() > 0)) {
            for (BwAttendee att : val.getAttendees()) {
                prop = setAttendee(att);
                mergeXparams(prop, xcomp);
        if (val.getNumCategories() > 0) {
            // LANG - filter on language - group language in one cat list?
            for (BwCategory cat : val.getCategories()) {
                prop = new Categories();
                TextList cl = ((Categories) prop).getCategories();
                pl.add(langProp(prop, cat.getWord()));
        /* ------------------- Class -------------------- */
        final String pval = val.getClassification();
        if (pval != null) {
            pl.add(new Clazz(pval));
        if (val.getNumComments() > 0) {
            for (final BwString str : val.getComments()) {
                pl.add(langProp(new Comment(str.getValue()), str));
        if ((todo || vpoll) && (val.getCompleted() != null)) {
            prop = new Completed(new DateTime(val.getCompleted()));
        if (val.getNumContacts() > 0) {
            for (final BwContact c : val.getContacts()) {
                // LANG
                prop = new Contact(c.getCn().getValue());
                final String l = c.getLink();
                if (l != null) {
                    prop.getParameters().add(new AltRep(l));
                pl.add(langProp(uidProp(prop, c.getUid()), c.getCn()));
        if (val.getCost() != null) {
            IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.bedeworkCost, null, val.getCost());
        /* ------------------- Created -------------------- */
        prop = new Created(val.getCreated());
        // if (pars.includeDateTimeProperty) {
        // prop.getParameters().add(Value.DATE_TIME);
        // }
        if (val.getDeleted()) {
            IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.bedeworkDeleted, null, String.valueOf(val.getDeleted()));
        /* ------------------- Description -------------------- */
        BwStringBase bwstr = val.findDescription(null);
        if (bwstr != null) {
            pl.add(langProp(new Description(bwstr.getValue()), bwstr));
        if (val.getEndType() == StartEndComponent.endTypeDate) {
            if (todo) {
                Due due = val.getDtend().makeDue(tzreg);
                if (freeBusy | val.getForceUTC()) {
            } else {
                DtEnd dtend = val.getDtend().makeDtEnd(tzreg);
                if (freeBusy | val.getForceUTC()) {
        } else if (val.getEndType() == StartEndComponent.endTypeDuration) {
            addProperty(comp, new Duration(new Dur(val.getDuration())));
        /* ------------------- DtStamp -------------------- */
        prop = new DtStamp(new DateTime(val.getDtstamp()));
        // if (pars.includeDateTimeProperty) {
        // prop.getParameters().add(Value.DATE_TIME);
        // }
        if (!val.getNoStart()) {
            DtStart dtstart = val.getDtstart().makeDtStart(tzreg);
            if (freeBusy | val.getForceUTC()) {
        if (freeBusy) {
            Collection<BwFreeBusyComponent> fbps = val.getFreeBusyPeriods();
            if (fbps != null) {
                for (BwFreeBusyComponent fbc : fbps) {
                    FreeBusy fb = new FreeBusy();
                    int type = fbc.getType();
                    if (type == BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusy) {
                        addParameter(fb, FbType.BUSY);
                    } else if (type == BwFreeBusyComponent.typeFree) {
                        addParameter(fb, FbType.FREE);
                    } else if (type == BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusyUnavailable) {
                        addParameter(fb, FbType.BUSY_UNAVAILABLE);
                    } else if (type == BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusyTentative) {
                        addParameter(fb, FbType.BUSY_TENTATIVE);
                    } else {
                        throw new CalFacadeException("Bad free-busy type " + type);
                    PeriodList pdl = fb.getPeriods();
                    for (Period p : fbc.getPeriods()) {
                        // XXX plugin cannot handle durations.
                        Period np = new Period(p.getStart(), p.getEnd());
        if (!vpoll) {
            BwGeo bwgeo = val.getGeo();
            if (bwgeo != null) {
                Geo geo = new Geo(bwgeo.getLatitude(), bwgeo.getLongitude());
        /* ------------------- LastModified -------------------- */
        prop = new LastModified(new DateTime(val.getLastmod()));
        // if (pars.includeDateTimeProperty) {
        // prop.getParameters().add(Value.DATE_TIME);
        // }
        if (!vpoll) {
            final BwLocation loc = val.getLocation();
            if (loc != null) {
                prop = new Location(loc.getCombinedValues());
                pl.add(langProp(uidProp(prop, loc.getUid()), loc.getAddress()));
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationAddr, null, loc.getAddressField());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationRoom, null, loc.getRoomField());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationAccessible, null, String.valueOf(loc.getAccessible()));
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationSfield1, null, loc.getSubField1());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationSfield2, null, loc.getSubField2());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationGeo, null, loc.getGeouri());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationStreet, null, loc.getStreet());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationCity, null, loc.getCity());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationState, null, loc.getState());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationZip, null, loc.getZip());
                IcalUtil.addXproperty(pl, BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocationLink, null, loc.getLink());
        /* ------------------- Organizer -------------------- */
        BwOrganizer org = val.getOrganizer();
        if (org != null) {
            prop = setOrganizer(org);
            mergeXparams(prop, xcomp);
        if (todo) {
            Integer pc = val.getPercentComplete();
            if (pc != null) {
                pl.add(new PercentComplete(pc.intValue()));
        /* ------------------- Priority -------------------- */
        Integer prio = val.getPriority();
        if (prio != null) {
            pl.add(new Priority(prio.intValue()));
        /* ------------------- RDate -below------------------- */
        /* ------------------- RelatedTo -------------------- */
        /* We encode related to (maybe) as triples - reltype, value-type, value */
        String[] info = null;
        BwRelatedTo relto = val.getRelatedTo();
        if (relto != null) {
            info = new String[3];
            info[0] = relto.getRelType();
            // default
            info[1] = "";
            info[2] = relto.getValue();
        } else {
            String relx = val.getXproperty(BwXproperty.bedeworkRelatedTo);
            if (relx != null) {
                info = Util.decodeArray(relx);
        if (info != null) {
            int i = 0;
            while (i < info.length) {
                RelatedTo irelto;
                String reltype = info[i];
                String valtype = info[i + 1];
                String relval = info[i + 2];
                ParameterList rtpl = null;
                if (reltype.length() > 0) {
                    rtpl = new ParameterList();
                    rtpl.add(new RelType(reltype));
                if (valtype.length() > 0) {
                    if (rtpl == null) {
                        rtpl = new ParameterList();
                    rtpl.add(new Value(valtype));
                if (rtpl != null) {
                    irelto = new RelatedTo(rtpl, relval);
                } else {
                    irelto = new RelatedTo(relval);
                i += 3;
        if (val.getNumResources() > 0) {
            /* This event has a resource */
            prop = new Resources();
            TextList rl = ((Resources) prop).getResources();
            for (BwString str : val.getResources()) {
                // LANG
        if (val.getSequence() > 0) {
            pl.add(new Sequence(val.getSequence()));
        /* ------------------- Status -------------------- */
        String status = val.getStatus();
        if ((status != null) && !status.equals(BwEvent.statusMasterSuppressed)) {
            pl.add(new Status(status));
        /* ------------------- Summary -------------------- */
        bwstr = val.findSummary(null);
        if (bwstr != null) {
            pl.add(langProp(new Summary(bwstr.getValue()), bwstr));
        if (!todo && !vpoll) {
            strval = val.getPeruserTransparency(currentPrincipal);
            if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
                pl.add(new Transp(strval));
        /* ------------------- Uid -------------------- */
        pl.add(new Uid(val.getUid()));
        /* ------------------- Url -------------------- */
        strval = val.getLink();
        if (strval != null) {
            // Possibly drop this if we do it on input and check all data
            strval = strval.trim();
        if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
            URI uri = Util.validURI(strval);
            if (uri != null) {
                pl.add(new Url(uri));
        if (val.getNumXproperties() > 0) {
            try {
                IcalUtil.xpropertiesToIcal(pl, val.getXproperties());
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // XXX For the moment swallow these.
        if (!vpoll && !isInstance && !isOverride && val.testRecurring()) {
            doRecurring(val, pl);
        if (vavail) {
            if (ei.getNumContainedItems() > 0) {
                final VAvailability va = (VAvailability) comp;
                for (final EventInfo aei : ei.getContainedItems()) {
                    va.getAvailable().add((Available) toIcalComponent(aei, false, tzreg, currentPrincipal));
            /* ----------- Vavailability - busyType ----------------- */
            String s = val.getBusyTypeString();
            if (s != null) {
                pl.add(new BusyType(s));
        if (vpoll) {
            final Integer ival = val.getPollWinner();
            if (ival != null) {
                pl.add(new PollWinner(ival));
            strval = val.getPollAcceptResponse();
            if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
                pl.add(new AcceptResponse(strval));
            strval = val.getPollMode();
            if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
                pl.add(new PollMode(strval));
            strval = val.getPollProperties();
            if ((strval != null) && (strval.length() > 0)) {
                pl.add(new PollProperties(strval));
            final Map<String, VVoter> vvoters = parseVpollVvoters(val);
            for (final VVoter vv : vvoters.values()) {
                ((VPoll) comp).getVoters().add(vv);
            final Map<Integer, Component> comps = parseVpollCandidates(val);
            for (final Component candidate : comps.values()) {
                ((VPoll) comp).getCandidates().add(candidate);
        return comp;
    } catch (final CalFacadeException cfe) {
        throw cfe;
    } catch (final Throwable t) {
        throw new CalFacadeException(t);
Also used : FreeBusy( VFreeBusy(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VFreeBusy) BwRelatedTo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwRelatedTo) EventInfo(org.bedework.calfacade.svc.EventInfo) BwCategory(org.bedework.calfacade.BwCategory) BwString(org.bedework.calfacade.BwString) VAvailability(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VAvailability) DateTime(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime) BwDateTime(org.bedework.calfacade.BwDateTime) TextList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.TextList) LastModified( DtStamp( AcceptResponse( Available(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.Available) BwAttachment(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttachment) RelatedTo( BwRelatedTo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwRelatedTo) VEvent(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent) Status( BwFreeBusyComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwFreeBusyComponent) BwLocation(org.bedework.calfacade.BwLocation) VVoter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VVoter) Transp( Categories( Priority( BusyType( PeriodList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PeriodList) Period(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period) Duration( BwString(org.bedework.calfacade.BwString) BwContact(org.bedework.calfacade.BwContact) Sequence( Geo( BwGeo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwGeo) Uid( PollMode( BwXproperty(org.bedework.calfacade.BwXproperty) Value(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value) ParameterList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList) RecurrenceId( Resources( BwAttendee(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttendee) VToDo(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VToDo) CalendarParserImpl( VJournal(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VJournal) Description( BwGeo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwGeo) AltRep(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.AltRep) BwEvent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent) URI( Url( PollWinner( Created( VPoll(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VPoll) Due( StringReader( PollProperties( Clazz( StartEndComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.base.StartEndComponent) Component(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component) BwFreeBusyComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwFreeBusyComponent) DateListProperty( Property(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property) BwOrganizer(org.bedework.calfacade.BwOrganizer) Dur(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Dur) Comment( RelType(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.RelType) VFreeBusy(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VFreeBusy) Calendar(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar) UnfoldingReader( CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException) Contact( BwContact(org.bedework.calfacade.BwContact) PropertyList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList) DtStart( BwStringBase(org.bedework.calfacade.base.BwStringBase) PercentComplete( Completed( Summary( DtEnd( BwLocation(org.bedework.calfacade.BwLocation) Location(

Example 3 with Value

use of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class IcalUtil method setAttachment.

 * make an attachment
 * @param val
 * @return Attendee
 * @throws Throwable
public static Attach setAttachment(final BwAttachment val) throws Throwable {
    ParameterList pars = new ParameterList();
    String temp = val.getFmtType();
    if (temp != null) {
        pars.add(new FmtType(temp));
    temp = val.getEncoding();
    if (temp == null) {
        return new Attach(pars, val.getUri());
    } else {
        pars.add(new Encoding(temp));
        temp = val.getValueType();
        if (temp != null) {
            pars.add(new Value(temp));
        return new Attach(pars, val.getValue());
Also used : Attach( FmtType(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.FmtType) AbbreviatedValue(org.bedework.calfacade.base.AbbreviatedValue) Value(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value) ParameterList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList) Encoding(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Encoding)

Example 4 with Value

use of net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwEventUtil method toEvent.

 * We are going to try to construct a BwEvent object from a VEvent. This
 * may represent a new event or an update to a pre-existing event. In any
 * case, the VEvent probably has insufficient information to completely
 * reconstitute the event object so we'll get the uid first and retrieve
 * the event if it exists.
 * <p>To put it another way we're doing a diff then update.
 * <p>If it doesn't exist, we'll first fill in the appropriate fields,
 * (non-public, creator, created etc) then for both cases update the
 * remaining fields from the VEvent.
 * <p>Recurring events present some challenges. If there is no recurrence
 * id the vevent represents the master entity which defines the recurrence
 * rules. If a recurrence id is present then the vevent represents a
 * recurrence instance override and we should not attempt to retrieve the
 * actual object but the referenced instance.
 * <p>Also, note that we sorted the components first so we get the master
 * before any instances.
 * <p>If DTSTART, RRULE, EXRULE have changed (also RDATE, EXDATE?) then any
 * existing overrides are unusable. We should delete all overrides and replace
 * with new ones.
 * <p>For an update we have to keep track of which fields were present in
 * the vevent and set all absent fields to null in the BwEvent.
 * @param cb          IcalCallback object
 * @param cal         Needed so we can retrieve the event.
 * @param ical        Icalendar we are converting. We check its events for
 *                    overrides.
 * @param val         VEvent object
 * @param diff        True if we should assume we are updating existing events.
 * @param mergeAttendees True if we should only update our own attendee.
 * @return EventInfo  object representing new entry or updated entry
 * @throws CalFacadeException
public static EventInfo toEvent(final IcalCallback cb, final BwCalendar cal, final Icalendar ical, final Component val, final boolean diff, final boolean mergeAttendees) throws CalFacadeException {
    if (val == null) {
        return null;
    String currentPrincipal = null;
    final BwPrincipal principal = cb.getPrincipal();
    if (principal != null) {
        currentPrincipal = principal.getPrincipalRef();
    final boolean debug = getLog().isDebugEnabled();
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Holder<Boolean> hasXparams = new Holder<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE);
    final int methodType = ical.getMethodType();
    String attUri = null;
    if (mergeAttendees) {
        // We'll need this later.
        attUri = cb.getCaladdr(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef());
    final String colPath;
    if (cal == null) {
        colPath = null;
    } else {
        colPath = cal.getPath();
    try {
        final PropertyList pl = val.getProperties();
        boolean vpoll = false;
        if (pl == null) {
            // Empty component
            return null;
        final int entityType;
        if (val instanceof VEvent) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeEvent;
        } else if (val instanceof VToDo) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo;
        } else if (val instanceof VJournal) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeJournal;
        } else if (val instanceof VFreeBusy) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeFreeAndBusy;
        } else if (val instanceof VAvailability) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeVavailability;
        } else if (val instanceof Available) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeAvailable;
        } else if (val instanceof VPoll) {
            entityType = IcalDefs.entityTypeVpoll;
            vpoll = true;
        } else {
            throw new CalFacadeException("org.bedework.invalid.component.type", val.getName());
        Property prop;
        // Get the guid from the component
        String guid = null;
        prop = pl.getProperty(Property.UID);
        if (prop != null) {
            testXparams(prop, hasXparams);
            guid = prop.getValue();
        if (guid == null) {
            /* XXX A guid is required - but are there devices out there without a
         *       guid - and if so how do we handle it?
            throw new CalFacadeException(CalFacadeException.noGuid);
        /* See if we have a recurrence id */
        BwDateTime ridObj = null;
        String rid = null;
        prop = pl.getProperty(Property.RECURRENCE_ID);
        if (prop != null) {
            testXparams(prop, hasXparams);
            ridObj = BwDateTime.makeBwDateTime((DateProperty) prop);
            if (ridObj.getRange() != null) {
                /* XXX What do I do with it? */
                warn("TRANS-TO_EVENT: Got a recurrence id range");
            rid = ridObj.getDate();
        EventInfo masterEI = null;
        EventInfo evinfo = null;
        BwEvent ev = null;
        /* If we have a recurrence id see if we already have the master (we should
       * get a master + all its overrides).
       * If so find the override and use the annnotation or if no override,
       * make one.
       * If no override retrieve the event, add it to our table and then locate the
       * annotation.
       * If there is no annotation, create one.
       * It's possible we have been sent 'detached' instances of a recurring
       * event. This may happen if we are invited to one or more instances of a
       * meeting. In this case we try to retrieve the master and if it doesn't
       * exist we manufacture one. We consider such an instance an update to
       * that instance only and leave the others alone.
        /* We need this in a couple of places */
        final DtStart dtStart = (DtStart) pl.getProperty(Property.DTSTART);
        /* If this is a recurrence instance see if we can find the master
        if (rid != null) {
            // See if we have a new master event. If so create a proxy to this event.
            masterEI = findMaster(guid, ical.getComponents());
            if (masterEI != null) {
                evinfo = masterEI.findOverride(rid);
        if (diff && (evinfo == null) && (cal != null) && (cal.getCalType() != BwCalendar.calTypeInbox) && (cal.getCalType() != BwCalendar.calTypePendingInbox) && (cal.getCalType() != BwCalendar.calTypeOutbox)) {
            if (debug) {
                debugMsg("TRANS-TO_EVENT: try to fetch event with guid=" + guid);
            final Collection<EventInfo> eis = cb.getEvent(colPath, guid);
            if (Util.isEmpty(eis)) {
            // do nothing
            } else if (eis.size() > 1) {
                // DORECUR - wrong again
                throw new CalFacadeException("More than one event returned for guid.");
            } else {
                evinfo = eis.iterator().next();
            if (debug) {
                if (evinfo != null) {
                    debugMsg("TRANS-TO_EVENT: fetched event with guid");
                } else {
                    debugMsg("TRANS-TO_EVENT: did not find event with guid");
            if (evinfo != null) {
                if (rid != null) {
                    // We just retrieved it's master
                    masterEI = evinfo;
                    evinfo = masterEI.findOverride(rid);
                } else if (methodType == ScheduleMethods.methodTypeCancel) {
                    // This should never have an rid for cancel of entire event.
                } else {
                    // Presumably sent an update for the entire event. No longer suppressed master
            } else if (rid != null) {
                /* Manufacture a master for the instance */
                masterEI = makeNewEvent(cb, entityType, guid, colPath);
                final BwEvent e = masterEI.getEvent();
                // XXX This seems bogus
                final DtStart mdtStart;
                final String bogusDate = "19980118";
                final String bogusTime = "T230000";
                final Parameter par = dtStart.getParameter("VALUE");
                final boolean isDateType = (par != null) && (par.equals(Value.DATE));
                if (isDateType) {
                    mdtStart = new DtStart(new Date(bogusDate));
                } else if (dtStart.isUtc()) {
                    mdtStart = new DtStart(bogusDate + bogusTime + "Z");
                } else if (dtStart.getTimeZone() == null) {
                    mdtStart = new DtStart(bogusDate + bogusTime);
                } else {
                    mdtStart = new DtStart(bogusDate + bogusTime + "Z", dtStart.getTimeZone());
                setDates(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef(), masterEI, mdtStart, null, null);
                // e.addRdate(ridObj);
                evinfo = masterEI.findOverride(rid);
                masterEI.setInstanceOnly(rid != null);
        if (evinfo == null) {
            evinfo = makeNewEvent(cb, entityType, guid, colPath);
        } else if (evinfo.getEvent().getEntityType() != entityType) {
            throw new CalFacadeException("org.bedework.mismatched.entity.type", val.toString());
        final ChangeTable chg = evinfo.getChangeset(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef());
        if (rid != null) {
            final String evrid = evinfo.getEvent().getRecurrenceId();
            if ((evrid == null) || (!evrid.equals(rid))) {
                warn("Mismatched rid ev=" + evrid + " expected " + rid);
                // XXX spurious???
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.RECURRENCE_ID, evrid, rid);
            if (masterEI.getEvent().getSuppressed()) {
        ev = evinfo.getEvent();
        DtEnd dtEnd = null;
        if (entityType == IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo) {
            final Due due = (Due) pl.getProperty(Property.DUE);
            if (due != null) {
                dtEnd = new DtEnd(due.getParameters(), due.getValue());
        } else {
            dtEnd = (DtEnd) pl.getProperty(Property.DTEND);
        final Duration duration = (Duration) pl.getProperty(Property.DURATION);
        setDates(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef(), evinfo, dtStart, dtEnd, duration);
        for (final Object aPl : pl) {
            prop = (Property) aPl;
            testXparams(prop, hasXparams);
            // debugMsg("ical prop " + prop.getClass().getName());
            String pval = prop.getValue();
            if ((pval != null) && (pval.length() == 0)) {
                pval = null;
            final PropertyInfoIndex pi;
            if (prop instanceof XProperty) {
                pi = PropertyInfoIndex.XPROP;
            } else {
                pi = PropertyInfoIndex.fromName(prop.getName());
            if (pi == null) {
                debugMsg("Unknown property with name " + prop.getName() + " class " + prop.getClass() + " and value " + pval);
            switch(pi) {
                case ACCEPT_RESPONSE:
                    /* ------------------- Accept Response -------------------- */
                    String sval = ((AcceptResponse) prop).getValue();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPollAcceptResponse(), sval)) {
                case ATTACH:
                    /* ------------------- Attachment -------------------- */
                    chg.addValue(pi, getAttachment((Attach) prop));
                case ATTENDEE:
                    if (methodType == ScheduleMethods.methodTypePublish) {
                        if (cb.getStrictness() == IcalCallback.conformanceStrict) {
                            throw new CalFacadeException(CalFacadeException.attendeesInPublish);
                        if (cb.getStrictness() == IcalCallback.conformanceWarn) {
                        // warn("Had attendees for PUBLISH");
                    Attendee attPr = (Attendee) prop;
                    if (evinfo.getNewEvent() || !mergeAttendees) {
                        chg.addValue(pi, getAttendee(cb, attPr));
                    } else {
                        final String pUri = cb.getCaladdr(attPr.getValue());
                        if (pUri.equals(attUri)) {
                            /* Only update for our own attendee
               * We're doing a PUT and this must be the attendee updating their
               * partstat. We don't allow them to change other attendees
               * whatever the PUT content says.
                            chg.addValue(pi, getAttendee(cb, attPr));
                        } else {
                            // Use the value we currently have
                            boolean found = false;
                            for (final BwAttendee att : ev.getAttendees()) {
                                if (pUri.equals(att.getAttendeeUri())) {
                                    chg.addValue(pi, att.clone());
                                    found = true;
                            if (!found) {
                                // An added attendee
                                final BwAttendee att = getAttendee(cb, attPr);
                                chg.addValue(pi, att);
                case BUSYTYPE:
                    int ibt = BwEvent.fromBusyTypeString(pval);
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getBusyType(), ibt)) {
                case CATEGORIES:
                    /* ------------------- Categories -------------------- */
                    Categories cats = (Categories) prop;
                    TextList cl = cats.getCategories();
                    String lang = getLang(cats);
                    if (cl != null) {
                        /* Got some categories */
                        Iterator cit = cl.iterator();
                        while (cit.hasNext()) {
                            String wd = (String);
                            if (wd == null) {
                            BwString key = new BwString(lang, wd);
                            BwCategory cat = cb.findCategory(key);
                            if (cat == null) {
                                cat = BwCategory.makeCategory();
                            chg.addValue(pi, cat);
                case CLASS:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getClassification(), pval)) {
                case COMMENT:
                    /* ------------------- Comment -------------------- */
                    chg.addValue(pi, new BwString(null, pval));
                case COMPLETED:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getCompleted(), pval)) {
                case CONTACT:
                    /* ------------------- Contact -------------------- */
                    String altrep = getAltRepPar(prop);
                    lang = getLang(prop);
                    String uid = getUidPar(prop);
                    BwString nm = new BwString(lang, pval);
                    BwContact contact = null;
                    if (uid != null) {
                        contact = cb.getContact(uid);
                    if (contact == null) {
                        contact = cb.findContact(nm);
                    if (contact == null) {
                        contact = BwContact.makeContact();
                    } else {
                    chg.addValue(pi, contact);
                case CREATED:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getCreated(), pval)) {
                case DESCRIPTION:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getDescription(), pval)) {
                case DTEND:
                case DTSTAMP:
                    /* ------------------- DtStamp -------------------- */
                case DTSTART:
                case DURATION:
                case EXDATE:
                    /* ------------------- ExDate -------------------- */
                    chg.addValues(pi, makeDateTimes((DateListProperty) prop));
                case EXRULE:
                    /* ------------------- ExRule -------------------- */
                    chg.addValue(pi, pval);
                case FREEBUSY:
                    /* ------------------- freebusy -------------------- */
                    FreeBusy fbusy = (FreeBusy) prop;
                    PeriodList perpl = fbusy.getPeriods();
                    Parameter par = getParameter(fbusy, "FBTYPE");
                    int fbtype;
                    if (par == null) {
                        fbtype = BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusy;
                    } else if (par.equals(FbType.BUSY)) {
                        fbtype = BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusy;
                    } else if (par.equals(FbType.BUSY_TENTATIVE)) {
                        fbtype = BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusyTentative;
                    } else if (par.equals(FbType.BUSY_UNAVAILABLE)) {
                        fbtype = BwFreeBusyComponent.typeBusyUnavailable;
                    } else if (par.equals(FbType.FREE)) {
                        fbtype = BwFreeBusyComponent.typeFree;
                    } else {
                        if (debug) {
                            debugMsg("Unsupported parameter " + par.getName());
                        throw new IcalMalformedException("parameter " + par.getName());
                    BwFreeBusyComponent fbc = new BwFreeBusyComponent();
                    Iterator perit = perpl.iterator();
                    while (perit.hasNext()) {
                        Period per = (Period);
                case GEO:
                    /* ------------------- Geo -------------------- */
                    Geo g = (Geo) prop;
                    BwGeo geo = new BwGeo(g.getLatitude(), g.getLongitude());
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getGeo(), geo)) {
                case LAST_MODIFIED:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getLastmod(), pval)) {
                case LOCATION:
                    /* ------------------- Location -------------------- */
                    BwLocation loc = null;
                    // String uid = getUidPar(prop);
                    /* At the moment Mozilla lightning is broken and this leads to all
           * sorts of problems.
            if (uid != null) {
              loc = cb.getLocation(uid);
                    lang = getLang(prop);
                    BwString addr = null;
                    if (pval != null) {
                        if (loc == null) {
                            addr = new BwString(lang, pval);
                            loc = cb.findLocation(addr);
                        if (loc == null) {
                            loc = BwLocation.makeLocation();
                    BwLocation evloc = ev.getLocation();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, evloc, loc)) {
                        // CHGTBL - this only shows that it's a different location object
                    } else if ((loc != null) && (evloc != null)) {
                        // See if the value is changed
                        String evval = evloc.getAddress().getValue();
                        String inval = loc.getAddress().getValue();
                        if (!evval.equals(inval)) {
                            chg.changed(pi, evval, inval);
                case ORGANIZER:
                    /* ------------------- Organizer -------------------- */
                    final BwOrganizer org = getOrganizer(cb, (Organizer) prop);
                    final BwOrganizer evorg = ev.getOrganizer();
                    final BwOrganizer evorgCopy;
                    if (evorg == null) {
                        evorgCopy = null;
                    } else {
                        evorgCopy = (BwOrganizer) evorg.clone();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, evorgCopy, org)) {
                        if (evorg == null) {
                        } else {
                case PERCENT_COMPLETE:
                    /* ------------------- PercentComplete -------------------- */
                    Integer ival = ((PercentComplete) prop).getPercentage();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPercentComplete(), ival)) {
                case POLL_MODE:
                    /* ------------------- Poll mode -------------------- */
                    sval = ((PollMode) prop).getValue();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPollMode(), sval)) {
                case POLL_PROPERTIES:
                    /* ------------------- Poll properties ---------------- */
                    sval = ((PollProperties) prop).getValue();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPollProperties(), sval)) {
                case POLL_WINNER:
                    /* ------------------- Poll winner -------------------- */
                    ival = ((PollWinner) prop).getPollwinner();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPollWinner(), ival)) {
                case PRIORITY:
                    /* ------------------- Priority -------------------- */
                    ival = ((Priority) prop).getLevel();
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPriority(), ival)) {
                case RDATE:
                    /* ------------------- RDate -------------------- */
                    chg.addValues(pi, makeDateTimes((DateListProperty) prop));
                case RECURRENCE_ID:
                case RELATED_TO:
                    /* ------------------- RelatedTo -------------------- */
                    final RelatedTo irelto = (RelatedTo) prop;
                    final BwRelatedTo relto = new BwRelatedTo();
                    final String parval = IcalUtil.getParameterVal(irelto, "RELTYPE");
                    if (parval != null) {
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getRelatedTo(), relto)) {
                case REQUEST_STATUS:
                    /* ------------------- RequestStatus -------------------- */
                    final BwRequestStatus rs = BwRequestStatus.fromRequestStatus((RequestStatus) prop);
                    chg.addValue(pi, rs);
                case RESOURCES:
                    /* ------------------- Resources -------------------- */
                    final TextList rl = ((Resources) prop).getResources();
                    if (rl != null) {
                        /* Got some resources */
                        lang = getLang(prop);
                        Iterator rit = rl.iterator();
                        while (rit.hasNext()) {
                            BwString rsrc = new BwString(lang, (String);
                            chg.addValue(pi, rsrc);
                case RRULE:
                    /* ------------------- RRule -------------------- */
                    chg.addValue(pi, pval);
                case SEQUENCE:
                    /* ------------------- Sequence -------------------- */
                    int seq = ((Sequence) prop).getSequenceNo();
                    if (seq != ev.getSequence()) {
                        chg.changed(pi, ev.getSequence(), seq);
                case STATUS:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getStatus(), pval)) {
                case SUMMARY:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getSummary(), pval)) {
                case TRANSP:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getPeruserTransparency(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef()), pval)) {
                        BwXproperty pu = ev.setPeruserTransparency(cb.getPrincipal().getPrincipalRef(), pval);
                        if (pu != null) {
                            chg.addValue(PropertyInfoIndex.XPROP, pu);
                case UID:
                case URL:
                    if (chg.changed(pi, ev.getLink(), pval)) {
                case XPROP:
                    /* ------------------------- x-property --------------------------- */
                    final String name = prop.getName();
                    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(BwXproperty.bedeworkCost)) {
                        if (chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.COST, ev.getCost(), pval)) {
                    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(BwXproperty.xBedeworkCategories)) {
                        if (checkCategory(cb, chg, ev, null, pval)) {
                    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(BwXproperty.xBedeworkLocation)) {
                        if (checkLocation(cb, chg, ev, prop)) {
                    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(BwXproperty.xBedeworkContact)) {
                        if (checkContact(cb, chg, ev, null, pval)) {
                    /* See if this is an x-category that can be
               converted to a real category
                    final XProperty xp = (XProperty) prop;
                    chg.addValue(PropertyInfoIndex.XPROP, new BwXproperty(name, xp.getParameters().toString(), pval));
                    if (debug) {
                        debugMsg("Unsupported property with index " + pi + "; class " + prop.getClass() + " and value " + pval);
        if (val instanceof VAvailability) {
            processAvailable(cb, cal, ical, (VAvailability) val, evinfo);
        } else if (!(val instanceof Available)) {
            VAlarmUtil.processComponentAlarms(cb, val, ev, currentPrincipal, chg);
            if (val instanceof VPoll) {
                processVvoters((VPoll) val, evinfo, cb, chg, mergeAttendees);
                processCandidates((VPoll) val, evinfo, chg);
        /* Fix up timestamps. */
        if (ev.getCreated() == null) {
            if (ev.getLastmod() != null) {
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.CREATED, null, ev.getCreated());
            } else {
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.CREATED, null, ev.getCreated());
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.LAST_MODIFIED, null, ev.getLastmod());
        if (ev.getLastmod() == null) {
            // created cannot be null now
            chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.LAST_MODIFIED, null, ev.getLastmod());
        processTimezones(ev, ical, chg);
        /* Remove any recipients and originator
        if (ev.getRecipients() != null) {
        if (hasXparams.value) {
            /* Save a text copy of the entire event as an x-property */
            Component valCopy = val.copy();
            /* Remove potentially large values */
            prop = valCopy.getProperty(Property.DESCRIPTION);
            if (prop != null) {
            prop = valCopy.getProperty(Property.ATTACH);
            // Don't store the entire attachment - we just need the parameters.
            if (prop != null) {
                Value v = (Value) prop.getParameter(Parameter.VALUE);
                if (v != null) {
            chg.addValue(PropertyInfoIndex.XPROP, new BwXproperty(BwXproperty.bedeworkIcal, null, valCopy.toString()));
        chg.processChanges(ev, true);
        ev.setRecurring(new Boolean(ev.isRecurringEntity()));
        if (debug) {
        if (masterEI != null) {
            // Just return null as this event is on its override list
            return null;
        return evinfo;
    } catch (CalFacadeException cfe) {
        if (debug) {
        throw cfe;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (debug) {
        throw new CalFacadeException(t);
Also used : EventInfo(org.bedework.calfacade.svc.EventInfo) FreeBusy( VFreeBusy(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VFreeBusy) BwRelatedTo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwRelatedTo) BwRequestStatus(org.bedework.calfacade.BwRequestStatus) DateProperty( BwCategory(org.bedework.calfacade.BwCategory) BwString(org.bedework.calfacade.BwString) VAvailability(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VAvailability) TextList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.TextList) AcceptResponse( Available(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.Available) RelatedTo( BwRelatedTo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwRelatedTo) VEvent(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent) BwFreeBusyComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwFreeBusyComponent) BwLocation(org.bedework.calfacade.BwLocation) Categories( PeriodList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PeriodList) Period(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period) Duration( BwString(org.bedework.calfacade.BwString) BwContact(org.bedework.calfacade.BwContact) Sequence( Geo( BwGeo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwGeo) BwPrincipal(org.bedework.calfacade.BwPrincipal) PropertyInfoIndex(org.bedework.util.calendar.PropertyIndex.PropertyInfoIndex) BwXproperty(org.bedework.calfacade.BwXproperty) Value(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value) Resources( BwAttendee(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttendee) VToDo(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VToDo) VJournal(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VJournal) BwDateTime(org.bedework.calfacade.BwDateTime) DateListProperty( BwGeo(org.bedework.calfacade.BwGeo) BwEvent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent) VPoll(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VPoll) Due( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Component(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component) BwFreeBusyComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwFreeBusyComponent) DateListProperty( XProperty( Property(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property) DateProperty( BwOrganizer(org.bedework.calfacade.BwOrganizer) XProperty( VFreeBusy(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VFreeBusy) Attach( Holder( CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException) Date(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date) BwAttendee(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAttendee) Attendee( PropertyList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList) DtStart( ChangeTable(org.bedework.calfacade.util.ChangeTable) PercentComplete( Parameter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Parameter) XParameter(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.XParameter) DtEnd(


Value (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.Value)4 ParameterList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList)3 Property (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property)3 PropertyList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList)3 Attach ( DateListProperty ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Component (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component)2 Parameter (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Parameter)2 Period (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period)2 PeriodList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PeriodList)2 TextList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.TextList)2 Available (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.Available)2 VAvailability (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VAvailability)2 VEvent (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent)2 VFreeBusy (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VFreeBusy)2 VJournal (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VJournal)2 VPoll (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VPoll)2 VToDo (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VToDo)2 XParameter (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.XParameter)2