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Example 1 with PerlinOctaveGenerator

use of net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class NetherGenerator method createWorldOctaves.

protected void createWorldOctaves(World world, Map<String, OctaveGenerator> octaves) {
    Random seed = new Random(world.getSeed());
    OctaveGenerator gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 5);
    octaves.put("height", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 17, 5);
    octaves.put("roughness", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 17, 5);
    octaves.put("roughness2", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 8, 5, 17, 5);
    gen.setXScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleX);
    gen.setYScale(heightScale / detailNoiseScaleY);
    gen.setZScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleZ);
    octaves.put("detail", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 4, 16, 16, 1);
    octaves.put("surface", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 4, 16, 16, 1);
    gen.setXScale(surfaceScale / 2.0);
    gen.setYScale(surfaceScale / 2.0);
    octaves.put("soulsand", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 4, 16, 1, 16);
    gen.setXScale(surfaceScale / 2.0);
    gen.setZScale(surfaceScale / 2.0);
    octaves.put("gravel", gen);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator) OctaveGenerator(org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator)

Example 2 with PerlinOctaveGenerator

use of net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class TheEndGenerator method createWorldOctaves.

protected void createWorldOctaves(World world, Map<String, OctaveGenerator> octaves) {
    Random seed = new Random(world.getSeed());
    OctaveGenerator gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 3, 33, 3);
    octaves.put("roughness", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 3, 33, 3);
    octaves.put("roughness2", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 8, 3, 33, 3);
    gen.setXScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleX);
    gen.setYScale(heightScale / detailNoiseScaleY);
    gen.setZScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleZ);
    octaves.put("detail", gen);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator) OctaveGenerator(org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator)

Example 3 with PerlinOctaveGenerator

use of net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class OverworldGenerator method createWorldOctaves.

protected void createWorldOctaves(World world, Map<String, OctaveGenerator> octaves) {
    Random seed = new Random(world.getSeed());
    OctaveGenerator gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 5);
    octaves.put("height", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 33, 5);
    octaves.put("roughness", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 16, 5, 33, 5);
    octaves.put("roughness2", gen);
    gen = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(seed, 8, 5, 33, 5);
    gen.setXScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleX);
    gen.setYScale(heightScale / detailNoiseScaleY);
    gen.setZScale(coordinateScale / detailNoiseScaleZ);
    octaves.put("detail", gen);
    gen = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(seed, 4, 16, 16);
    octaves.put("surface", gen);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) SimplexOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator) OctaveGenerator(org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator) SimplexOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator)

Example 4 with PerlinOctaveGenerator

use of net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class OverworldGenerator method generateTerrainDensity.

private void generateTerrainDensity(World world, int x, int z) {
    WorldType type = world.getWorldType();
    // Scaling chunk x and z coordinates (4x, see below)
    x <<= 2;
    z <<= 2;
    // Get biome grid data at lower res (scaled 4x, at this scale a chunk is 4x4 columns of
    // the biome grid),
    // we are loosing biome detail but saving huge amount of computation.
    // We need 1 chunk (4 columns) + 1 column for later needed outer edges (1 column) and at
    // least 2 columns
    // on each side to be able to cover every value.
    // 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 9 columns but the biomegrid generator needs a multiple of 2 so we ask
    // 10 columns wide
    // to the biomegrid generator.
    // This gives a total of 81 biome grid columns to work with, and this includes the chunk
    // neighborhood.
    int[] biomeGrid = ((GlowWorld) world).getChunkManager().getBiomeGridAtLowerRes(x - 2, z - 2, 10, 10);
    Map<String, OctaveGenerator> octaves = getWorldOctaves(world);
    double[] heightNoise = ((PerlinOctaveGenerator) octaves.get("height")).getFractalBrownianMotion(x, z, 0.5D, 2.0D);
    double[] roughnessNoise = ((PerlinOctaveGenerator) octaves.get("roughness")).getFractalBrownianMotion(x, 0, z, 0.5D, 2.0D);
    double[] roughnessNoise2 = ((PerlinOctaveGenerator) octaves.get("roughness2")).getFractalBrownianMotion(x, 0, z, 0.5D, 2.0D);
    double[] detailNoise = ((PerlinOctaveGenerator) octaves.get("detail")).getFractalBrownianMotion(x, 0, z, 0.5D, 2.0D);
    int index = 0;
    int indexHeight = 0;
    // terrain.
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
            double avgHeightScale = 0;
            double avgHeightBase = 0;
            double totalWeight = 0;
            Biome biome = GlowBiome.getBiome(biomeGrid[i + 2 + (j + 2) * 10]).getType();
            BiomeHeight biomeHeight = HEIGHT_MAP.getOrDefault(biome, defaultHeight);
            // of the current biomegrid column.
            for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++) {
                for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
                    Biome nearBiome = GlowBiome.getBiome(biomeGrid[i + m + (j + n) * 10]).getType();
                    BiomeHeight nearBiomeHeight = HEIGHT_MAP.getOrDefault(nearBiome, defaultHeight);
                    double heightBase = biomeHeightOffset + nearBiomeHeight.getHeight() * biomeHeightWeight;
                    double heightScale = biomeScaleOffset + nearBiomeHeight.getScale() * biomeScaleWeight;
                    if (type == WorldType.AMPLIFIED && heightBase > 0) {
                        heightBase = 1.0D + heightBase * 2.0D;
                        heightScale = 1.0D + heightScale * 4.0D;
                    double weight = ELEVATION_WEIGHT[m][n] / (heightBase + 2.0D);
                    if (nearBiomeHeight.getHeight() > biomeHeight.getHeight()) {
                        weight *= 0.5D;
                    avgHeightScale += heightScale * weight;
                    avgHeightBase += heightBase * weight;
                    totalWeight += weight;
            avgHeightScale /= totalWeight;
            avgHeightBase /= totalWeight;
            avgHeightScale = avgHeightScale * 0.9D + 0.1D;
            avgHeightBase = (avgHeightBase * 4.0D - 1.0D) / 8.0D;
            double noiseH = heightNoise[indexHeight++] / 8000.0D;
            if (noiseH < 0) {
                noiseH = Math.abs(noiseH) * 0.3D;
            noiseH = noiseH * 3.0D - 2.0D;
            if (noiseH < 0) {
                noiseH = Math.max(noiseH * 0.5D, -1) / 1.4D * 0.5D;
            } else {
                noiseH = Math.min(noiseH, 1) / 8.0D;
            noiseH = (noiseH * 0.2D + avgHeightBase) * baseSize / 8.0D * 4.0D + baseSize;
            for (int k = 0; k < 33; k++) {
                // density should be lower and lower as we climb up, this gets a height value to
                // subtract from the noise.
                double nh = (k - noiseH) * stretchY * 128.0D / 256.0D / avgHeightScale;
                if (nh < 0.0D) {
                    nh *= 4.0D;
                double noiseR = roughnessNoise[index] / 512.0D;
                double noiseR2 = roughnessNoise2[index] / 512.0D;
                double noiseD = (detailNoise[index] / 10.0D + 1.0D) / 2.0D;
                // linear interpolation
                double dens = noiseD < 0 ? noiseR : noiseD > 1 ? noiseR2 : noiseR + (noiseR2 - noiseR) * noiseD;
                dens -= nh;
                if (k > 29) {
                    double lowering = (k - 29) / 3.0D;
                    // linear interpolation
                    dens = dens * (1.0D - lowering) + -10.0D * lowering;
                density[i][j][k] = dens;
Also used : WorldType(org.bukkit.WorldType) Biome(org.bukkit.block.Biome) GlowBiome(net.glowstone.constants.GlowBiome) OctaveGenerator(org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator) SimplexOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator)

Example 5 with PerlinOctaveGenerator

use of net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class SurfaceCaveDecorator method decorate.

public void decorate(World world, Random random, Chunk c) {
    if (random.nextInt(8) != 0) {
    GlowChunk chunk = (GlowChunk) c;
    final int startCx = random.nextInt(16);
    final int startCz = random.nextInt(16);
    final int startY = chunk.getHeight(startCx, startCz);
    final GlowBlock startBlock = chunk.getBlock(startCx, startY, startCz);
    if (startY > 128) {
    PerlinOctaveGenerator octaves = new PerlinOctaveGenerator(random, 3, 4, 2, 4);
    int cx = c.getX() << 4;
    int cz = c.getZ() << 4;
    double[] noise = octaves.getFractalBrownianMotion(cx, cz, 0, 0.5D, 0.2D);
    double[] angles = new double[noise.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < noise.length; i++) {
        angles[i] = 360.0 * noise[i];
    int sectionCount = angles.length / 2;
    List<BlockVector> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
    BlockVector currentNode = new BlockVector(startBlock.getX(), startBlock.getY(), startBlock.getZ());
    int length = 5;
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++) {
        double yaw = angles[i + sectionCount];
        int deltaY = -Math.abs(NumberConversions.floor(noise[i] * length));
        int deltaX = NumberConversions.floor((double) length * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw)));
        int deltaZ = NumberConversions.floor((double) length * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw)));
        currentNode.add(new Vector(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ));
        nodes.add(new BlockVector(currentNode.getBlockX(), currentNode.getBlockY(), currentNode.getBlockZ()));
    for (BlockVector node : nodes) {
        if (node.getBlockY() < 4) {
        GlowBlock block = (GlowBlock) world.getBlockAt(node.getBlockX(), node.getBlockY(), node.getBlockZ());
        caveAroundRay(block, random);
Also used : GlowBlock(net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PerlinOctaveGenerator(net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator) BlockVector(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector) BlockVector(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector) Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector) GlowChunk(net.glowstone.chunk.GlowChunk)


PerlinOctaveGenerator (net.glowstone.util.noise.PerlinOctaveGenerator)5 OctaveGenerator (org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator)4 Random (java.util.Random)3 SimplexOctaveGenerator (net.glowstone.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 GlowBlock (net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock)1 GlowChunk (net.glowstone.chunk.GlowChunk)1 GlowBiome (net.glowstone.constants.GlowBiome)1 WorldType (org.bukkit.WorldType)1 Biome (org.bukkit.block.Biome)1 BlockVector (org.bukkit.util.BlockVector)1 Vector (org.bukkit.util.Vector)1