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Example 1 with I2PSocketAddress

use of net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PTunnelClient method clientConnectionRun.

protected void clientConnectionRun(Socket s) {
    I2PSocket i2ps = null;
    try {
        I2PSocketAddress addr = pickDestination();
        if (addr == null)
            throw new UnknownHostException("No valid destination configured");
        Destination clientDest = addr.getAddress();
        if (clientDest == null)
            throw new UnknownHostException("Could not resolve " + addr.getHostName());
        int port = addr.getPort();
        i2ps = createI2PSocket(clientDest, port);
        I2PTunnelRunner t = new I2PTunnelRunner(s, i2ps, sockLock, null, null, mySockets, (I2PTunnelRunner.FailCallback) null);
        // we are called from an unlimited thread pool, so run inline
        // t.start();;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Error connecting", ex);
    } catch (I2PException ex) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Error connecting", ex);
    } finally {
        // only because we are running it inline
        if (i2ps != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
            synchronized (sockLock) {
Also used : I2PException(net.i2p.I2PException) Destination( UnknownHostException( I2PSocketAddress(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress) I2PSocket(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket) IOException(

Example 2 with I2PSocketAddress

use of net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PTunnelClient method startRunning.

 * Actually start working on incoming connections.
 * Overridden to register with port mapper.
 * @since 0.9.27
public void startRunning() {
    if (open) {
        I2PSocketAddress addr = pickDestination();
        if (addr != null) {
            String svc = null;
            String hostname = addr.getHostName();
            if ("smtp.postman.i2p".equals(hostname)) {
                svc = PortMapper.SVC_SMTP;
            } else if ("pop.postman.i2p".equals(hostname)) {
                svc = PortMapper.SVC_POP;
            if (svc != null) {
                _isr = new InternalSocketRunner(this);
                _context.portMapper().register(svc, getTunnel().listenHost, getLocalPort());
Also used : I2PSocketAddress(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress)

Example 3 with I2PSocketAddress

use of net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PTunnelClient method buildAddresses.

 * @since 0.9.9 moved from constructor
private void buildAddresses(String destinations) {
    if (destinations == null)
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(destinations, ", ");
    synchronized (_addrs) {
        while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String destination = tok.nextToken();
            try {
                // Try to resolve here but only log if it doesn't.
                // Note that b32 _addrs will often not be resolvable at instantiation time.
                // We will try again to resolve in clientConnectionRun()
                I2PSocketAddress addr = new I2PSocketAddress(destination);
                if (addr.isUnresolved()) {
                    String name = addr.getHostName();
                    if (name.length() == 60 && name.endsWith(".b32.i2p"))
                        l.log("Warning - Could not resolve " + name + ", perhaps it is not up, will retry when connecting.");
                        l.log("Warning - Could not resolve " + name + ", you must add it to your address book for it to work.");
                } else {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                l.log("Bad destination " + destination + " - " + iae);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) I2PSocketAddress(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress)

Example 4 with I2PSocketAddress

use of net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PTunnelIRCClient method buildAddresses.

 * @since 0.9.9 moved from constructor
private void buildAddresses(String destinations) {
    if (destinations == null)
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(destinations, ", ");
    synchronized (_addrs) {
        while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String destination = tok.nextToken();
            try {
                // Try to resolve here but only log if it doesn't.
                // Note that b32 _addrs will often not be resolvable at instantiation time.
                // We will try again to resolve in clientConnectionRun()
                I2PSocketAddress addr = new I2PSocketAddress(destination);
                if (addr.isUnresolved()) {
                    String name = addr.getHostName();
                    if (name.length() == 60 && name.endsWith(".b32.i2p"))
                        l.log("Warning - Could not resolve " + name + ", perhaps it is not up, will retry when connecting.");
                        l.log("Warning - Could not resolve " + name + ", you must add it to your address book for it to work.");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                l.log("Bad destination " + destination + " - " + iae);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) I2PSocketAddress(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress)

Example 5 with I2PSocketAddress

use of net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class I2PTunnelIRCClient method clientConnectionRun.

protected void clientConnectionRun(Socket s) {
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"New connection local addr is: " + s.getLocalAddress() + " from: " + s.getInetAddress());
    I2PSocket i2ps = null;
    I2PSocketAddress addr = pickDestination();
    try {
        if (addr == null)
            throw new UnknownHostException("No valid destination configured");
        Destination clientDest = addr.getAddress();
        if (clientDest == null)
            throw new UnknownHostException("Could not resolve " + addr.getHostName());
        int port = addr.getPort();
        i2ps = createI2PSocket(clientDest, port);
        StringBuffer expectedPong = new StringBuffer();
        DCCHelper dcc = _dccEnabled ? new DCC(s.getLocalAddress().getAddress()) : null;
        Thread in = new I2PAppThread(new IrcInboundFilter(s, i2ps, expectedPong, _log, dcc), "IRC Client " + _clientId + " in", true);
        // Thread out = new I2PAppThread(new IrcOutboundFilter(s,i2ps, expectedPong, _log, dcc), "IRC Client " + _clientId + " out", true);
        Runnable out = new IrcOutboundFilter(s, i2ps, expectedPong, _log, dcc);
        // we are called from an unlimited thread pool, so run inline
        // out.start();;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // generally NoRouteToHostException
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            _log.warn("Error connecting", ex);
        // l.log("Error connecting: " + ex.getMessage());
        try {
            // Send a response so the user doesn't just see a disconnect
            // and blame his router or the network.
            String name = addr != null ? addr.getHostName() : "undefined";
            String msg = ":" + name + " 499 you :" + ex + "\r\n";
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
    } catch (I2PException ex) {
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            _log.warn("Error connecting", ex);
        // l.log("Error connecting: " + ex.getMessage());
        try {
            // Send a response so the user doesn't just see a disconnect
            // and blame his router or the network.
            String name = addr != null ? addr.getHostName() : "undefined";
            String msg = ":" + name + " 499 you :" + ex + "\r\n";
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
    } finally {
        // only because we are running it inline
        if (i2ps != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
            synchronized (sockLock) {
Also used : I2PException(net.i2p.I2PException) Destination( UnknownHostException( I2PSocketAddress(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress) I2PSocket(net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket) IOException( DCCHelper(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCHelper) I2PAppThread(net.i2p.util.I2PAppThread) I2PAppThread(net.i2p.util.I2PAppThread) IrcOutboundFilter(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.IrcOutboundFilter) IrcInboundFilter(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.IrcInboundFilter)


I2PSocketAddress (net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketAddress)5 IOException ( UnknownHostException ( StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 I2PException (net.i2p.I2PException)2 I2PSocket (net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket)2 Destination ( DCCHelper (net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCHelper)1 IrcInboundFilter (net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.IrcInboundFilter)1 IrcOutboundFilter (net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.IrcOutboundFilter)1 I2PAppThread (net.i2p.util.I2PAppThread)1