use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade method lookupLeaseSetLocally.
* Use lookupDestination() if you don't need the LS or don't need it validated.
public LeaseSet lookupLeaseSetLocally(Hash key) {
if (!_initialized)
return null;
DatabaseEntry ds = _ds.get(key);
if (ds != null) {
if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) {
LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet) ds;
if (ls.isCurrent(Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR)) {
return ls;
} else {
// this was an interesting key, so either refetch it or simply explore with it
return null;
} else {
// _log.debug("Looking for a lease set [" + key + "] but it ISN'T a leaseSet! " + ds, new Exception("Who thought that router was a lease?"));
return null;
} else {
return null;
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade method fail.
* Final remove for a leaseset.
* For a router info, will look up in the network before dropping.
public void fail(Hash dbEntry) {
if (!_initialized)
DatabaseEntry o = _ds.get(dbEntry);
if (o == null) {
// if we dont know the key, lets make sure it isn't a now-dead peer
if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) {
lookupBeforeDropping(dbEntry, (RouterInfo) o);
// are any updates
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Dropping a lease: " + dbEntry);
_ds.remove(dbEntry, false);
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class SearchUpdateReplyFoundJob method runJob.
public void runJob() {
if (_isFloodfillPeer)
I2NPMessage message = _message;
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Reply from " + _peer.toBase64() + " with message " + message.getClass().getSimpleName());
long howLong = System.currentTimeMillis() - _sentOn;
// assume requests are 1KB (they're almost always much smaller, but tunnels have a fixed size)
int msgSize = 1024;
if (_replyTunnel != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < _replyTunnel.getLength(); i++) getContext().profileManager().tunnelDataPushed(_replyTunnel.getPeer(i), howLong, msgSize);
if (_outTunnel != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < _outTunnel.getLength(); i++) getContext().profileManager().tunnelDataPushed(_outTunnel.getPeer(i), howLong, msgSize);
if (message instanceof DatabaseStoreMessage) {
long timeToReply = _state.dataFound(_peer);
DatabaseStoreMessage msg = (DatabaseStoreMessage) message;
DatabaseEntry entry = msg.getEntry();
try {, entry);
getContext().profileManager().dbLookupSuccessful(_peer, timeToReply);
} catch (UnsupportedCryptoException iae) {
// don't blame the peer
getContext().profileManager().dbLookupSuccessful(_peer, timeToReply);
// searchNext() will call fail()
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("Peer " + _peer + " sent us invalid data: ", iae);
// blame the peer
getContext().profileManager().dbLookupReply(_peer, 0, 0, 1, 0, timeToReply);
} else if (message instanceof DatabaseSearchReplyMessage) {
_job.replyFound((DatabaseSearchReplyMessage) message, _peer);
} else {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
_log.error(getJobId() + ": What?! Reply job matched a strange message: " + message);
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class SearchJob method continueSearch.
* Send a series of searches to the next available peers as selected by
* the routing table, but making sure no more than SEARCH_BREDTH are outstanding
* at any time
protected void continueSearch() {
if (_state.completed()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug(getJobId() + ": Search already completed", new Exception("already completed"));
int toCheck = getBredth() - _state.getPending().size();
if (toCheck <= 0) {
// too many already pending
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Too many searches already pending (pending: " + _state.getPending().size() + " max: " + getBredth() + ")");
int sent = 0;
Set<Hash> attempted = _state.getAttempted();
while (sent <= 0) {
// boolean onlyFloodfill = onlyQueryFloodfillPeers(getContext());
boolean onlyFloodfill = true;
if (_floodfillPeersExhausted && onlyFloodfill && _state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn(getJobId() + ": no non-floodfill peers left, and no more pending. Searched: " + _state.getAttempted().size() + " failed: " + _state.getFailed().size());
List<Hash> closestHashes = getClosestRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, attempted);
if ((closestHashes == null) || (closestHashes.isEmpty())) {
if (_state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
// we tried to find some peers, but there weren't any and no one else is going to answer
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No peers left, and none pending! Already searched: " + _state.getAttempted().size() + " failed: " + _state.getFailed().size());
} else {
// no more to try, but we might get data or close peers from some outstanding requests
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No peers left, but some are pending! Pending: " + _state.getPending().size() + " attempted: " + _state.getAttempted().size() + " failed: " + _state.getFailed().size());
} else {
for (Hash peer : closestHashes) {
DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.getDataStore().get(peer);
if (ds == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Next closest peer " + peer + " was only recently referred to us, sending a search for them");
getContext().netDb().lookupRouterInfo(peer, null, null, _timeoutMs);
} else if (!(ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn(getJobId() + ": Error selecting closest hash that wasnt a router! " + peer + " : " + ds.getClass().getName());
} else {
RouterInfo ri = (RouterInfo) ds;
if (!FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(ri)) {
_floodfillPeersExhausted = true;
if (onlyFloodfill)
if (ri.isHidden()) {
// || // allow querying banlisted, since its indirect
// getContext().banlist().isBanlisted(peer)) {
// dont bother
} else {
sendSearch((RouterInfo) ds);
if (sent <= 0) {
// the (potentially) last peers being searched for could not be,
// er, searched for, so lets retry ASAP (causing either another
// peer to be selected, or the whole search to fail)
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No new peer queued up, so we are going to requeue " +
"ourselves in our search for " + _state.getTarget().toBase64());
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class StoreJob method continueSending.
* Send a series of searches to the next available peers as selected by
* the routing table, but making sure no more than PARALLELIZATION are outstanding
* at any time
* Caller should synchronize to enforce parallelization limits and prevent dups
private synchronized void continueSending() {
if (_state.completed())
int toCheck = getParallelization() - _state.getPending().size();
if (toCheck <= 0) {
// too many already pending
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug(getJobId() + ": Too many store messages pending");
if (toCheck > getParallelization())
toCheck = getParallelization();
// We are going to send the RouterInfo directly, rather than through a lease,
// so select a floodfill peer we are already connected to.
// This will help minimize active connections for floodfill peers and allow
// the network to scale.
// Perhaps the ultimate solution is to send RouterInfos through a lease also.
List<Hash> closestHashes;
// if (_state.getData() instanceof RouterInfo)
// closestHashes = getMostReliableRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, _state.getAttempted());
// else
// closestHashes = getClosestRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, _state.getAttempted());
closestHashes = getClosestFloodfillRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, _state.getAttempted());
if ((closestHashes == null) || (closestHashes.isEmpty())) {
if (_state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No more peers left and none pending");
} else {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No more peers left but some are pending, so keep waiting");
} else {
// _state.addPending(closestHashes);
int queued = 0;
int skipped = 0;
for (Hash peer : closestHashes) {
DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.getDataStore().get(peer);
if ((ds == null) || !(ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Error selecting closest hash that wasnt a router! " + peer + " : " + ds);
} else if (!shouldStoreTo((RouterInfo) ds)) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Skipping old router " + peer);
* above shouldStoreTo() check is newer than these two checks, so we're covered
* } else if (_state.getData().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET &&
* !supportsCert((RouterInfo)ds,
* ((LeaseSet)_state.getData()).getDestination().getCertificate())) {
* if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
* + ": Skipping router that doesn't support key certs " + peer);
* _state.addSkipped(peer);
* skipped++;
* } else if (_state.getData().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET &&
* ((LeaseSet)_state.getData()).getLeaseCount() > 6 &&
* !supportsBigLeaseSets((RouterInfo)ds)) {
* if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
* + ": Skipping router that doesn't support big leasesets " + peer);
* _state.addSkipped(peer);
* skipped++;
} else {
int peerTimeout = _facade.getPeerTimeout(peer);
// if (!((RouterInfo)ds).isHidden()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Continue sending key " + _state.getTarget() + " after " + _state.getAttempted().size() + " tries to " + closestHashes);
sendStore((RouterInfo) ds, peerTimeout);
// }
if (queued == 0 && _state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": No more peers left after skipping " + skipped + " and none pending");
// queue a job to go around again rather than recursing
getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new WaitJob(getContext()));