use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class FloodfillStoreJob method succeed.
* Send was totally successful
protected void succeed() {
if (_facade.isVerifyInProgress(_state.getTarget())) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Skipping verify, one already in progress for: " + _state.getTarget());
if (getContext().router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Skipping verify, shutdown in progress for: " + _state.getTarget());
// Get the time stamp from the data we sent, so the Verify job can meke sure that
// it finds something stamped with that time or newer.
DatabaseEntry data = _state.getData();
boolean isRouterInfo = data.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO;
// default false since
if (isRouterInfo && !getContext().getBooleanProperty(PROP_RI_VERIFY)) {
long published = data.getDate();
// we should always have exactly one successful entry
Hash sentTo = null;
try {
sentTo = _state.getSuccessful().iterator().next();
} catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) {
getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new FloodfillVerifyStoreJob(getContext(), _state.getTarget(), published, isRouterInfo, sentTo, _facade));
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class FloodfillVerifyStoreJob method resend.
* the netDb store failed to verify, so resend it to a random floodfill peer
* Fixme - since we now store closest-to-the-key, this is likely to store to the
* very same ff as last time, until the stats get bad enough to switch.
* Therefore, pass the failed ff through as a don't-store-to.
* Let's also add the one we just tried to verify with, as they could be a pair of no-flooders.
* So at least we'll try THREE ffs round-robin if things continue to fail...
private void resend() {
DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.lookupLocally(_key);
if (ds != null) {
Set<Hash> toSkip = new HashSet<Hash>(2);
if (_sentTo != null)
if (_target != null)
_facade.sendStore(_key, ds, null, null, FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT, toSkip);
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade method getKnownRouterData.
public List<RouterInfo> getKnownRouterData() {
List<RouterInfo> rv = new ArrayList<RouterInfo>();
DataStore ds = getDataStore();
if (ds != null) {
for (DatabaseEntry o : ds.getEntries()) {
if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)
rv.add((RouterInfo) o);
return rv;
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class UDPTransport method messageReceived.
* infinite loop
* public RouterAddress getCurrentAddress() {
* if (needsRebuild())
* rebuildExternalAddress(false);
* return super.getCurrentAddress();
* }
public void messageReceived(I2NPMessage inMsg, RouterIdentity remoteIdent, Hash remoteIdentHash, long msToReceive, int bytesReceived) {
if (inMsg.getType() == DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = (DatabaseStoreMessage) inMsg;
DatabaseEntry entry = dsm.getEntry();
if (entry == null)
if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO && ((RouterInfo) entry).getNetworkId() != _networkID) {
// this is pre-, so it isn't going to happen any more
if (remoteIdentHash != null) {
_context.banlist().banlistRouter(remoteIdentHash, "Sent us a peer from the wrong network");
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
_log.error("Dropping the peer " + remoteIdentHash
+ " because they are in the wrong net");
} else if (remoteIdent != null) {
_context.banlist().banlistRouter(remoteIdent.calculateHash(), "Sent us a peer from the wrong network");
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
_log.error("Dropping the peer " + remoteIdent.calculateHash()
+ " because they are in the wrong net");
Hash peerHash = entry.getHash();
PeerState peer = getPeerState(peerHash);
if (peer != null) {
RemoteHostId remote = peer.getRemoteHostId();
_context.statManager().addRateData("udp.dropPeerDroplist", 1);
_context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new RemoveDropList(remote), DROPLIST_PERIOD);
_context.banlist().banlistRouter(peerHash, "Part of the wrong network, version = " + ((RouterInfo) entry).getVersion());
// _context.banlist().banlistRouter(peerHash, "Part of the wrong network", STYLE);
if (peer != null)
dropPeer(peerHash, false, "wrong network");
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("Dropping the peer " + peerHash + " because they are in the wrong net: " + entry);
} else {
if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Received an RI from the same net");
} else {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Received a leaseSet: " + dsm);
} else {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Received another message: " + inMsg.getClass().getName());
PeerState peer = getPeerState(remoteIdentHash);
super.messageReceived(inMsg, remoteIdent, remoteIdentHash, msToReceive, bytesReceived);
if (peer != null)
use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class HandleDatabaseLookupMessageJob method runJob.
public void runJob() {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Handling database lookup message for " + _message.getSearchKey());
Hash fromKey = _message.getFrom();
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) {
if (_message.getReplyTunnel() != null)
_log.debug("dbLookup received with replies going to " + fromKey + " (tunnel " + _message.getReplyTunnel() + ")");
// If we are hidden we should not get queries, log and return
if (getContext().router().isHidden()) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) {
_log.warn("Uninvited dbLookup received with replies going to " + fromKey + " (tunnel " + _message.getReplyTunnel() + ")");
// i2pd bug?
if (_message.getSearchKey().equals(Hash.FAKE_HASH)) {
if (_log.shouldWarn())
_log.warn("Zero lookup", new Exception());
getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.DLMAllZeros", 1);
DatabaseLookupMessage.Type lookupType = _message.getSearchType();
// only lookup once, then cast to correct type
DatabaseEntry dbe = getContext().netDb().lookupLocally(_message.getSearchKey());
if (dbe != null && dbe.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET && (lookupType == DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.ANY || lookupType == DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.LS)) {
LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet) dbe;
// We have to be very careful here to decide whether or not to send out the leaseSet,
// to avoid anonymity vulnerabilities.
// As this is complex, lots of comments follow...
boolean isLocal = getContext().clientManager().isLocal(ls.getDestination());
boolean shouldPublishLocal = isLocal && getContext().clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(_message.getSearchKey());
// true for received in a DatabaseStoreMessage unsolicited
if (ls.getReceivedAsPublished()) {
// Local leasesets are not handled here
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"We have the published LS " + _message.getSearchKey() + ", answering query");
getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.lookupsMatchedReceivedPublished", 1);
sendData(_message.getSearchKey(), ls, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else if (shouldPublishLocal && answerAllQueries()) {
// We are floodfill, and this is our local leaseset, and we publish it.
// Only send it out if it is in our estimated keyspace.
// For this, we do NOT use their dontInclude list as it can't be trusted
// (i.e. it could mess up the closeness calculation)
Set<Hash> closestHashes = getContext().netDb().findNearestRouters(_message.getSearchKey(), CLOSENESS_THRESHOLD, null);
if (weAreClosest(closestHashes)) {
// It's in our keyspace, so give it to them
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"We have local LS " + _message.getSearchKey() + ", answering query, in our keyspace");
getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.lookupsMatchedLocalClosest", 1);
sendData(_message.getSearchKey(), ls, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else {
// Lie, pretend we don't have it
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"We have local LS " + _message.getSearchKey() + ", NOT answering query, out of our keyspace");
getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.lookupsMatchedLocalNotClosest", 1);
Set<Hash> routerHashSet = getNearestRouters(lookupType);
sendClosest(_message.getSearchKey(), routerHashSet, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else {
// Lie, pretend we don't have it
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"We have LS " + _message.getSearchKey() + ", NOT answering query - local? " + isLocal + " shouldPublish? " + shouldPublishLocal + " RAP? " + ls.getReceivedAsPublished() + " RAR? " + ls.getReceivedAsReply());
getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.lookupsMatchedRemoteNotClosest", 1);
Set<Hash> routerHashSet = getNearestRouters(lookupType);
sendClosest(_message.getSearchKey(), routerHashSet, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else if (dbe != null && dbe.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO && lookupType != DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.LS) {
RouterInfo info = (RouterInfo) dbe;
if (info.isCurrent(EXPIRE_DELAY)) {
if ((info.isHidden()) || (isUnreachable(info) && !publishUnreachable())) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Not answering a query for a netDb peer who isn't reachable");
Set<Hash> us = Collections.singleton(getContext().routerHash());
sendClosest(_message.getSearchKey(), us, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else {
// send that routerInfo to the _message.getFromHash peer
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("We do have key " + _message.getSearchKey() + " locally as a router info. sending to " + fromKey);
sendData(_message.getSearchKey(), info, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else {
// expired locally - return closest peer hashes
Set<Hash> routerHashSet = getNearestRouters(lookupType);
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("Expired " + _message.getSearchKey() + " locally. sending back " + routerHashSet.size() + " peers to " + fromKey);
sendClosest(_message.getSearchKey(), routerHashSet, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());
} else {
// not found locally - return closest peer hashes
Set<Hash> routerHashSet = getNearestRouters(lookupType);
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
_log.debug("We do not have key " + _message.getSearchKey() + " locally. sending back " + routerHashSet.size() + " peers to " + fromKey);
sendClosest(_message.getSearchKey(), routerHashSet, fromKey, _message.getReplyTunnel());