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Example 1 with TunnelController

use of net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class GeneralHelper method getClientDestination.

public String getClientDestination(int tunnel) {
    TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel);
    if (tun == null)
        return "";
    String rv;
    if (TunnelController.TYPE_STD_CLIENT.equals(tun.getType()) || TunnelController.TYPE_IRC_CLIENT.equals(tun.getType()) || TunnelController.TYPE_STREAMR_CLIENT.equals(tun.getType()))
        rv = tun.getTargetDestination();
        rv = tun.getProxyList();
    return rv != null ? rv : "";
Also used : TunnelController(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController)

Example 2 with TunnelController

use of net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class GeneralHelper method updateTunnelConfig.

protected static List<String> updateTunnelConfig(TunnelControllerGroup tcg, int tunnel, TunnelConfig config) {
    // Get current tunnel controller
    TunnelController cur = getController(tcg, tunnel);
    Properties props = config.getConfig();
    List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<String>();
    String type = props.getProperty(TunnelController.PROP_TYPE);
    if (TunnelController.TYPE_STD_CLIENT.equals(type) || TunnelController.TYPE_IRC_CLIENT.equals(type)) {
        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty(OPT + I2PTunnelClientBase.PROP_USE_SSL))) {
            // add the local interface and all targets to the cert
            String intfc = props.getProperty(TunnelController.PROP_INTFC);
            Set<String> altNames = new HashSet<String>(4);
            if (intfc != null && !intfc.equals("") && !intfc.equals("::") && !intfc.equals("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"))
            String tgts = props.getProperty(TunnelController.PROP_DEST);
            if (tgts != null) {
                String[] hosts = DataHelper.split(tgts, "[ ,]");
                for (String h : hosts) {
                    int colon = h.indexOf(':');
                    if (colon >= 0)
                        h = h.substring(0, colon);
                    if (!h.endsWith(".b32.i2p")) {
                        Hash hash = ConvertToHash.getHash(h);
                        if (hash != null)
            try {
                boolean created = SSLClientUtil.verifyKeyStore(props, OPT, altNames);
                if (created) {
                    // config now contains new keystore props
                    String name = props.getProperty(TunnelController.PROP_NAME, "");
                    msgs.add("Created new self-signed certificate for tunnel " + name);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                msgs.add("Failed to create new self-signed certificate for tunnel " + getTunnelName(tcg, tunnel) + ", check logs: " + ioe);
    if (cur == null) {
        // creating new
        cur = new TunnelController(props, "", true);
        if (cur.getStartOnLoad())
    } else {
        cur.setConfig(props, "");
    // if the current tunnel is shared, and of supported type
    if (Boolean.parseBoolean(cur.getSharedClient()) && TunnelController.isClient(cur.getType())) {
        // all clients use the same I2CP session, and as such, use the same I2CP options
        List<TunnelController> controllers = tcg.getControllers();
        for (int i = 0; i < controllers.size(); i++) {
            TunnelController c = controllers.get(i);
            // Current tunnel modified by user, skip
            if (c == cur)
            // if it belongs to a shared destination, and is of supported type
            if (Boolean.parseBoolean(c.getSharedClient()) && TunnelController.isClient(c.getType())) {
                Properties cOpt = c.getConfig("");
                cOpt.setProperty("option.inbound.nickname", TunnelConfig.SHARED_CLIENT_NICKNAME);
                cOpt.setProperty("option.outbound.nickname", TunnelConfig.SHARED_CLIENT_NICKNAME);
                c.setConfig(cOpt, "");
    return msgs;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( Properties(java.util.Properties) Hash( ConvertToHash(net.i2p.util.ConvertToHash) TunnelController(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with TunnelController

use of net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class GeneralHelper method deleteTunnel.

 * Stop the tunnel, delete from config,
 * rename the private key file if in the default directory
 * @param privKeyFile The priv key file name from the tunnel edit form. Can
 *                    be null if not known.
public static List<String> deleteTunnel(I2PAppContext context, TunnelControllerGroup tcg, int tunnel, String privKeyFile) {
    List<String> msgs;
    TunnelController cur = getController(tcg, tunnel);
    if (cur == null) {
        msgs = new ArrayList<String>();
        msgs.add("Invalid tunnel number");
        return msgs;
    msgs = tcg.removeController(cur);
    msgs.addAll(saveConfig(context, tcg));
    // Rename private key file if it was a default name in
    // the default directory, so it doesn't get reused when a new
    // tunnel is created.
    // Use configured file name if available, not the one from the form.
    String pk = cur.getPrivKeyFile();
    if (pk == null)
        pk = privKeyFile;
    if (pk != null && pk.startsWith("i2ptunnel") && pk.endsWith("-privKeys.dat") && ((!TunnelController.isClient(cur.getType())) || cur.getPersistentClientKey())) {
        File pkf = new File(context.getConfigDir(), pk);
        if (pkf.exists()) {
            String name = cur.getName();
            if (name == null) {
                name = cur.getDescription();
                if (name == null) {
                    name = cur.getType();
                    if (name == null)
                        name = Long.toString(context.clock().now());
            name = name.replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '_').replace("..", "_").replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_');
            name = "i2ptunnel-deleted-" + name + '-' + context.clock().now() + "-privkeys.dat";
            File backupDir = new SecureFile(context.getConfigDir(), TunnelController.KEY_BACKUP_DIR);
            File to;
            if (backupDir.isDirectory() || backupDir.mkdir())
                to = new File(backupDir, name);
                to = new File(context.getConfigDir(), name);
            boolean success = FileUtil.rename(pkf, to);
            if (success)
                msgs.add("Private key file " + pkf.getAbsolutePath() + " renamed to " + to.getAbsolutePath());
    return msgs;
Also used : SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) TunnelController(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) PrivateKeyFile( File(

Example 4 with TunnelController

use of net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class EditBean method getSigningPrivateKey.

 *    public String getNameSignature(int tunnel) {
 *        String spoof = getSpoofedHost(tunnel);
 *        if (spoof.length() <= 0)
 *            return "";
 *        TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel);
 *        if (tun == null)
 *            return "";
 *        String keyFile = tun.getPrivKeyFile();
 *        if (keyFile != null && keyFile.trim().length() > 0) {
 *            File f = new File(keyFile);
 *            if (!f.isAbsolute())
 *                f = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), keyFile);
 *            PrivateKeyFile pkf = new PrivateKeyFile(f);
 *            try {
 *                Destination d = pkf.getDestination();
 *                if (d == null)
 *                    return "";
 *                SigningPrivateKey privKey = pkf.getSigningPrivKey();
 *                if (privKey == null)
 *                    return "";
 *                Signature sig = _context.dsa().sign(spoof.getBytes("UTF-8"), privKey);
 *                if (sig == null)
 *                    return "";
 *                return Base64.encode(sig.getData());
 *            } catch (I2PException e) {
 *            } catch (IOException e) {}
 *        }
 *        return "";
 *    }
 *  @since 0.9.26
 *  @return key or null
public SigningPrivateKey getSigningPrivateKey(int tunnel) {
    TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel);
    if (tun == null)
        return null;
    String keyFile = tun.getPrivKeyFile();
    if (keyFile != null && keyFile.trim().length() > 0) {
        File f = new File(keyFile);
        if (!f.isAbsolute())
            f = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), keyFile);
        PrivateKeyFile pkf = new PrivateKeyFile(f);
        return pkf.getSigningPrivKey();
    return null;
Also used : TunnelController(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController) PrivateKeyFile( PrivateKeyFile( File(

Example 5 with TunnelController

use of net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class IndexBean method getServerTarget.

 * @return valid host:port only if isServerTargetLinkValid() is true
public String getServerTarget(int tunnel) {
    TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel);
    if (tun != null) {
        String host;
        if ("streamrserver".equals(tun.getType()))
            host = tun.getListenOnInterface();
            host = tun.getTargetHost();
        String port = tun.getTargetPort();
        if (host == null || host.length() == 0)
            host = "<font color=\"red\">" + _t("Host not set") + "</font>";
        else if (Addresses.getIP(host) == null)
            host = "<font color=\"red\">" + _t("Invalid address") + ' ' + host + "</font>";
        else if (host.indexOf(':') >= 0)
            host = '[' + host + ']';
        if (port == null || port.length() == 0)
            port = "<font color=\"red\">" + _t("Port not set") + "</font>";
        else if (Addresses.getPort(port) == 0)
            port = "<font color=\"red\">" + _t("Invalid port") + ' ' + port + "</font>";
        return host + ':' + port;
    } else
        return "";
Also used : TunnelController(net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController)


TunnelController (net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController)14 File ( PrivateKeyFile ( Properties (java.util.Properties)4 IOException ( SecureFile (net.i2p.util.SecureFile)3 I2PException (net.i2p.I2PException)2 Destination ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 Certificate ( Hash ( SessionKey ( TunnelControllerGroup (net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup)1 ConvertToHash (net.i2p.util.ConvertToHash)1