use of net.i2p.router.crypto.FamilyKeyCrypto in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class SybilRenderer method renderIPGroupsFamily.
private void renderIPGroupsFamily(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException {
buf.append("<h3 id=\"samefamily\" class=\"sybils\">Floodfills in the Same Declared Family</h3><div class=\"sybil_container\">");
ObjectCounter<String> oc = new ObjectCounter<String>();
for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
String fam = info.getOption("family");
if (fam == null)
List<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>(oc.objects());
Collections.sort(foo, new FoofComparator(oc));
FamilyKeyCrypto fkc = _context.router().getFamilyKeyCrypto();
String ourFamily = fkc != null ? fkc.getOurFamilyName() : null;
boolean found = false;
for (String s : foo) {
int count = oc.count(s);
String ss = DataHelper.escapeHTML(s);
if (count > 1) {
buf.append("<p class=\"family\"><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills in family: <a href=\"/netdb?fam=").append(ss).append("&sybil\">").append(ss).append("</a></b></p>");
for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
String fam = info.getOption("family");
if (fam == null)
if (!fam.equals(s))
found = true;
// limit display
// renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false);
double point = POINTS_FAMILY;
if (fkc != null && s.equals(ourFamily)) {
if (fkc.verifyOurFamily(info))
addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_OUR_FAMILY, "Our family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + ((count > 2) ? "s" : ""));
addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_BAD_OUR_FAMILY, "Spoofed our family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + ((count > 2) ? "s" : ""));
} else if (count > 1) {
addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same declared family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + ((count > 2) ? "s" : ""));
} else {
addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Declared family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + '"');
if (!found)
buf.append("<p class=\"notfound\">None</p>");
use of net.i2p.router.crypto.FamilyKeyCrypto in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class StatisticsManager method publishStatistics.
* Retrieve a snapshot of the statistics that should be published.
* This includes all standard options (as of 0.9.24, network ID and caps)
* @param h current router hash, non-null
* @since 0.9.24
public Properties publishStatistics(Hash h) {
Properties stats = new Properties();
stats.setProperty("router.version", RouterVersion.VERSION);
// never used
// stats.setProperty("coreVersion", CoreVersion.VERSION);
stats.setProperty(RouterInfo.PROP_NETWORK_ID, _networkID);
stats.setProperty(RouterInfo.PROP_CAPABILITIES, _context.router().getCapabilities());
if (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(PROP_PUBLISH_RANKINGS) && _context.random().nextInt(RANDOM_INCLUDE_STATS) == 0) {
// long publishedUptime = _context.router().getUptime();
// Don't publish these for first hour
// Disabled in 0.9
// if (publishedUptime > 62*60*1000)
// includeAverageThroughput(stats);
// includeRate("router.invalidMessageTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("router.duplicateMessageId", stats, new long[] { 24*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.duplicateIV", stats, new long[] { 24*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.fragmentedDropped", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 3*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.fullFragments", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 3*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.smallFragments", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 3*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.testFailedTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.batchDelaySent", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.batchMultipleCount", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.corruptMessage", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000l, 3*60*60*1000l });
// includeRate("router.throttleTunnelProbTestSlow", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("router.throttleTunnelProbTooFast", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("router.throttleTunnelProcessingTime1m", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("router.fastPeers", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.statusOK", stats, new long[] { 20*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.statusDifferent", stats, new long[] { 20*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.statusReject", stats, new long[] { 20*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.statusUnknown", stats, new long[] { 20*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.statusKnownCharlie", stats, new long[] { 1*60*1000, 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.addressUpdated", stats, new long[] { 1*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.addressTestInsteadOfUpdate", stats, new long[] { 1*60*1000 });
// includeRate("clock.skew", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000, 3*60*60*1000, 24*60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("transport.sendProcessingTime", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("jobQueue.jobRunSlow", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000l, 60*60*1000l });
// includeRate("crypto.elGamal.encrypt", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// total event count can be used to track uptime
includeRate("tunnel.participatingTunnels", stats, new long[] { 60 * 60 * 1000 }, true);
// includeRate("tunnel.testSuccessTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000l });
// includeRate("client.sendAckTime", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 }, true);
// includeRate("udp.sendConfirmTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.sendVolleyTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.ignoreRecentDuplicate", stats, new long[] { 60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.congestionOccurred", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("stream.con.sendDuplicateSize", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// includeRate("stream.con.receiveDuplicateSize", stats, new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
// stats.setProperty("stat__rateKey", "avg;maxAvg;pctLifetime;[sat;satLim;maxSat;maxSatLim;][num;lifetimeFreq;maxFreq]");
// includeRate("tunnel.decryptRequestTime", stats, new long[] { 60*1000, 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.packetDequeueTime", stats, new long[] { 60*1000 });
// includeRate("udp.packetVerifyTime", stats, new long[] { 60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.buildRequestTime", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
long rate = 60 * 60 * 1000;
// includeTunnelRates("Client", stats, rate);
includeTunnelRates("Exploratory", stats, rate);
// includeRate("tunnel.rejectTimeout", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.rejectOverloaded", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// includeRate("tunnel.acceptLoad", stats, new long[] { 10*60*1000 });
// stats.setProperty("stat_uptime", "90m");
if (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(_context.router().getRouterInfo())) {
int ri = _context.router().getUptime() > 30 * 60 * 1000 ? _context.netDb().getKnownRouters() : // so it isn't obvious we restarted
3000 + _context.random().nextInt(1000);
stats.setProperty("netdb.knownRouters", String.valueOf(ri));
int ls = _context.router().getUptime() > 30 * 60 * 1000 ? _context.netDb().getKnownLeaseSets() : // so it isn't obvious we restarted
30 + _context.random().nextInt(40);
stats.setProperty("netdb.knownLeaseSets", String.valueOf(ls));
String contact = _context.getProperty(PROP_CONTACT_NAME);
if (contact != null)
stats.setProperty("contact", contact);
String family = _context.getProperty(FamilyKeyCrypto.PROP_FAMILY_NAME);
if (family != null) {
stats.setProperty(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_NAME, family);
String sig = null;
String key = null;
RouterInfo oldRI = _context.router().getRouterInfo();
if (oldRI != null) {
// don't do it if family changed
if (family.equals(oldRI.getOption(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_NAME))) {
// copy over the pubkey and signature
key = oldRI.getOption(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_KEY);
if (key != null) {
if (key.contains(";")) {
// we changed the separator from ';' to ':'
key = null;
} else {
stats.setProperty(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_KEY, key);
sig = oldRI.getOption(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_SIG);
if (sig != null)
stats.setProperty(FamilyKeyCrypto.OPT_SIG, sig);
if (sig == null || key == null) {
FamilyKeyCrypto fkc = _context.router().getFamilyKeyCrypto();
if (fkc != null) {
try {
stats.putAll(fkc.sign(family, h));
} catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
_log.error("Failed to sign router family", gse);
return stats;