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Example 1 with DatasetView

use of net.imagej.display.DatasetView in project imagej-omero by imagej.

the class DefaultOMEROService method toOMERO.

public Object toOMERO(final omero.client client, final Object value) throws omero.ServerError, IOException, ExecutionException, DSOutOfServiceException, DSAccessException, NumberFormatException, URISyntaxException {
    if (value == null)
        return null;
    if (value instanceof Dataset) {
        // upload image to OMERO, returning the resultant image ID
        final Dataset d = (Dataset) value;
        final long imageID = uploadImage(client, d);
        // TODO: upload or update?
        if (d.getProperties().get("rois") != null)
            uploadROIs(createCredentials(client), (TreeNode<?>) d.getProperties().get("rois"), imageID);
        // TODO: Modify tables to implement Named??
        if (d.getProperties().get("tables") != null) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Table<?, ?>> tables = (List<Table<?, ?>>) d.getProperties().get("tables");
            final OMEROLocation cred = createCredentials(client);
            for (final Table<?, ?> table : tables) uploadTable(cred, d.getName() + "-table", table, imageID);
        return toOMERO(client, imageID);
    if (convertService.supports(value, Dataset.class))
        return toOMERO(client, convertService.convert(value, Dataset.class));
    if (value instanceof DatasetView) {
        final DatasetView datasetView = (DatasetView) value;
        // TODO: Verify whether any view-specific metadata can be preserved.
        return toOMERO(client, datasetView.getData());
    if (value instanceof ImageDisplay) {
        final ImageDisplay imageDisplay = (ImageDisplay) value;
        // TODO: Support more aspects of image displays; e.g., multiple datasets.
        return toOMERO(client, imageDisplayService.getActiveDataset(imageDisplay));
    if (value instanceof Table)
        return convertOMEROTable((Table<?, ?>) value);
    if (value instanceof TableDisplay)
        return toOMERO(client, ((TableDisplay) value).get(0));
    if (convertService.supports(value, Table.class))
        return toOMERO(client, convertService.convert(value, Table.class));
    if (value instanceof TreeNode) {
        return convertOMEROROI((TreeNode<?>) value, null);
    if (value instanceof MaskPredicate) {
        final Object o = toOMERO(client, new DefaultTreeNode<>(value, null));
        return ((List<?>) o).get(0);
    if (convertService.supports(value, TreeNode.class))
        return toOMERO(client, convertService.convert(value, TreeNode.class));
    if (convertService.supports(value, MaskPredicate.class))
        return toOMERO(client, convertService.convert(value, MaskPredicate.class));
    return toOMERO(value);
Also used : Table(org.scijava.table.Table) GenericTable(org.scijava.table.GenericTable) DatasetView(net.imagej.display.DatasetView) Dataset(net.imagej.Dataset) MaskPredicate(net.imglib2.roi.MaskPredicate) DefaultTreeNode(org.scijava.util.DefaultTreeNode) TreeNode(org.scijava.util.TreeNode) TableDisplay(org.scijava.table.TableDisplay) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataObject(omero.gateway.model.DataObject) ImageDisplay(net.imagej.display.ImageDisplay)

Example 2 with DatasetView

use of net.imagej.display.DatasetView in project imagej-ui-swing by imagej.

the class SwingImageDisplayPanel method redraw.

public void redraw() {
    final DatasetView view = imageDisplayService.getActiveDatasetView(display);
    // no active dataset
    if (view == null || view.getProjector() == null)
Also used : DatasetView(net.imagej.display.DatasetView)

Example 3 with DatasetView

use of net.imagej.display.DatasetView in project imagej-ui-swing by imagej.

the class SwingImageDisplayPanel method updateColorBar.

private void updateColorBar(final int c) {
    final DatasetView view = imageDisplayService.getActiveDatasetView(display);
    // no active dataset
    if (view == null)
    List<ColorTable> colorTables = view.getColorTables();
    if (c >= colorTables.size())
    final ColorTable lut = colorTables.get(c);
Also used : DatasetView(net.imagej.display.DatasetView) ColorTable(net.imglib2.display.ColorTable)

Example 4 with DatasetView

use of net.imagej.display.DatasetView in project imagej-ui-swing by imagej.

the class JHotDrawImageCanvas method capture.

 * Captures the current view of data displayed in the canvas, including all
 * JHotDraw embellishments.
public Dataset capture() {
    final ImageDisplay display = getDisplay();
    if (display == null)
        return null;
    final DatasetView datasetView = imageDisplayService.getActiveDatasetView(display);
    if (datasetView == null)
        return null;
    final ARGBScreenImage screenImage = datasetView.getScreenImage();
    final Image pixels = screenImage.image();
    final int w = pixels.getWidth(null);
    final int h = pixels.getHeight(null);
    // draw the backdrop image info
    final BufferedImage outputImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    final Graphics2D outputGraphics = outputImage.createGraphics();
    outputGraphics.drawImage(pixels, 0, 0, null);
    // draw the overlay info
    for (final FigureView view : figureViews) {
    // create a dataset that has view data with overlay info on top
    final Dataset dataset = datasetService.create(new long[] { w, h, 3 }, "Captured view", new AxisType[] { Axes.X, Axes.Y, Axes.CHANNEL }, 8, false, false);
    final RandomAccess<? extends RealType<?>> accessor = dataset.randomAccess();
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        accessor.setPosition(x, 0);
        for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
            accessor.setPosition(y, 1);
            final int rgb = outputImage.getRGB(x, y);
            final int r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
            final int g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
            final int b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff;
            accessor.setPosition(0, 2);
            accessor.setPosition(1, 2);
            accessor.setPosition(2, 2);
    return dataset;
Also used : ARGBScreenImage(net.imglib2.display.screenimage.awt.ARGBScreenImage) DatasetView(net.imagej.display.DatasetView) Dataset(net.imagej.Dataset) Image(java.awt.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ARGBScreenImage(net.imglib2.display.screenimage.awt.ARGBScreenImage) ImageDisplay(net.imagej.display.ImageDisplay) Point(java.awt.Point) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 5 with DatasetView

use of net.imagej.display.DatasetView in project imagej-plugins-commands by imagej.

the class ShowInfo method displayRangesString.

private String displayRangesString() {
    int chAxis = disp.dimensionIndex(Axes.CHANNEL);
    if (chAxis < 0)
        return null;
    long numChan = disp.dimension(chAxis);
    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int c = 0; c < numChan; c++) {
        final DatasetView datasetView = imageDisplayService.getActiveDatasetView(disp);
        final double min = datasetView.getChannelMin(c);
        final double max = datasetView.getChannelMax(c);
        builder.append("Display range channel " + c + ": " + min + "-" + max + "\n");
    return builder.toString();
Also used : DatasetView(net.imagej.display.DatasetView)


DatasetView (net.imagej.display.DatasetView)21 Dataset (net.imagej.Dataset)13 Overlay (net.imagej.overlay.Overlay)11 DoubleType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType)8 Position (net.imagej.Position)4 ColorTable (net.imglib2.display.ColorTable)4 Point (java.awt.Point)2 ImageDisplay (net.imagej.display.ImageDisplay)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 Image (java.awt.Image)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 DataView (net.imagej.display.DataView)1 OverlayView (net.imagej.display.OverlayView)1 OptionsCompatibility (net.imagej.options.OptionsCompatibility)1 OptionsMisc (net.imagej.options.OptionsMisc)1 DefaultResultsTable (net.imagej.table.DefaultResultsTable)1 ARGBScreenImage (net.imglib2.display.screenimage.awt.ARGBScreenImage)1 ArrayImgFactory (net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgFactory)1