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Example 1 with OtrCryptoEngineImpl

use of in project Spark by igniterealtime.

the class MyOtrKeyManager method getLocalFingerprint.

 * Returns the local finger print for specified session. If there is no
 * finger print you might generate one.
 * @return the local finger print for this sessionID
public String getLocalFingerprint(SessionID sessionID) {
    KeyPair keyPair = loadLocalKeyPair(sessionID);
    if (keyPair == null)
        return null;
    PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    try {
        return new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(pubKey);
    } catch (OtrCryptoException e) {
        return null;
Also used : KeyPair( OtrCryptoException( PublicKey( OtrCryptoEngineImpl(

Example 2 with OtrCryptoEngineImpl

use of in project Zom-Android by zom.

the class OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl method savePublicKey.

public void savePublicKey(SessionID sessionID, PublicKey pubKey) {
    if (sessionID == null)
    X509EncodedKeySpec x509EncodedKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKey.getEncoded());
    // if (!Address.hasResource(sessionID.getRemoteUserId()))
    // return;
    String fullUserId = sessionID.getRemoteUserId(); + ".publicKey", x509EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded());
    // and is useful for transferring rosters to other apps.
    try {
        String fingerprintString = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(pubKey);
        String verifiedToken = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(sessionID.getRemoteUserId(), fingerprintString);
        String fingerprintKey = fullUserId + ".fingerprint";
        // if a fingerprint for this userid exists, then check if the key is verified
        if ( {
            if (!
      , false);
        } else {
            // if there is no key, then we can "trust on first use"!
  , fingerprintString);
  , true);
    } catch (OtrCryptoException e) {
        Log.e(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "otr error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : OtrCryptoException( OtrCryptoEngineImpl( X509EncodedKeySpec(

Example 3 with OtrCryptoEngineImpl

use of in project Zom-Android by zom.

the class SignatureMessage method verify.

public boolean verify(byte[] key) throws OtrException {
    // Hash the key.
    byte[] xbEncrypted;
    try {
        xbEncrypted = SerializationUtils.writeData(xEncrypted);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new OtrException(e);
    byte[] xEncryptedMAC = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().sha256Hmac160(xbEncrypted, key);
    // Verify signature.
    return Arrays.equals(this.xEncryptedMAC, xEncryptedMAC);
Also used : OtrCryptoEngineImpl( IOException( OtrException(

Example 4 with OtrCryptoEngineImpl

use of in project Zom-Android by zom.

the class AuthContextImpl method h2.

private byte[] h2(byte b) throws OtrException {
    byte[] secbytes;
    try {
        secbytes = SerializationUtils.writeMpi(getS());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new OtrException(e);
    int len = secbytes.length + 1;
    ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);
    byte[] sdata = buff.array();
    return new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().sha256Hash(sdata);
Also used : OtrCryptoEngineImpl( IOException( OtrException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 5 with OtrCryptoEngineImpl

use of in project xabber-android by redsolution.

the class OTRManager method sessionStatusChanged.

public void sessionStatusChanged(SessionID sessionID) {
    removeSMRequest(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
    removeSMProgress(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
    Session session = sessions.get(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
    SessionStatus sStatus = session.getSessionStatus();
    LogManager.i(this, "session status changed " + sessionID.getUserID() + " status: " + sStatus);
    if (sStatus == SessionStatus.ENCRYPTED) {
        finished.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        PublicKey remotePublicKey = session.getRemotePublicKey();
        String value;
        try {
            OtrCryptoEngine otrCryptoEngine = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl();
            value = otrCryptoEngine.getFingerprint(remotePublicKey);
        } catch (OtrCryptoException e) {
            LogManager.exception(this, e);
            value = null;
        if (value != null) {
            actives.put(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), value);
            if (fingerprints.get(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), value) == null) {
                fingerprints.put(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), value, false);
                requestToWrite(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), value, false);
        newAction(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), null, isVerified(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID()) ? ChatAction.otr_verified : ChatAction.otr_encryption);
        AbstractChat chat = getChat(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        if (chat != null) {
    } else if (sStatus == SessionStatus.PLAINTEXT) {
        actives.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        sessions.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        finished.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        try {
        } catch (OtrException e) {
            LogManager.exception(this, e);
        newAction(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), null, ChatAction.otr_plain);
    } else if (sStatus == SessionStatus.FINISHED) {
        actives.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        sessions.remove(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        finished.put(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), true);
        newAction(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID(), null, ChatAction.otr_finish);
        // if session was finished then clear OTR-resource for this chat
        RegularChat chat = (RegularChat) getChat(sessionID.getAccountID(), sessionID.getUserID());
        if (chat != null) {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException();
Also used : OtrCryptoEngine( OtrCryptoException( PublicKey( AbstractChat( SessionStatus( OtrCryptoEngineImpl( OtrException( RegularChat( Session(


OtrCryptoEngineImpl ( PublicKey ( OtrException ( KeyPair ( OtrCryptoException ( IOException ( DHPublicKey (javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey)5 OtrCryptoEngine ( ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( OtrInputStream ( OtrOutputStream ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 DSAPublicKey ( SignatureM ( SignatureX ( AbstractChat ( RegularChat ( UnsupportedEncodingException (