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Example 6 with OtrCryptoException

use of in project Zom-Android by zom.

the class OtrKeyManagerDefaultImpl method getLocalFingerprint.

public String getLocalFingerprint(SessionID sessionID) {
    KeyPair keyPair = loadLocalKeyPair(sessionID);
    if (keyPair == null)
        return null;
    PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    try {
        return new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(pubKey);
    } catch (OtrCryptoException e) {
        return null;
Also used : KeyPair( OtrCryptoException( PublicKey( OtrCryptoEngineImpl(

Example 7 with OtrCryptoException

use of in project Zom-Android by zom.

the class OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl method getRemoteFingerprint.

public String getRemoteFingerprint(String fullUserId) {
    String fingerprint = + ".fingerprint");
    if (fingerprint != null) {
        // If we have a fingerprint stashed, assume it is correct.
        return fingerprint;
    // if we can't find an exact match, let's show the first one that matches the id sans resource
    for (Object fpKey : store.getKeySet().toArray()) {
        String fpKeyString = (String) fpKey;
        if (fpKeyString.startsWith(fullUserId) && fpKeyString.endsWith(".fingerprint")) {
            fingerprint = store.getProperty(fpKeyString);
            if (fingerprint != null)
                return fingerprint;
    PublicKey remotePublicKey = loadRemotePublicKeyFromStore(fullUserId);
    if (remotePublicKey == null)
        return null;
    try {
        // Store the fingerprint, for posterity.
        String fingerprintString = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(remotePublicKey); + ".fingerprint", fingerprintString);
        return fingerprintString;
    } catch (OtrCryptoException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("OtrCryptoException getting remote fingerprint", e);
Also used : OtrCryptoException( PublicKey( OtrCryptoEngineImpl(

Example 8 with OtrCryptoException

use of in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.

the class Account method getOtrFingerprint.

public String getOtrFingerprint() {
    if (this.otrFingerprint == null) {
        try {
            if (this.mOtrService == null) {
                return null;
            final PublicKey publicKey = this.mOtrService.getPublicKey();
            if (publicKey == null || !(publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) {
                return null;
            this.otrFingerprint = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(publicKey).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
            return this.otrFingerprint;
        } catch (final OtrCryptoException ignored) {
            return null;
    } else {
        return this.otrFingerprint;
Also used : OtrCryptoException( PublicKey( DSAPublicKey( OtrCryptoEngineImpl( DSAPublicKey(

Example 9 with OtrCryptoException

use of in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.

the class Conversation method getOtrFingerprint.

public synchronized String getOtrFingerprint() {
    if (this.otrFingerprint == null) {
        try {
            if (getOtrSession() == null || getOtrSession().getSessionStatus() != SessionStatus.ENCRYPTED) {
                return null;
            DSAPublicKey remotePubKey = (DSAPublicKey) getOtrSession().getRemotePublicKey();
            this.otrFingerprint = getAccount().getOtrService().getFingerprint(remotePubKey).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        } catch (final OtrCryptoException | UnsupportedOperationException ignored) {
            return null;
    return this.otrFingerprint;
Also used : OtrCryptoException( DSAPublicKey(


OtrCryptoException ( OtrCryptoEngineImpl ( PublicKey ( DSAPublicKey ( KeyPair ( AbstractChat ( RegularChat ( X509EncodedKeySpec ( OtrException ( OtrCryptoEngine ( Session ( SessionStatus (