use of in project jain-slee.diameter by RestComm.
the class SDPConverter method convertSDP.
* Returns the value of the Media-Component-Description[] AVP, of type Grouped.
public static MediaComponentDescription[] convertSDP(GqProvider gqProvider, String sourceSDP, String destinationSDP) throws SdpException, SdpParseException {
SdpFactory sdpFactory = SdpFactory.getInstance();
SessionDescription sourceSessionDescription = sdpFactory.createSessionDescription(sourceSDP);
SessionDescription destinationSessionDescription = sdpFactory.createSessionDescription(destinationSDP);
Vector<MediaDescription> sourceMediaDescriptions = sourceSessionDescription.getMediaDescriptions(false);
Vector<MediaDescription> destinationMediaDescriptions = destinationSessionDescription.getMediaDescriptions(false);
Vector<AttributeField> attributes;
Vector<BandwidthField> bandwidth;
Vector<MediaComponentDescription> mediaComponentDescriptions = new Vector<MediaComponentDescription>();
Vector<MediaSubComponent[]> mediaSubComponents = new Vector<MediaSubComponent[]>();
GqAvpFactory avpFactory = gqProvider.getGqAvpFactory();
MediaComponentDescription currDescription = null;
Media currMedia;
String mediaType;
String codecLine;
String mode;
if (sourceMediaDescriptions == null)
throw new SdpParseException(0, 0, "no source media found");
if (destinationMediaDescriptions == null)
throw new SdpParseException(0, 0, "no destination media found");
String proto;
int dataPort;
int rtcpPort;
int ports;
int step;
String dataAddress;
String rtcpAddress;
MediaSubComponent currSubComponent;
IPFilterRule currFlowDescription;
String[] rtcpValues;
for (int i = 0; i < sourceMediaDescriptions.size(); i++) {
attributes = sourceMediaDescriptions.get(i).getAttributes(false);
bandwidth = sourceMediaDescriptions.get(i).getBandwidths(false);
currMedia = sourceMediaDescriptions.get(i).getMedia();
currDescription = avpFactory.createMediaComponentDescription();
mediaType = currMedia.getMediaType().toLowerCase();
if (mediaType.equals("audio"))
else if (mediaType.equals("video"))
else if (mediaType.equals("control"))
else if (mediaType.equals("application"))
else if (mediaType.equals("message"))
else if (mediaType.equals("data"))
else if (mediaType.equals("text"))
codecLine = "downlink" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
codecLine = codecLine + "offer" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
codecLine = codecLine + currMedia.toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
mode = "";
dataPort = currMedia.getMediaPort();
rtcpPort = currMedia.getMediaPort() + 1;
if (sourceMediaDescriptions.get(i).getConnection() != null)
rtcpAddress = sourceMediaDescriptions.get(i).getConnection().getAddress();
rtcpAddress = sourceSessionDescription.getConnection().getAddress();
dataAddress = rtcpAddress;
proto = currMedia.getProtocol().toLowerCase();
ports = 1;
step = 2;
if (currMedia.getPortCount() > 0)
ports = currMedia.getPortCount();
if (attributes != null)
for (int j = 0; j < attributes.size(); j++) if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("recvonly"))
mode = "recvonly";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("sendonly"))
mode = "sendonly";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("sendrecv"))
mode = "sendrecv";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("inactive"))
mode = "inactive";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("rtcp")) {
rtcpValues = attributes.get(j).getValue().split(" ");
rtcpPort = Integer.parseInt(rtcpValues[0]);
if (rtcpPort != dataPort + 1)
step = 1;
if (rtcpValues.length == 3)
rtcpAddress = rtcpValues[2];
} else
codecLine += attributes.get(j).toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
if (proto.equals("rtp/avp")) {
mediaSubComponents.add(new MediaSubComponent[ports * 2]);
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 17 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(2 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 17 from " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else if (proto.equals("udp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 17 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else if (proto.equals("rtp/avp-tcp") || proto.equals("tcp/rtp/avp")) {
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 6 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(2 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 6 from " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else if (proto.equals("tcp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 6 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else if (proto.equals("rtp/avp-dccp") || proto.equals("dccp/rtp/avp")) {
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 33 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(2 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 33 from " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else if (proto.equals("dccp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("recvonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currSubComponent = avpFactory.createMediaSubComponent();
currSubComponent.setFlowNumber(1 + j * ports);
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit in 33 from " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step) + " to any");
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports] = currSubComponent;
} else
throw new SdpParseException(0, 0, "protocol not supported " + proto);
if (bandwidth != null)
for (int j = 0; j < bandwidth.size(); j++) if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("AS"))
else if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("RR"))
else if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("RS"))
codecLine += bandwidth.get(j).toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
if (currMedia.getMediaPort() == 0)
else if (mode.equals("recvonly"))
else if (mode.equals("sendonly"))
else if (mode.equals("inactive"))
currDescription.setMediaComponentNumber(i + 1);
Boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < destinationMediaDescriptions.size(); i++) {
found = false;
currMedia = destinationMediaDescriptions.get(i).getMedia();
mediaType = currMedia.getMediaType().toLowerCase();
attributes = destinationMediaDescriptions.get(i).getAttributes(false);
bandwidth = destinationMediaDescriptions.get(i).getBandwidths(false);
codecLine = "uplink" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
codecLine = codecLine + "answer" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
codecLine = codecLine + currMedia.toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
for (int j = 0; j < mediaComponentDescriptions.size(); j++) if (mediaComponentDescriptions.get(j).getMediaType().toString().toLowerCase().equals(mediaType)) {
currDescription = mediaComponentDescriptions.get(j);
found = true;
if (found) {
dataPort = currMedia.getMediaPort();
rtcpPort = currMedia.getMediaPort() + 1;
if (destinationMediaDescriptions.get(i).getConnection() != null)
rtcpAddress = destinationMediaDescriptions.get(i).getConnection().getAddress();
rtcpAddress = destinationSessionDescription.getConnection().getAddress();
dataAddress = rtcpAddress;
proto = currMedia.getProtocol().toLowerCase();
ports = 1;
step = 2;
if (currMedia.getPortCount() > 0)
ports = currMedia.getPortCount();
mode = "";
if (attributes != null)
for (int j = 0; j < attributes.size(); j++) if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("recvonly"))
mode = "recvonly";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("sendonly"))
mode = "sendonly";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("sendrecv"))
mode = "sendrecv";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("inactive"))
mode = "inactive";
else if (attributes.get(j).getName().equals("rtcp")) {
rtcpValues = attributes.get(j).getValue().split(" ");
rtcpPort = Integer.parseInt(rtcpValues[0]);
if (rtcpPort != dataPort + 1)
step = 1;
if (rtcpValues.length == 3)
rtcpAddress = rtcpValues[2];
} else
codecLine += attributes.get(j).toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
if (proto.equals("rtp/avp")) {
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 17 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 17 from any to " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else if (proto.equals("udp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 17 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else if (proto.equals("rtp/avp-tcp") || proto.equals("tcp/rtp/avp")) {
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 6 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 6 from any to " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else if (proto.equals("tcp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 6 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else if (proto.equals("rtp/avp-dccp") || proto.equals("dccp/rtp/avp")) {
// 2 flows
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 33 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 33 from any to " + rtcpAddress + " " + (rtcpPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[1 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else if (proto.equals("dccp")) {
// 1 flow
if (!mode.equals("sendonly")) {
for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) {
currFlowDescription = new IPFilterRule("permit out 33 from any to " + dataAddress + " " + (dataPort + j * step));
mediaSubComponents.get(i)[0 + j * ports].setFlowDescription(currFlowDescription);
} else
throw new SdpParseException(0, 0, "protocol not supported " + proto);
if (bandwidth != null)
for (int j = 0; j < bandwidth.size(); j++) if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("AS"))
else if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("RR")) {
// do nothing
} else if (bandwidth.get(j).getType().equals("RS")) {
// do nothing
} else
codecLine += bandwidth.get(j).toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator");
return mediaComponentDescriptions.toArray(new MediaComponentDescription[mediaComponentDescriptions.size()]);
use of in project jain-slee.diameter by RestComm.
the class GqFactoriesTest method testAvpFactoryCreateMediaComponentDescription.
public void testAvpFactoryCreateMediaComponentDescription() throws Exception {
String avpName = "Media-Component-Description";
// Create AVP with mandatory values
MediaComponentDescription mcdAvp1 = gqAvpFactory.createMediaComponentDescription();
// Make sure it's not null
Assert.assertNotNull("Created " + avpName + " AVP from objects should not be null.", mcdAvp1);
// Create AVP with default constructor
MediaComponentDescription mcdAvp2 = gqAvpFactory.createMediaComponentDescription();
// Should not contain mandatory values
// Set mandatory values
// Make sure it's equal to the one created with mandatory values constructor
Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + set<Mandatory-AVPs> should be equal to original.", mcdAvp1, mcdAvp2);
// Make new copy
mcdAvp2 = gqAvpFactory.createMediaComponentDescription();
// And set all values using setters
// Create empty...
MediaComponentDescription mcdAvp3 = gqAvpFactory.createMediaComponentDescription();
// Verify that no values have been set
GqAvpAssistant.INSTANCE.testHassers(mcdAvp3, false);
// Set all previous values
// Verify if values have been set
GqAvpAssistant.INSTANCE.testHassers(mcdAvp3, true);
// Verify if values have been correctly set
// Make sure they match!
Assert.assertEquals("Created " + avpName + " AVP from default constructor + setExtensionAvps should be equal to original.", mcdAvp2, mcdAvp3);