use of net.kodehawa.mantarobot.commands.utils.WeatherData in project MantaroBot by Mantaro.
the class UtilsCmds method weather.
public void weather(CommandRegistry registry) {
registry.register("weather", new SimpleCommand(Category.UTILS) {
protected void call(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event, String content, String[] args) {
if (content.isEmpty()) {
EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
try {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
WeatherData data = GsonDataManager.GSON_PRETTY.fromJson(Utils.wgetResty(String.format("", URLEncoder.encode(content, "UTF-8"), MantaroData.config().get().weatherAppId), event), WeatherData.class);
String countryCode = data.getSys().country;
String status = data.getWeather().get(0).main;
Double temp = data.getMain().getTemp();
double pressure = data.getMain().getPressure();
int humidity = data.getMain().getHumidity();
Double ws = data.getWind().speed;
int cloudiness = data.getClouds().all;
Double finalTemperatureCelsius = temp - 273.15;
Double finalTemperatureFahrenheit = temp * 9 / 5 - 459.67;
Double finalWindSpeedMetric = ws * 3.6;
Double finalWindSpeedImperial = ws / 0.447046;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
embed.setColor(Color.CYAN).setTitle(":flag_" + countryCode.toLowerCase() + ":" + " Forecast information for " + content, null).setDescription(status + " (" + cloudiness + "% clouds)").addField(":thermometer: Temperature", String.format("%d°C | %d°F", finalTemperatureCelsius.intValue(), finalTemperatureFahrenheit.intValue()), true).addField(":droplet: Humidity", humidity + "%", true).addBlankField(true).addField(":wind_blowing_face: Wind Speed", String.format("%dkm/h | %dmph", finalWindSpeedMetric.intValue(), finalWindSpeedImperial.intValue()), true).addField("Pressure", pressure + "hPA", true).addBlankField(true).setFooter("Information provided by OpenWeatherMap (Process time: " + end + "ms)", null);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
event.getChannel().sendMessage(EmoteReference.ERROR + "Error while fetching results. (Not found?)").queue();
} catch (Exception e) {
event.getChannel().sendMessage(EmoteReference.ERROR + "Error while fetching results. (Not found?)").queue();
log.warn("Exception caught while trying to fetch weather data, maybe the API changed something?", e);
public MessageEmbed help(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {
return helpEmbed(event, "Weather command").setDescription("This command retrieves information from OpenWeatherMap. Used to check **forecast information.**").addField("Usage", "`~>weather <city>,<countrycode>` - **Retrieves the forecast information for the given location.**", false).addField("Parameters", "`city` - **Your city name, e.g. New York, **\n" + "`countrycode` - **(OPTIONAL) The abbreviation for your country, for example US (USA) or MX (Mexico).**", false).addField("Example", "`~>weather New York, US`", false).build();