use of net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.api.crafting.ContainerInfo in project BetterStorage by copygirl.
the class InventoryCraftingStation method craftSlot.
private ItemStack craftSlot(ItemStack stack, IRecipeInput requiredInput, EntityPlayer player, boolean simulate) {
if (simulate)
stack = stack.copy();
ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo();
requiredInput.craft(stack, containerInfo);
ItemStack containerItem = ItemStack.copyItemStack(containerInfo.getContainerItem());
boolean removeStack = false;
if (stack.stackSize <= 0) {
// Item stack is depleted.
removeStack = true;
} else if (stack.getItem().isDamageable() && (stack.getItemDamage() > stack.getMaxDamage())) {
// Item stack is destroyed.
removeStack = true;
if (player != null) PlayerDestroyItemEvent(player, stack));
// to either null, or the container item.
if (removeStack) {
if (!containerInfo.doesLeaveCrafting()) {
stack = containerItem;
containerItem = null;
} else
stack = null;
if ((containerItem != null) && !simulate) {
// Try to add the container item to the internal storage, or spawn the item in the world.
if (!InventoryUtils.tryAddItemToInventory(containerItem, new InventoryStacks(contents), true) && (entity != null))
WorldUtils.spawnItem(entity.getWorldObj(), entity.xCoord + 0.5, entity.yCoord + 0.5, entity.zCoord + 0.5, containerItem);
return stack;