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Example 1 with BlockTorch

use of net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.

the class StructureAlternateStart method CustomBlockProcessingHandled.

protected Boolean CustomBlockProcessingHandled(StructureConfiguration configuration, BuildBlock block, World world, BlockPos originalPos, EnumFacing assumedNorth, Block foundBlock, IBlockState blockState, EntityPlayer player) {
    HouseConfiguration houseConfig = (HouseConfiguration) configuration;
    if ((!houseConfig.addBed && foundBlock instanceof BlockBed) || (!houseConfig.addChest && foundBlock instanceof BlockChest) || (!houseConfig.addTorches && foundBlock instanceof BlockTorch) || (!houseConfig.addCraftingTable && (foundBlock instanceof BlockWorkbench || foundBlock instanceof BlockFurnace))) {
        // "handled"
        return true;
    if (foundBlock instanceof BlockFurnace) {
        this.furnacePosition = block.getStartingPosition().getRelativePosition(originalPos, this.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection(), configuration.houseFacing);
    } else if (foundBlock instanceof BlockTrapDoor && houseConfig.addMineShaft) {
        // The trap door will still be added, but the mine shaft may not be
        // built.
        this.trapDoorPosition = block.getStartingPosition().getRelativePosition(originalPos, this.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection(), configuration.houseFacing);
    } else if (foundBlock instanceof BlockChest && this.chestPosition == null) {
        this.chestPosition = block.getStartingPosition().getRelativePosition(originalPos, this.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection(), configuration.houseFacing);
    } else if (foundBlock instanceof BlockStandingSign) {
        this.signPosition = block.getStartingPosition().getRelativePosition(originalPos, this.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection(), configuration.houseFacing);
    if (foundBlock.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain().equals(Blocks.STAINED_GLASS.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain()) && foundBlock.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().equals(Blocks.STAINED_GLASS.getRegistryName().getResourcePath())) {
        blockState = blockState.withProperty(BlockStainedGlass.COLOR, houseConfig.glassColor);
        return true;
    } else if (foundBlock.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain().equals(Blocks.STAINED_GLASS_PANE.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain()) && foundBlock.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().equals(Blocks.STAINED_GLASS_PANE.getRegistryName().getResourcePath())) {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : BlockFurnace(net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace) BlockChest(net.minecraft.block.BlockChest) BlockWorkbench(net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench) BlockTrapDoor(net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor) BlockStandingSign(net.minecraft.block.BlockStandingSign) BlockBed(net.minecraft.block.BlockBed) HouseConfiguration(com.wuest.prefab.Config.Structures.HouseConfiguration) BlockTorch(net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch)

Example 2 with BlockTorch

use of net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.

the class BuildingMethods method SetCeiling.

 * Creates a ceiling (floating floor) in the world.
 * @param world The world to create the floor in.
 * @param pos The block position to start creating the floor.
 * @param block The Type of block to create the floor out of.
 * @param width The width of the floor.
 * @param depth The length of the floor.
 * @param stairs The type of block to create the roof out of.
 * @param configuration The house configuration object. This is specifically used in the basic house.
 * @param houseFacing The direction to start the ceiling.
 * @param itemsToNotAdd The items to not include in the harvested blocks.
public static void SetCeiling(World world, BlockPos pos, Block block, int width, int depth, Block stairs, HouseConfiguration configuration, EnumFacing houseFacing, ArrayList<Item> itemsToNotAdd) {
    // If the ceiling is flat, call SetFloor since it's laid out the same.
    if (configuration.isCeilingFlat) {
        BuildingMethods.SetFloor(world, pos, block, width, depth, new ArrayList<ItemStack>(), houseFacing.getOpposite(), itemsToNotAdd);
    // Get the stairs state without the facing since it will change.
    IBlockState stateWithoutFacing = stairs.getBlockState().getBaseState().withProperty(BlockStairs.HALF, BlockStairs.EnumHalf.BOTTOM).withProperty(BlockStairs.SHAPE, BlockStairs.EnumShape.STRAIGHT);
    int wallWidth = configuration.houseWidth;
    int wallDepth = configuration.houseDepth;
    int height = wallWidth / 2;
    boolean isWider = false;
    if (wallWidth > wallDepth) {
        height = wallDepth / 2;
        isWider = true;
    for (int i = 0; i <= height; i++) {
        // I is the vaulted roof level.
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            // Default is depth.
            EnumFacing facing = houseFacing.rotateYCCW();
            EnumFacing flowDirection = houseFacing.getOpposite();
            int wallSize = wallDepth;
            switch(j) {
                case 1:
                        facing = houseFacing;
                        flowDirection = houseFacing.rotateYCCW();
                        wallSize = wallWidth;
                case 2:
                        facing = houseFacing.rotateY();
                        flowDirection = houseFacing;
                        wallSize = wallDepth;
                case 3:
                        facing = houseFacing.getOpposite();
                        flowDirection = houseFacing.rotateY();
                        wallSize = wallWidth;
            for (int k = 0; k <= wallSize; k++) {
                // j is the north/south counter.
                BuildingMethods.ReplaceBlock(world, pos, stateWithoutFacing.withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, facing));
                pos = pos.offset(flowDirection);
        pos = pos.offset(houseFacing.rotateYCCW()).offset(houseFacing.getOpposite()).up();
        wallWidth = wallWidth - 2;
        wallDepth = wallDepth - 2;
    if (world.isAirBlock(pos.down())) {
        int finalStoneCount = wallDepth;
        if (isWider) {
            finalStoneCount = wallWidth;
        // Add the number of blocks based on the depth/width (minimum 1);
        if (finalStoneCount < 1) {
            finalStoneCount = 1;
        } else {
            finalStoneCount = finalStoneCount + 2;
        BlockPos torchPos = pos;
        for (int i = 0; i < finalStoneCount; i++) {
            BuildingMethods.ReplaceBlock(world, pos, block);
            if (isWider) {
                pos = pos.offset(houseFacing.rotateYCCW());
            } else {
                pos = pos.offset(houseFacing.getOpposite());
        IBlockState torchLocation = world.getBlockState(torchPos);
        if (torchLocation.getBlock().canPlaceTorchOnTop(torchLocation, world, torchPos)) {
            IBlockState blockState = ((BlockTorch) Blocks.TORCH).getStateFromMeta(5);
            BuildingMethods.ReplaceBlock(world, torchPos.up(), blockState);
Also used : IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) BlockTorch(net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch)


BlockTorch (net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch)2 HouseConfiguration (com.wuest.prefab.Config.Structures.HouseConfiguration)1 BlockBed (net.minecraft.block.BlockBed)1 BlockChest (net.minecraft.block.BlockChest)1 BlockFurnace (net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace)1 BlockStandingSign (net.minecraft.block.BlockStandingSign)1 BlockTrapDoor (net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor)1 BlockWorkbench (net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench)1 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)1 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)1 EnumFacing (net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)1 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)1