use of net.minecraft.client.ParticleStatus in project Tropicraft by Tropicraft.
the class FireArmorItem method clientTick.
// @Override
// public void damageArmor(LivingEntity player, ItemStack stack, DamageSource source, int damage, int slot) {
// if (source == DamageSource.IN_FIRE || source == DamageSource.LAVA) {
// //cheap way to slow the damage
// //if (player.worldObj.getWorldTime() % 2 == 0) {
// stack.damageItem(damage, player);
// }
// }
public void clientTick(Player player) {
// Don't show fire particles underwater
if (player.isInWater())
float range = 0.2F;
float speed = 0.08F;
Random rand = new Random();
Level worldRef = player.level;
int extraRand = 0;
final Vec3 motion = player.getDeltaMovement();
double plSpeed = Math.sqrt(motion.x * motion.x + motion.z * motion.z);
if (plSpeed < 0.1F) {
extraRand = 7;
* 0 for all, 1 for minimal, 2 for off
ParticleStatus particles = Minecraft.getInstance().options.particles;
if (particles == ParticleStatus.MINIMAL)
if (this == TropicraftItems.FIRE_BOOTS.get()) {
boolean onLava = false;
boolean inLava = false;
// for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) {
// for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++) {
int x = 0;
int z = 0;
if (motion.y < 0) {
BlockState state = player.level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(Mth.floor(player.getX() + x), Mth.floor(player.getY() - 2), Mth.floor(player.getZ() + z)));
if (state.getMaterial() == Material.LAVA) {
onLava = true;
BlockState block2 = player.level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(Mth.floor(player.getX() + x), Mth.floor(player.getY() - 1), Mth.floor(player.getZ() + z)));
if (block2.getMaterial() == Material.LAVA) {
inLava = true;
// why do we do this on the client?
if (onLava && !inLava) {
player.setDeltaMovement(motion.multiply(1, 0, 1));
// why do we do this on the client???????
if (inLava) {
if (plSpeed < 0.4D) {
player.setDeltaMovement(motion.multiply(1.5D, 1.5D, 1.5D));
float look = player.level.getGameTime() * (10 + (onLava ? 10 : 0));
double dist = 1F;
double gatherX = player.getX();
double gatherY = player.getBoundingBox().minY;
double gatherZ = player.getZ();
double motionX = ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2));
double motionZ = ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2));
final int numFeetParticles = particles == ParticleStatus.DECREASED ? 2 : 11;
for (int i = 0; i < numFeetParticles + (onLava ? 5 : 0); i++) {
motionX = (-Math.sin((look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(0 / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * (speed + (0.1 * rand.nextDouble())));
motionZ = (Math.cos((look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(0 / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * (speed + (0.1 * rand.nextDouble())));
SimpleParticleType particle = ParticleTypes.FLAME;
if (rand.nextInt(22) == 0)
particle = ParticleTypes.LARGE_SMOKE;
if (onLava || rand.nextInt(1 + extraRand) == 0) {
Vec3 motion1 = player.getDeltaMovement();
player.level.addParticle(particle, gatherX + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), gatherY + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), gatherZ + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), motion1.x + motionX, 0.01F, motion1.z + motionZ);
player.level.addParticle(particle, (double) gatherX + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), (double) gatherY + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), (double) gatherZ + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), motion1.x - motionX, 0.01F, motion1.z - motionZ);
} else if (this == TropicraftItems.FIRE_LEGGINGS.get()) {
SimpleParticleType particle = ParticleTypes.FLAME;
if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0)
particle = ParticleTypes.LARGE_SMOKE;
if (rand.nextInt(3 + extraRand) == 0) {
player.level.addParticle(particle, player.getX() + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), player.getY() - 0.8F + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), player.getZ() + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)), -0.05F, ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)));
} else if (this == TropicraftItems.FIRE_CHESTPLATE.get()) {
float look = -180F;
double dist = 0.5F;
double gatherX = player.getX() + (-Math.sin((player.getYRot() + look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(player.getXRot() / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * dist);
double gatherZ = player.getZ() + (Math.cos((player.getYRot() + look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(player.getXRot() / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * dist);
SimpleParticleType particle = ParticleTypes.FLAME;
if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0)
particle = ParticleTypes.LARGE_SMOKE;
if (rand.nextInt(1 + extraRand) == 0) {
player.level.addParticle(particle, gatherX + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), player.getY() - 0.4F + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), gatherZ + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)), -0.01F, ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)));
} else if (this == TropicraftItems.FIRE_HELMET.get()) {
float look = -180F;
double dist = 0.5F;
range = 2F;
double gatherX = player.getX() + (-Math.sin((player.getYRot() + look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(player.getXRot() / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * dist);
double gatherZ = player.getZ() + (Math.cos((player.getYRot() + look) / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * Math.cos(player.getXRot() / 180.0F * 3.1415927F) * dist);
SimpleParticleType particle = ParticleTypes.FLAME;
if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0)
particle = ParticleTypes.LARGE_SMOKE;
if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0) {
player.level.addParticle(particle, gatherX + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), player.getY() + 0.7F, gatherZ + ((rand.nextFloat() * range) - (range / 2)), ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)), -0.01F, ((rand.nextFloat() * speed) - (speed / 2)));