Search in sources :

Example 21 with GuiButton

use of net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class GuiAddMacro method initGui.

public void initGui() {
    // Next pageAll
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(0, right - 15, guiTop + 5, 10, 10, ">"));
    // Prev pageAll
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(1, right - 90, guiTop + 5, 10, 10, "<"));
    // Next pageAll
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(2, right - 15, guiTop + 135, 10, 10, ">"));
    // Prev pageAll
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(3, right - 90, guiTop + 135, 10, 10, "<"));
    // Prev pageAll
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(4, right - 39, bottom - 27, 35, 20, "Save"));
Also used : SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) GuiButton(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton) SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton)

Example 22 with GuiButton

use of net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class GuiAddTracking method initGui.

public void initGui() {
    // Refresh
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(3, guiLeft + 4, bottom - 25, 50, 20, "Refresh"));
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, right - 55, bottom - 25, 50, 20, "Add"));
    // Next page
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(1, right - 15, guiTop + 5, 10, 10, ">"));
    // Prev page
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(2, right - 90, guiTop + 5, 10, 10, "<"));
    // Sort
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(20, xCenter - 13, bottom - 21, 26, 10, "Sort"));
    if (search == null) {
        search = new SearchBar(Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRenderer, getBaseScreen(), guiLeft + 30, bottom - 78, right - guiLeft - 58, 15);
    search.reposition(guiLeft + 10, bottom - 58, right - guiLeft - 20, 15);
    if (itemDisplay == null) {
        itemDisplay = new ItemDisplay(this, Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRenderer, getBaseScreen(), null, guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 18, xSize - 20, ySize - 100, new int[] { 1, 10, 64, 64 }, true);
    itemDisplay.reposition(guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 18, xSize - 20, ySize - 80);
Also used : SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) GuiButton(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton) SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) ItemDisplay(logisticspipes.utils.gui.ItemDisplay) SearchBar(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SearchBar)

Example 23 with GuiButton

use of net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class GuiProviderPipe method initGui.

public void initGui() {
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, width / 2 + 40, height / 2 - 59, 45, 20, logic.isExcludeFilter() ? StringUtils.translate(GuiProviderPipe.PREFIX + "Exclude") : StringUtils.translate(GuiProviderPipe.PREFIX + "Include")));
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, width / 2 - 90, height / 2 - 41, 38, 20, StringUtils.translate(GuiProviderPipe.PREFIX + "Switch")));
Also used : GuiButton(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton)

Example 24 with GuiButton

use of net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class GuiStatistics method initGui.

public void initGui() {
    TAB_BUTTON_1.add(addButton(new GuiButton(0, guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 70, 20, 20, "<")));
    TAB_BUTTON_1.add(addButton(new GuiButton(1, guiLeft + 150, guiTop + 70, 20, 20, ">")));
    TAB_BUTTON_1.add(addButton(new GuiButton(2, guiLeft + 37, guiTop + 70, 40, 20, "Add")));
    TAB_BUTTON_1.add(addButton(new GuiButton(3, guiLeft + 83, guiTop + 70, 60, 20, "Remove")));
    TAB_BUTTON_1_2.add(addButton(new SmallGuiButton(4, guiLeft + 84, guiTop + 205, 10, 10, "<")));
    TAB_BUTTON_1_2.add(addButton(new SmallGuiButton(5, guiLeft + 96, guiTop + 205, 10, 10, ">")));
    TAB_BUTTON_2.add(addButton(new GuiButton(6, guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 40, 160, 20, StringUtils.translate(PREFIX + "gettasks"))));
    TAB_BUTTON_2.add(addButton(new SmallGuiButton(7, guiLeft + 90, guiTop + 65, 10, 10, "<")));
    TAB_BUTTON_2.add(addButton(new SmallGuiButton(8, guiLeft + 160, guiTop + 65, 10, 10, ">")));
    if (itemDisplay_1 == null) {
        itemDisplay_1 = new ItemDisplay(null, fontRendererObj, this, null, guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 18, xSize - 20, ySize - 100, new int[] { 1, 10, 64, 64 }, true);
    itemDisplay_1.reposition(guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 40, xSize - 20, 20);
    if (itemDisplay_2 == null) {
        itemDisplay_2 = new ItemDisplay(null, fontRendererObj, this, null, guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 18, xSize - 20, ySize - 100, new int[] { 1, 10, 64, 64 }, true);
        itemDisplay_2.setItemList(new ArrayList<>());
    itemDisplay_2.reposition(guiLeft + 10, guiTop + 80, xSize - 20, 125);
Also used : SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) GuiButton(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton) SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) ItemDisplay(logisticspipes.utils.gui.ItemDisplay)

Example 25 with GuiButton

use of net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class GuiFluidSupplierMk2Pipe method initGui.

public void initGui() {
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 48, guiTop + ySize - 115, 30, 20, logic.isRequestingPartials() ? StringUtils.translate(GuiFluidSupplierMk2Pipe.PREFIX + "Yes") : StringUtils.translate(GuiFluidSupplierMk2Pipe.PREFIX + "No")));
    buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, width / 2 + 30, guiTop + ySize - 115, 55, 20, StringUtils.translate(GuiFluidSupplierMk2Pipe.PREFIX + logic.getMinMode().name())));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(10, guiLeft + 40, guiTop + 37, 10, 10, "1"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(11, guiLeft + 40, guiTop + 48, 10, 10, "1"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(20, guiLeft + 51, guiTop + 37, 20, 10, "10"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(21, guiLeft + 51, guiTop + 48, 20, 10, "10"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(30, guiLeft + 72, guiTop + 37, 30, 10, "100"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(31, guiLeft + 72, guiTop + 48, 30, 10, "100"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(40, guiLeft + 103, guiTop + 37, 40, 10, "1000"));
    buttonList.add(new SmallGuiButton(41, guiLeft + 103, guiTop + 48, 40, 10, "1000"));
Also used : GuiButton(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton) SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton) SmallGuiButton(logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton)


GuiButton (net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton)132 GuiTextField (net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField)17 SmallGuiButton (logisticspipes.utils.gui.SmallGuiButton)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)9 Point (java.awt.Point)7 GuiElementInfoRegionMP (stevekung.mods.moreplanets.util.client.gui.GuiElementInfoRegionMP)7 ItemDisplay (logisticspipes.utils.gui.ItemDisplay)6 GuiCheckBox (logisticspipes.utils.gui.GuiCheckBox)5 Bounds (ivorius.reccomplex.gui.table.Bounds)4 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)4 SearchBar (logisticspipes.utils.gui.SearchBar)4 ItemIdentifierStack (logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifierStack)3 GuiButtonVariableDims (am2.guis.controls.GuiButtonVariableDims)2 GuiSlideControl (am2.guis.controls.GuiSlideControl)2 IOException ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)2 GuiDiskPopup (logisticspipes.gui.popup.GuiDiskPopup)2 RequestMonitorPopup (logisticspipes.gui.popup.RequestMonitorPopup)2 ClearCraftingGridPacket (