use of net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer in project watson by totemo.
the class Annotation method drawBillboard.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Draw a camera-facing text billboard in three dimensions.
* @param x the x world coordinate.
* @param y the y world coordinate.
* @param z the z world coordinate.
* @param bgARGB the background colour of the billboard, with alpha in the top
* 8 bits, then red, green, blue in less significant octets (blue in
* the least significant 8 bits).
* @param fgARGB the foreground (text) colour of the billboard, with alpha in
* the top 8 bits, then red, green, blue in less significant octets
* (blue in the least significant 8 bits).
* @param scaleFactor a scale factor to adjust the size of the billboard. Try
* 0.02.
* @param text the text on the billboard.
public static void drawBillboard(double x, double y, double z, int bgARGB, int fgARGB, double scaleFactor, String text) {
RenderManager renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager();
FontRenderer fontRenderer = renderManager.getFontRenderer();
if (fontRenderer == null) {
// Not ready yet.
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
// (512 >> mc.gameSettings.renderDistance) * 0.8;
double far = mc.gameSettings.renderDistanceChunks * 16;
double dx = x - PrivateFieldsWatson.renderPosX.get(renderManager) + 0.5d;
double dy = y - PrivateFieldsWatson.renderPosY.get(renderManager) + 0.5d;
double dz = z - PrivateFieldsWatson.renderPosZ.get(renderManager) + 0.5d;
double distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
double dl = distance;
if (dl > far) {
double d = far / dl;
dx *= d;
dy *= d;
dz *= d;
dl = far;
double scale = (0.05 * dl + 1.0) * scaleFactor;
GlStateManager.translate(dx, dy, dz);
GlStateManager.rotate(-renderManager.playerViewY, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
GlStateManager.rotate(mc.gameSettings.thirdPersonView != 2 ? renderManager.playerViewX : -renderManager.playerViewX, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
GlStateManager.scale(-scale, -scale, scale);
GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
WorldRenderer wr = tessellator.getWorldRenderer();
int textWidth = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(text) >> 1;
if (textWidth != 0) {
// Draw background plate.
wr.setColorRGBA_I(bgARGB & 0x00FFFFFF, (bgARGB >>> 24) & 0xFF);
wr.addVertex(-textWidth - 1, -6, 0.0);
wr.addVertex(-textWidth - 1, 4, 0.0);
wr.addVertex(textWidth + 1, 4, 0.0);
wr.addVertex(textWidth + 1, -6, 0.0);
// Draw text.
GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
fontRenderer.drawString(text, -textWidth, -5, fgARGB);
GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
use of net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer in project watson by totemo.
the class PlantBlockModel method render.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see watson.model.BlockModel#render(watson.db.BlockType, int, int, int)
public void render(BlockType blockType, int x, int y, int z) {
Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
WorldRenderer wr = tess.getWorldRenderer();
double x1 = x + blockType.getX1();
double y1 = y + blockType.getY1();
double z1 = z + blockType.getZ1();
double x2 = x + blockType.getX2();
double y2 = y + blockType.getY2();
double z2 = z + blockType.getZ2();
// First rectangle.
wr.setColorRGBA(blockType.getARGB().getRed(), blockType.getARGB().getGreen(), blockType.getARGB().getBlue(), blockType.getARGB().getAlpha());
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, z2);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, z1);
// Second rectangle.
wr.setColorRGBA(blockType.getARGB().getRed(), blockType.getARGB().getGreen(), blockType.getARGB().getBlue(), blockType.getARGB().getAlpha());
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, z1);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, z2);
use of net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer in project watson by totemo.
the class StairBlockModel method render.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see watson.model.BlockModel#render(watson.db.BlockType, int, int, int)
public void render(BlockType blockType, int x, int y, int z) {
Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
WorldRenderer wr = tess.getWorldRenderer();
// Opposite corners.
double x1 = x + blockType.getX1();
double y1 = y + blockType.getY1();
double z1 = z + blockType.getZ1();
double x2 = x + blockType.getX2();
double y2 = y + blockType.getY2();
double z2 = z + blockType.getZ2();
// Concave corner, mid-stair.
double yMid = y + 0.5 * (blockType.getY1() + blockType.getY2());
double zMid = z + 0.5 * (blockType.getZ1() + blockType.getZ2());
// x1 side.
wr.setColorRGBA(blockType.getARGB().getRed(), blockType.getARGB().getGreen(), blockType.getARGB().getBlue(), blockType.getARGB().getAlpha());
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, z2);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x1, yMid, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x1, yMid, z1);
// x2 side.
wr.setColorRGBA(blockType.getARGB().getRed(), blockType.getARGB().getGreen(), blockType.getARGB().getBlue(), blockType.getARGB().getAlpha());
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x2, yMid, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x2, yMid, z1);
// Horizontal lines joining the two sides.
wr.setColorRGBA(blockType.getARGB().getRed(), blockType.getARGB().getGreen(), blockType.getARGB().getBlue(), blockType.getARGB().getAlpha());
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z1);
wr.addVertex(x1, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y1, z2);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, z2);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, z2);
wr.addVertex(x1, y2, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x2, y2, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x1, yMid, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x2, yMid, zMid);
wr.addVertex(x1, yMid, z1);
wr.addVertex(x2, yMid, z1);
use of net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer in project watson by totemo.
the class Controller method drawSelection.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Draw a cursor at the currently selected position.
public void drawSelection() {
if (_selection != null && getDisplaySettings().isSelectionShown()) {
Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
WorldRenderer wr = tess.getWorldRenderer();
wr.setColorRGBA(255, 0, 255, 128);
final float halfSize = 0.3f;
float x = _selection.x + 0.5f;
float y = _selection.y + 0.5f;
float z = _selection.z + 0.5f;
wr.addVertex(x - halfSize, y, z);
wr.addVertex(x + halfSize, y, z);
wr.addVertex(x, y - halfSize, z);
wr.addVertex(x, y + halfSize, z);
wr.addVertex(x, y, z - halfSize);
wr.addVertex(x, y, z + halfSize);
if (_selection.playerEditSet != null) {
BlockEdit predecessor = _selection.playerEditSet.getEditBefore(_selection);
if (predecessor != null) {
wr.setColorRGBA(255, 0, 255, 128);
GL11.glLineStipple(8, (short) 0xAAAA);
wr.addVertex(predecessor.x + 0.5f, predecessor.y + 0.5f, predecessor.z + 0.5f);
wr.addVertex(x, y, z);
use of net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer in project CodeChickenLib by Chicken-Bones.
the class RenderUtils method renderFluidQuad.
* Draws a tessellated quadrilateral bottom to top, left to right
* @param base The bottom left corner of the quad
* @param wide The bottom of the quad
* @param high The left side of the quad
* @param res Units per icon
public static void renderFluidQuad(Vector3 base, Vector3 wide, Vector3 high, TextureAtlasSprite icon, double res) {
WorldRenderer r = Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer();
double u1 = icon.getMinU();
double du = icon.getMaxU() - icon.getMinU();
double v2 = icon.getMaxV();
double dv = icon.getMaxV() - icon.getMinV();
double wlen = wide.mag();
double hlen = high.mag();
double x = 0;
while (x < wlen) {
double rx = wlen - x;
if (rx > res)
rx = res;
double y = 0;
while (y < hlen) {
double ry = hlen - y;
if (ry > res)
ry = res;
Vector3 dx1 = vectors[2].set(wide).multiply(x / wlen);
Vector3 dx2 = vectors[3].set(wide).multiply((x + rx) / wlen);
Vector3 dy1 = vectors[4].set(high).multiply(y / hlen);
Vector3 dy2 = vectors[5].set(high).multiply((y + ry) / hlen);
r.pos(base.x + dx1.x + dy2.x, base.y + dx1.y + dy2.y, base.z + dx1.z + dy2.z).tex(u1, v2 - ry / res * dv).endVertex();
r.pos(base.x + dx1.x + dy1.x, base.y + dx1.y + dy1.y, base.z + dx1.z + dy1.z).tex(u1, v2).endVertex();
r.pos(base.x + dx2.x + dy1.x, base.y + dx2.y + dy1.y, base.z + dx2.z + dy1.z).tex(u1 + rx / res * du, v2).endVertex();
r.pos(base.x + dx2.x + dy2.x, base.y + dx2.y + dy2.y, base.z + dx2.z + dy2.z).tex(u1 + rx / res * du, v2 - ry / res * dv).endVertex();
y += ry;
x += rx;