use of net.minecraft.command.CommandNotFoundException in project watson by totemo.
the class ClientCommandManager method executeCommand.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see net.minecraft.src.ICommandManager#executeCommand(net.minecraft.src.ICommandSender,
* java.lang.String)
* The JavaDocs for the interface don't currently describe the exact
* meaning of the return value. Looking at the code for
* {@link net.minecraft.src.CommandHandler} it contains a loop that
* applies a command for all players who match a particular name pattern.
* The returned value is the number of times that the command was
* successfully executed by that loop. Therefore in the case of this
* class, it returns 1 on success and 0 on error.
public int executeCommand(ICommandSender sender, String commandLine) {
try {
String[] tokens = getTokens(commandLine);
String verb = tokens[0];
ICommand command = getCommand(verb);
if (command == null) {
throw new CommandNotFoundException();
tokens = Arrays.copyOfRange(tokens, 1, tokens.length);
if (command.canCommandSenderUseCommand(sender)) {
command.processCommand(sender, tokens);
return 1;
} else {
sendError(sender, new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.permission", new Object[0]));
} catch (WrongUsageException ex) {
sendError(sender, new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.usage", new Object[] { new ChatComponentTranslation(ex.getMessage(), ex.getErrorObjects()) }));
} catch (CommandException ex) {
sendError(sender, new ChatComponentTranslation(ex.getMessage(), ex.getErrorObjects()));
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
sendError(sender, new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.exception", new Object[0]));
Log.exception(Level.WARNING, "error processing command", throwable);
return 0;