use of net.minecraft.entity.Living in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class ModdedPickaxe method useOnTile.
public boolean useOnTile(ItemInstance item, PlayerBase player, Level level, int x, int y, int z, int facing) {
if (facing == Direction.UP.ordinal()) {
if (!level.isClient) {
Living entity = (Living) EntityRegistry.create("GPoor", level);
entity.setPosition(x + 0.5, y + 1, z + 0.5);
item.cooldown = 20;
return true;
} else
return false;
use of net.minecraft.entity.Living in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class MobSpawnDataProvider method getSpawnData.
default AbstractPacket getSpawnData() {
Living mob = (Living) this;
Message message = new Message(of(MODID, "spawn_mob"));
message.strings = new String[] { getHandlerIdentifier().toString() };
message.ints = new int[] { mob.entityId, MathHelper.floor(mob.x * 32.0D), MathHelper.floor(mob.y * 32.0D), MathHelper.floor(mob.z * 32.0D) };
byte[] rotations = new byte[] { (byte) ((int) (mob.yaw * 256.0F / 360.0F)), (byte) ((int) (mob.pitch * 256.0F / 360.0F)) };
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
mob.getDataTracker().write(new DataOutputStream(outputStream));
byte[] data = outputStream.toByteArray();
message.bytes = Bytes.concat(rotations, data);
return message;