use of net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.
the class ModListScreen method updateCache.
private void updateCache() {
if (selected == null) { = false;
IModInfo selectedMod = selected.getInfo(); = ConfigGuiHandler.getGuiFactoryFor(selectedMod).isPresent();
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
VersionChecker.CheckResult vercheck = VersionChecker.getResult(selectedMod);
@SuppressWarnings("resource") Pair<ResourceLocation, Size2i> logoData = selectedMod.getLogoFile().map(logoFile -> {
TextureManager tm = this.minecraft.getTextureManager();
final PathResourcePack resourcePack = ResourcePackLoader.getPackFor(selectedMod.getModId()).orElse(ResourcePackLoader.getPackFor("forge").orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Can't find forge, WHAT!")));
try {
NativeImage logo = null;
InputStream logoResource = resourcePack.getRootResource(logoFile);
if (logoResource != null)
logo =;
if (logo != null) {
return Pair.of(tm.register("modlogo", new DynamicTexture(logo) {
public void upload() {
NativeImage td = this.getPixels();
// Use custom "blur" value which controls texture filtering (nearest-neighbor vs linear)
this.getPixels().upload(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, td.getWidth(), td.getHeight(), selectedMod.getLogoBlur(), false, false, false);
}), new Size2i(logo.getWidth(), logo.getHeight()));
} catch (IOException e) {
return Pair.<ResourceLocation, Size2i>of(null, new Size2i(0, 0));
}).orElse(Pair.of(null, new Size2i(0, 0)));
lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", MavenVersionStringHelper.artifactVersionToString(selectedMod.getVersion())));
lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", selectedMod.getModId(), ModList.get().getModContainerById(selectedMod.getModId()).map(ModContainer::getCurrentState).map(Object::toString).orElse("NONE")));
selectedMod.getConfig().getConfigElement("credits").ifPresent(credits -> lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", credits)));
selectedMod.getConfig().getConfigElement("authors").ifPresent(authors -> lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", authors)));
selectedMod.getConfig().getConfigElement("displayURL").ifPresent(displayURL -> lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", displayURL)));
if (selectedMod.getOwningFile() == null || selectedMod.getOwningFile().getMods().size() == 1)
lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", selectedMod.getOwningFile().getMods().stream().map(IModInfo::getDisplayName).collect(Collectors.joining(","))));
if (vercheck.status() == VersionChecker.Status.OUTDATED || vercheck.status() == VersionChecker.Status.BETA_OUTDATED)
lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", vercheck.url() == null ? "" : vercheck.url()));
lines.add(ForgeI18n.parseMessage("", selectedMod.getOwningFile().getLicense()));
if ((vercheck.status() == VersionChecker.Status.OUTDATED || vercheck.status() == VersionChecker.Status.BETA_OUTDATED) && vercheck.changes().size() > 0) {
for (Entry<ComparableVersion, String> entry : vercheck.changes().entrySet()) {
lines.add(" " + entry.getKey() + ":");
modInfo.setInfo(lines, logoData.getLeft(), logoData.getRight());
use of net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.
the class BlockStateProvider method saveBlockState.
private void saveBlockState(HashCache cache, JsonObject stateJson, Block owner) {
ResourceLocation blockName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(owner.getRegistryName());
Path mainOutput = generator.getOutputFolder();
String pathSuffix = "assets/" + blockName.getNamespace() + "/blockstates/" + blockName.getPath() + ".json";
Path outputPath = mainOutput.resolve(pathSuffix);
try {, cache, stateJson, outputPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Couldn't save blockstate to {}", outputPath, e);
use of net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.
the class ModelBuilder method texture.
* Set the texture for a given dictionary key.
* @param key the texture key
* @param texture the texture, can be another key e.g. {@code "#all"}
* @return this builder
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code key} is {@code null}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code texture} is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code texture} is not a key (does not start
* with {@code '#'}) and does not exist in any
* known resource pack
public T texture(String key, String texture) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "Key must not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(texture, "Texture must not be null");
if (texture.charAt(0) == '#') {
this.textures.put(key, texture);
return self();
} else {
ResourceLocation asLoc;
if (texture.contains(":")) {
asLoc = new ResourceLocation(texture);
} else {
asLoc = new ResourceLocation(getLocation().getNamespace(), texture);
return texture(key, asLoc);
use of net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation in project MinecraftForge by MinecraftForge.
the class ModelLoaderRegistry method resolveTexture.
public static Material resolveTexture(@Nullable String tex, IModelConfiguration owner) {
if (tex == null)
return blockMaterial(WHITE_TEXTURE);
if (tex.startsWith("#"))
return owner.resolveTexture(tex);
// Attempt to convert a common (windows/linux/mac) filesystem path to a ResourceLocation.
// This makes no promises, if it doesn't work, too bad, fix your mtl file.
Matcher match = FILESYSTEM_PATH_TO_RESLOC.matcher(tex);
if (match.matches()) {
String namespace ="namespace");
String path ="path").replace("\\", "/");
if (namespace != null)
return blockMaterial(new ResourceLocation(namespace, path));
return blockMaterial(path);
return blockMaterial(tex);
use of net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class Handler method getBiomeAt.
public BiomeNMS getBiomeAt(Block block) {
// Based on CraftWorld source
ServerLevel level = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
Biome biome = level.getNoiseBiome(block.getX() >> 2, block.getY() >> 2, block.getZ() >> 2);
ResourceLocation key = level.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registry.BIOME_REGISTRY).getKey(biome);
String keyText = key.getNamespace().equals("minecraft") ? key.getPath() : key.toString();
return new BiomeNMSImpl(level, keyText);