use of net.minecraft.util.IReorderingProcessor in project Bookshelf by Darkhax-Minecraft.
the class RenderUtils method renderLinesReversed.
public static int renderLinesReversed(MatrixStack matrix, FontRenderer fontRenderer, int x, int y, int spacing, int defaultColor, List<IReorderingProcessor> lines) {
final int lineCount = lines.size();
for (int lineNum = lineCount - 1; lineNum >= 0; lineNum--) {
final IReorderingProcessor lineFragment = lines.get(lineCount - 1 - lineNum);
fontRenderer.draw(matrix, lineFragment, x, y - (lineNum + 1) * (spacing + 1), defaultColor);
return lineCount * (spacing + 1);
use of net.minecraft.util.IReorderingProcessor in project Bookshelf by Darkhax-Minecraft.
the class RenderUtils method renderLinesWrapped.
public static void renderLinesWrapped(MatrixStack matrix, FontRenderer fontRenderer, int x, int y, int spacing, int defaultColor, List<IReorderingProcessor> lines) {
for (int lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.size(); lineNum++) {
final IReorderingProcessor lineFragment = lines.get(lineNum);
fontRenderer.draw(matrix, lineFragment, x, y + lineNum * spacing, defaultColor);
use of net.minecraft.util.IReorderingProcessor in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class AgriGenomeRenderer method renderTextOverlay.
public void renderTextOverlay(MatrixStack transforms, IAgriGenePair<?> genePair) {
// Fetch font renderer
FontRenderer fontRenderer = this.getFontRenderer();
// Fetch styles
Tuple<Style, Style> textFormats = this.getTextFormats(genePair.getGene());
// Fetch colors
int blackColor = STYLE_GENE.getColor() == null ? 0 : STYLE_GENE.getColor().getColor();
int domColor = textFormats.getA().getColor() == null ? 0 : textFormats.getA().getColor().getColor();
int recColor = textFormats.getB().getColor() == null ? 0 : textFormats.getB().getColor().getColor();
// Fetch text components
IReorderingProcessor geneText = genePair.getGene().getGeneDescription().mergeStyle(STYLE_GENE).func_241878_f();
IReorderingProcessor domText = genePair.getDominant().getTooltip().func_241878_f();
IReorderingProcessor recText = genePair.getRecessive().getTooltip().func_241878_f();
// Calculate positions
float y1 = 0;
float x1 = (-fontRenderer.func_243245_a(geneText) + 0.0F) / 2;
float y2 = y1 + 1.5F * fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT;
float x2 = (-fontRenderer.func_243245_a(TEXT_SEPARATOR) + 0.0F) / 2;
float delta = 1.0F;
float dx_d = delta + fontRenderer.func_243245_a(domText);
float dx_r = delta + fontRenderer.func_243245_a(TEXT_SEPARATOR);
// Render text
this.getFontRenderer().func_238422_b_(transforms, geneText, x1, y1, blackColor);
this.getFontRenderer().func_238422_b_(transforms, TEXT_SEPARATOR, x2, y2, blackColor);
this.getFontRenderer().func_238422_b_(transforms, domText, x2 - dx_d, y2, blackColor);
this.getFontRenderer().func_238422_b_(transforms, recText, x2 + dx_r, y2, blackColor);