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Example 1 with SharedSeedRandom

use of net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom in project NetherEx by LogicTechCorp.

the class CaveChunkGenerator method decorate.

public void decorate(WorldGenRegion region) {
    int chunkX = region.getMainChunkX();
    int chunkZ = region.getMainChunkZ();
    int posX = chunkX * 16;
    int posZ = chunkZ * 16;
    BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(posX, 0, posZ);
    BiomeData biomeData = NetherEx.BIOME_DATA_MANAGER.getBiomeData(this.getBiome(region.getBiomeManager(), pos.add(8, 8, 8)));
    SharedSeedRandom random = new SharedSeedRandom();
    long decorationSeed = random.setDecorationSeed(region.getSeed(), posX, posZ);
    if (biomeData != BiomeData.EMPTY) {
        for (GenerationStage.Decoration stage : GenerationStage.Decoration.values()) {
            biomeData.decorate(stage, this, region, decorationSeed, random, pos);
Also used : SharedSeedRandom(net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom) BiomeData( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)

Example 2 with SharedSeedRandom

use of net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom in project BluePower by Qmunity.

the class WorldGenVolcano method place.

public boolean place(ISeedReader world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random rand, BlockPos blockPos, NoFeatureConfig noFeatureConfig) {
    int startChunkX = blockPos.getX() >> 8;
    int startChunkZ = blockPos.getZ() >> 8;
    volcanoMap = new HashMap<>();
    ((SharedSeedRandom) rand).setBaseChunkSeed(startChunkX, startChunkZ);
    int volcanoHeight = 100 + rand.nextInt(40);
    List<Pos>[] distMap = calculateDistMap();
    boolean first = true;
    int middleX = (startChunkX << 8) + 128;
    int middleZ = (startChunkZ << 8) + 128;
    for (int dist = 0; dist < distMap.length; dist++) {
        // Loop through every XZ position of the volcano, in order of how close the positions are
        // from the center. The volcano will be generated from the center to the edge.
        List<Pos> distList = distMap[dist];
        // Will stay true as long as there were still blocks being generated at this distance from the volcano.
        boolean isFinished = true;
        for (Pos p : distList) {
            int posHeight = first ? volcanoHeight : getNewVolcanoHeight(p, rand, dist);
            if (posHeight > 0) {
                volcanoMap.put(new Pos(p.x, p.z), posHeight);
                if (!first && middleX + p.x >> 4 == blockPos.getX() >> 4 && middleZ + p.z >> 4 == blockPos.getZ() >> 4) {
                    int worldHeight = world.getHeight(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, p.x + middleX, p.z + middleZ);
                    for (int i = posHeight; i > 0 && (i > worldHeight || canReplace(world, p.x + middleX, i, p.z + middleZ)); i--) {
                        setBlock(world, new BlockPos(p.x + middleX, i, p.z + middleZ), BPBlocks.basalt.defaultBlockState());
                    for (int i = posHeight + 1; i < volcanoHeight; i++) {
                        if (canReplace(world, p.x + middleX, i, p.z + middleZ) && world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(p.x + middleX, i, p.z + middleZ)).getMaterial() != Material.WATER)
                            setBlock(world, new BlockPos(p.x + middleX, i, p.z + middleZ), Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState());
                isFinished = false;
            first = false;
        if (isFinished)
    if (middleX >> 4 == blockPos.getX() >> 4 && middleZ >> 4 == blockPos.getZ() >> 4) {
        generateLavaColumn(world, middleX, volcanoHeight, middleZ, rand);
        generateLootChamber(world, middleX, rand.nextInt(volcanoHeight - 80) + 60, middleZ, rand);
    return true;
Also used : SharedSeedRandom(net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)


SharedSeedRandom (net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom)2 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)2 BiomeData (