use of net.minecraft.util.math.BlockBox in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class NearbyEntityListener method forEachChunkInRangeChange.
* Calls the callbacks for the chunk coordinates that this listener is leaving and entering
default void forEachChunkInRangeChange(SectionedEntityCache<? extends EntityLike> entityCache, ChunkSectionPos prevCenterPos, ChunkSectionPos newCenterPos) {
Range6Int chunkRange = this.getChunkRange();
if (chunkRange == EMPTY_RANGE) {
BlockPos.Mutable pos = new BlockPos.Mutable();
BlockBox after = newCenterPos == null ? null : new BlockBox(newCenterPos.getX() - chunkRange.negativeX(), newCenterPos.getY() - chunkRange.negativeY(), newCenterPos.getZ() - chunkRange.negativeZ(), newCenterPos.getX() + chunkRange.positiveX(), newCenterPos.getY() + chunkRange.positiveY(), newCenterPos.getZ() + chunkRange.positiveZ());
BlockBox before = prevCenterPos == null ? null : new BlockBox(prevCenterPos.getX() - chunkRange.negativeX(), prevCenterPos.getY() - chunkRange.negativeY(), prevCenterPos.getZ() - chunkRange.negativeZ(), prevCenterPos.getX() + chunkRange.positiveX(), prevCenterPos.getY() + chunkRange.positiveY(), prevCenterPos.getZ() + chunkRange.positiveZ());
if (before != null) {
for (int x = before.getMinX(); x <= before.getMaxX(); x++) {
for (int y = before.getMinY(); y <= before.getMaxY(); y++) {
for (int z = before.getMinZ(); z <= before.getMaxZ(); z++) {
if (after == null || !after.contains(pos.set(x, y, z))) {
long sectionPos = ChunkSectionPos.asLong(x, y, z);
EntityTrackingSection<? extends EntityLike> trackingSection = entityCache.getTrackingSection(sectionPos);
((EntityTrackerSection) trackingSection).removeListener(entityCache, this);
if (trackingSection.isEmpty()) {
if (after != null) {
for (int x = after.getMinX(); x <= after.getMaxX(); x++) {
for (int y = after.getMinY(); y <= after.getMaxY(); y++) {
for (int z = after.getMinZ(); z <= after.getMaxZ(); z++) {
if (before == null || !before.contains(pos.set(x, y, z))) {
((EntityTrackerSection) entityCache.getTrackingSection(ChunkSectionPos.asLong(x, y, z))).addListener(this);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.BlockBox in project SeedcrackerX by 19MisterX98.
the class ShipwreckFinder method onChestFound.
* Source:
private boolean onChestFound(BlockPos pos) {
BlockPos.Mutable mutablePos = new BlockPos.Mutable(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
Direction chestFacing = world.getBlockState(pos).get(ChestBlock.FACING);
int[] stairs = new int[4];
int totalStairs = 0;
int[] trapdoors = new int[4];
int totalTrapdoors = 0;
for (int y = -1; y <= 2; y++) {
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)
mutablePos.set(pos.getX() + x, pos.getY() + y, pos.getZ() + z);
BlockState neighborState = world.getBlockState(mutablePos);
Block neighborBlock = neighborState.getBlock();
if (neighborBlock == Blocks.VOID_AIR)
return false;
if (neighborBlock instanceof StairsBlock) {
stairs[y + 1]++;
} else if (neighborBlock instanceof TrapdoorBlock) {
trapdoors[y + 1]++;
int chestX = 4;
int chestY = 2;
int chestZ = 0;
int length = 16;
int height = 9;
Direction direction = chestFacing;
if (trapdoors[3] > 4) {
// with_mast[_degraded]
chestZ = 9;
height = 21;
length = 28;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 0 && stairs[3] == 3) {
// upsidedown_backhalf[_degraded]
if (stairs[0] == 0) {
chestX = 2;
chestZ = 12;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else {
// upsidedown front
chestX = 3;
chestY = 5;
chestZ = 17;
length = 22;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYClockwise();
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 0) {
// rightsideup that have backhalf
if (stairs[0] == 4) {
if (totalStairs > 4) {
chestX = 6;
chestY = 4;
chestZ = 12;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else {
// sideways backhalf
chestX = 6;
chestY = 3;
chestZ = 8;
length = 17;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else if (stairs[0] == 3 && totalStairs > 5) {
chestX = 5;
chestZ = 6;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYCounterclockwise();
} else if (totalStairs == 3 && stairs[0] == 1 && stairs[2] == 1 && stairs[3] == 1) {
// upsidedown full
chestX = 3;
chestY = 5;
chestZ = 17;
length = 28;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYClockwise();
mutablePos.move(0, -chestY, 0);
mutablePos.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), chestX - 4);
mutablePos.move(direction, -chestZ - 1);
if ( == Material.WOOD) {
if (length == 17) {
// sideways
chestZ += 11;
length += 11;
} else {
chestZ += 12;
length += 12;
mutablePos.move(0, 10, 0);
if ( {
height = 21;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 2 && trapdoors[3] == 2 && stairs[3] == 3) {
// rightsideup_fronthalf[_degraded]
chestZ = 8;
length = 24;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 2 && totalStairs == 4 && stairs[0] == 2) {
// sideways-fronthalf
chestX = 5;
chestY = 3;
chestZ = 8;
length = 24;
if (chestZ != 0) {
mutablePos.move(direction, 15 - chestZ);
mutablePos.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), chestX - 4);
BlockPos.Mutable pos2 = new BlockPos.Mutable(mutablePos.getX(), mutablePos.getY(), mutablePos.getZ());
pos2.move(0, -chestY, 0);
pos2.move(direction, -15);
pos2.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), 4);
BlockPos.Mutable pos3 = new BlockPos.Mutable(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ());
pos3.move(direction, length - 1);
pos3.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), -8);
pos3.move(0, height - 1, 0);
BlockBox box = new BlockBox(Math.min(pos2.getX(), pos3.getX()), pos2.getY(), Math.min(pos2.getZ(), pos3.getZ()), Math.max(pos2.getX(), pos3.getX()) + 1, pos3.getY() + 1, Math.max(pos2.getZ(), pos3.getZ()) + 1);
mutablePos.move(-4, -chestY, -15);
if ((mutablePos.getX() & 0xf) == 0 && (mutablePos.getZ() & 0xf) == 0) {
RegionStructure.Data<?> data = ChunkPos(mutablePos).x, new ChunkPos(mutablePos).z);
if (SeedCracker.get().getDataStorage().addBaseData(data, DataAddedEvent.POKE_LIFTING)) {
this.renderers.add(new Cuboid(box, new Color(0, 255, 255)));
this.renderers.add(new Cube(new ChunkPos(mutablePos).getStartPos().offset(Direction.UP, mutablePos.getY()), new Color(0, 255, 255)));
return true;
return false;
use of net.minecraft.util.math.BlockBox in project Biome-Makeover by Lemonszz.
the class SunkenRuinFeature method createSmaller.
private static void createSmaller(StructureManager manager, Random random, BlockRotation rotation, BlockPos pos, List<StructurePiece> pieces) {
int x = pos.getX();
int z = pos.getZ();
BlockPos blockPos = Structure.transformAround(new BlockPos(15, 0, 15), BlockMirror.NONE, rotation, BlockPos.ORIGIN).add(x, 0, z);
BlockBox blockBox = BlockBox.create(x, 0, z, blockPos.getX(), 0, blockPos.getZ());
BlockPos blockPos2 = new BlockPos(Math.min(x, blockPos.getX()), 0, Math.min(z, blockPos.getZ()));
List<BlockPos> possiblePositions = getRoomPositions(random, blockPos2.getX(), blockPos2.getZ());
int attempts = MathHelper.nextInt(random, 4, 8);
for (int l = 0; l < attempts; ++l) {
if (!possiblePositions.isEmpty()) {
int index = random.nextInt(possiblePositions.size());
BlockPos checkPos = possiblePositions.remove(index);
int checkX = checkPos.getX();
int checkZ = checkPos.getZ();
BlockRotation blockRotation = BlockRotation.random(random);
BlockPos blockPos4 = Structure.transformAround(new BlockPos(5, 0, 6), BlockMirror.NONE, blockRotation, BlockPos.ORIGIN).add(checkX, 0, checkZ);
BlockBox blockBox2 = BlockBox.create(checkX, 0, checkZ, blockPos4.getX(), 0, blockPos4.getZ());
if (!blockBox2.intersects(blockBox)) {
addPieces(manager, checkPos, blockRotation, pieces, random, false);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.BlockBox in project Biome-Makeover by Lemonszz.
the class SurfaceFossilFeature method generate.
public boolean generate(StructureWorldAccess structureWorldAccess, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos blockPos, DefaultFeatureConfig defaultFeatureConfig) {
BlockRotation rot = BlockRotation.random(random);
int fossilIndex = random.nextInt(FOSSILS.length);
StructureManager structureManager = structureWorldAccess.toServerWorld().getServer().getStructureManager();
Structure structure = structureManager.getStructureOrBlank(FOSSILS[fossilIndex]);
ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(blockPos);
BlockBox blockBox = new BlockBox(chunkPos.getStartX(), 0, chunkPos.getStartZ(), chunkPos.getEndX(), 256, chunkPos.getEndZ());
StructurePlacementData placeData = (new StructurePlacementData()).setRotation(rot).setBoundingBox(blockBox).setRandom(random).addProcessor(BlockIgnoreStructureProcessor.IGNORE_STRUCTURE_BLOCKS);
BlockPos size = structure.getRotatedSize(rot);
int x = random.nextInt(16 - size.getX());
int z = random.nextInt(16 - size.getZ());
int y = 256;
for (int xx = 0; xx < size.getX(); xx++) {
for (int zz = 0; zz < size.getZ(); ++zz) {
y = Math.min(y, structureWorldAccess.getTopY(Heightmap.Type.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG, blockPos.getX() + xx + x, blockPos.getZ() + zz + z));
if (fossilIndex < 4)
y -= RandomUtil.randomRange(1, Math.max(2, size.getY() - 2));
BlockPos generatePos = structure.offsetByTransformedSize(blockPos.add(x, y, z), BlockMirror.NONE, rot);
BlockRotStructureProcessor process = new BlockRotStructureProcessor(1F);
placeData.clearProcessors().addProcessor(process);, generatePos, generatePos, placeData, random, 4);
return true;
use of net.minecraft.util.math.BlockBox in project Biome-Makeover by Lemonszz.
the class WillowFoliagePlacer method generate.
protected void generate(ModifiableTestableWorld world, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, Set<BlockPos> leaves, int offset, BlockBox box) {
for (int placeOffset = offset; placeOffset >= offset - foliageHeight; --placeOffset) {
int baseHeight;
if (treeNode.getFoliageRadius() > 0)
baseHeight = Math.max(radius + treeNode.getFoliageRadius() - 1 - placeOffset / 2, 0);
baseHeight = Math.max(radius + treeNode.getFoliageRadius() - placeOffset / 2, 0);
this.generateSquare(world, random, config, treeNode.getCenter(), baseHeight, leaves, placeOffset, treeNode.isGiantTrunk(), box);
BlockBox leafBox = BlockBox.empty();
for (BlockPos leafPos : leaves) {
leafBox.encompass(new BlockBox(leafPos, leafPos));
for (int i = 0; i < 4 + random.nextInt(8); i++) {
BlockPos.Mutable downPos = new BlockPos.Mutable(RandomUtil.randomRange(box.minX, box.maxX), leafBox.minY - 1, RandomUtil.randomRange(box.minZ, box.maxZ));
if (TreeFeature.canReplace(world, downPos) && world.testBlockState(downPos.up(), (state) -> state.isIn(BlockTags.LEAVES))) {
world.setBlockState(downPos, config.leavesProvider.getBlockState(random, downPos), 19);
box.encompass(new BlockBox(downPos, downPos));
if (// TODO: this should be a tree decorator
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
BlockPos.Mutable pos = new BlockPos.Mutable(RandomUtil.randomRange(box.minX, box.maxX), leafBox.minY, RandomUtil.randomRange(box.minZ, box.maxZ));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if ((world.testBlockState(pos, (s) -> s.isAir()) || world.testBlockState(pos, (s) -> s == Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState())) && world.testBlockState(pos.up(), (s) -> s.isIn(BlockTags.LEAVES) || (s.isOf(BMBlocks.WILLOWING_BRANCHES) && s.get(WillowingBranchesBlock.STAGE) < 2))) {
boolean water = world.testBlockState(pos, (s) -> s == Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState());
if (water || world.testBlockState(pos, (s) -> s.isAir())) {
world.setBlockState(pos, BMBlocks.WILLOWING_BRANCHES.getDefaultState().with(WillowingBranchesBlock.STAGE, j).with(Properties.WATERLOGGED, water), 19);
} else
} else {