use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.
the class ItemInterfaceRenderer method render.
public void render(@Nonnull TileItemInterface te, float v, @Nonnull MatrixStack matrixStack, @Nonnull IRenderTypeBuffer iRenderTypeBuffer, int combinedLightIn, int combinedOverlayIn) {
ItemStack stack = te.getStoredItem();
if (stack.isEmpty())
matrixStack.translate(0.5, 0.32, 0.5);
long angle = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 10) % 360;
matrixStack.mulPose(new Quaternion(Vector3f.YN, angle, true));
Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer().renderStatic(stack, ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.GROUND, combinedLightIn, 0, matrixStack, iRenderTypeBuffer);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.
the class PlayerInterfaceRenderer method renderPlayer.
private void renderPlayer(TilePlayerInterface te, PlayerEntity player, MatrixStack matrixStack, IRenderTypeBuffer iRenderTypeBuffer, int lightLevel) {
matrixStack.translate(0.5, 0.32, 0.5);
matrixStack.scale(.2f, .2f, .2f);
long angle = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 10) % 360;
matrixStack.mulPose(new Quaternion(Vector3f.YN, angle, true));
Minecraft.getInstance().getEntityRenderDispatcher().render(player, 0, 0, 0, 0, Minecraft.getInstance().getFrameTime(), matrixStack, iRenderTypeBuffer, lightLevel);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class TileEntitySeedAnalyzerSeedRenderer method renderGenome.
protected void renderGenome(TileEntitySeedAnalyzer tile, float partialTick, MatrixStack transforms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
// fetch genes
List<IAgriGenePair<?>> genes = tile.getGenesToRender();
if (genes == null) {
// should never be possible
// push a new matrix to the stack
// fetch helpers
SeedAnalyzerViewPointHandler viewHandler = SeedAnalyzerViewPointHandler.getInstance();
AgriGenomeRenderer renderer = AgriGenomeRenderer.getInstance();
// fetch scroll position
int index = viewHandler.getScrollIndex();
float partial = viewHandler.getPartialScrollProgress(partialTick);
// fetch orientation
BlockState state = tile.getBlockState();
Direction dir = BlockSeedAnalyzer.ORIENTATION.fetch(state);
// helix dimensions
float h = Constants.HALF;
float r = h / 10;
// transform to the desired position
float dx = Constants.HALF + Constants.UNIT * dir.getXOffset();
float dy = 5 * Constants.UNIT;
float dz = Constants.HALF + Constants.UNIT * dir.getZOffset();
transforms.translate(dx, dy, dz);
transforms.rotate(new Quaternion(Vector3f.YP, tile.getHorizontalAngle(), true));
// render the helix
renderer.renderDoubleHelix(genes, transforms, buffer, index, partial, r, h, 1.0F, false);
// render the text
if (index >= 0 && index < genes.size()) {
transforms.translate(0, 0, -3 * Constants.UNIT);
float scale = 2.0F / Math.max(this.getScaledWindowWidth(), this.getScaledWindowHeight());
transforms.scale(scale, scale, 1);
renderer.renderTextOverlay(transforms, genes.get(index));
// pop the matrix off the stack
use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.
the class PlayerInterfaceRenderer method renderItem.
private void renderItem(TilePlayerInterface te, ItemStack stack, MatrixStack matrixStack, IRenderTypeBuffer iRenderTypeBuffer) {
matrixStack.translate(0.5, 0.32, 0.5);
long angle = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 10) % 360;
matrixStack.mulPose(new Quaternion(Vector3f.YN, angle, true));
Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer().renderStatic(stack, ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.GROUND, te.getLevel().getBrightness(LightType.BLOCK, te.getBlockPos()) * 16, 0, matrixStack, iRenderTypeBuffer);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class AgriGenomeRenderer method renderDoubleHelix.
* Renders an AgriCraft genome.
* Renders a right-hand, double helix with the dominant alleles on the left, and the recessive ones on the right,
* The helix will be rotated so that the selected gene (denoted by index) is along the X-axis,
* with a smooth transition towards the next gene.
* Notes:
* - The full double helix will be rendered, therefore it might appear squished or stretched based on the height
* - The selected gene will be colored with its color, the inactive ones will be greyed out
* @param genePairs the genome for which to draw an overlay
* @param transforms matrix stack for the transformation
* @param buffer the vertex buffer to draw with
* @param index the index denoting the selected gene
* @param transition a double denoting the transition progress to the next/previous gene (bounded by 1 and -1)
* @param radius the radius of the double helix
* @param height the height of the double helix
* @param alpha the transparency of the helix
* @param color if inactive genes should be colored or greyed
public void renderDoubleHelix(List<IAgriGenePair<?>> genePairs, MatrixStack transforms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, int index, float transition, float radius, float height, float alpha, boolean color) {
// Define helix properties
int count = genePairs.size();
if (count == 0 || radius == 0 || height == 0) {
// Should never happen
int points = POINTS_PER_GENE * count;
float heightStep = (height + 0.0F) / points;
float angleStep = -(RADIANS_PER_GENE + 0.0F) / POINTS_PER_GENE;
float angleOffset = RADIANS_PER_GENE / 2;
float rotation = (index + transition) * RADIANS_PER_GENE;
// Push transformation matrix
// Rotate according to the index
transforms.rotate(new Quaternion(Vector3f.YP, rotation, false));
// Fetch transformation matrix
Matrix4f matrix = transforms.getLast().getMatrix();
// First helix
this.drawHelix(genePairs, index, radius, angleOffset, heightStep, angleStep, points, buffer, matrix, true, alpha, color);
// Second helix
this.drawHelix(genePairs, index, radius, PI + angleOffset, heightStep, angleStep, points, buffer, matrix, false, alpha, color);
// Spokes
this.drawSpokes(genePairs, index, radius, angleOffset, PI + angleOffset, heightStep, angleStep, buffer, matrix, alpha, color);
// Pop transformation matrix from the stack