use of net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties in project Magma-1.16.x by magmafoundation.
the class GuiUtils method drawHoveringText.
* Use this version if calling from somewhere where ItemStack context is available.
* @see #drawHoveringText(MatrixStack, List, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, FontRenderer)
// TODO, Validate rendering is the same as the original
public static void drawHoveringText(@Nonnull final ItemStack stack, MatrixStack mStack, List<? extends ITextProperties> textLines, int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int maxTextWidth, int backgroundColor, int borderColorStart, int borderColorEnd, FontRenderer font) {
if (!textLines.isEmpty()) {
RenderTooltipEvent.Pre event = new RenderTooltipEvent.Pre(stack, textLines, mStack, mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, maxTextWidth, font);
if (
mouseX = event.getX();
mouseY = event.getY();
screenWidth = event.getScreenWidth();
screenHeight = event.getScreenHeight();
maxTextWidth = event.getMaxWidth();
font = event.getFontRenderer();
int tooltipTextWidth = 0;
for (ITextProperties textLine : textLines) {
int textLineWidth = font.width(textLine);
if (textLineWidth > tooltipTextWidth)
tooltipTextWidth = textLineWidth;
boolean needsWrap = false;
int titleLinesCount = 1;
int tooltipX = mouseX + 12;
if (tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 4 > screenWidth) {
tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth;
if (// if the tooltip doesn't fit on the screen
tooltipX < 4) {
if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2)
tooltipTextWidth = mouseX - 12 - 8;
tooltipTextWidth = screenWidth - 16 - mouseX;
needsWrap = true;
if (maxTextWidth > 0 && tooltipTextWidth > maxTextWidth) {
tooltipTextWidth = maxTextWidth;
needsWrap = true;
if (needsWrap) {
int wrappedTooltipWidth = 0;
List<ITextProperties> wrappedTextLines = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++) {
ITextProperties textLine = textLines.get(i);
List<ITextProperties> wrappedLine = font.getSplitter().splitLines(textLine, tooltipTextWidth, Style.EMPTY);
if (i == 0)
titleLinesCount = wrappedLine.size();
for (ITextProperties line : wrappedLine) {
int lineWidth = font.width(line);
if (lineWidth > wrappedTooltipWidth)
wrappedTooltipWidth = lineWidth;
tooltipTextWidth = wrappedTooltipWidth;
textLines = wrappedTextLines;
if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2)
tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth;
tooltipX = mouseX + 12;
int tooltipY = mouseY - 12;
int tooltipHeight = 8;
if (textLines.size() > 1) {
tooltipHeight += (textLines.size() - 1) * 10;
if (textLines.size() > titleLinesCount)
// gap between title lines and next lines
tooltipHeight += 2;
if (tooltipY < 4)
tooltipY = 4;
else if (tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 4 > screenHeight)
tooltipY = screenHeight - tooltipHeight - 4;
final int zLevel = 400;
RenderTooltipEvent.Color colorEvent = new RenderTooltipEvent.Color(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipY, font, backgroundColor, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);;
backgroundColor = colorEvent.getBackground();
borderColorStart = colorEvent.getBorderStart();
borderColorEnd = colorEvent.getBorderEnd();
Matrix4f mat = mStack.last().pose();
// TODO, lots of unnessesary GL calls here, we can buffer all these together.
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 4, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 4, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 4, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 4, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3 + 1, tooltipX - 3 + 1, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 2, tooltipY - 3 + 1, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3 + 1, borderColorStart, borderColorStart);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 2, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, borderColorEnd, borderColorEnd); RenderTooltipEvent.PostBackground(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipY, font, tooltipTextWidth, tooltipHeight));
IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl renderType = IRenderTypeBuffer.immediate(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuilder());
mStack.translate(0.0D, 0.0D, zLevel);
int tooltipTop = tooltipY;
for (int lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < textLines.size(); ++lineNumber) {
ITextProperties line = textLines.get(lineNumber);
if (line != null)
font.drawInBatch(LanguageMap.getInstance().getVisualOrder(line), (float) tooltipX, (float) tooltipY, -1, true, mat, renderType, false, 0, 15728880);
if (lineNumber + 1 == titleLinesCount)
tooltipY += 2;
tooltipY += 10;
mStack.popPose(); RenderTooltipEvent.PostText(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipTop, font, tooltipTextWidth, tooltipHeight));
use of net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties in project LoliServer by Loli-Server.
the class GuiUtils method drawHoveringText.
* Use this version if calling from somewhere where ItemStack context is available.
* @see #drawHoveringText(MatrixStack, List, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, FontRenderer)
// TODO, Validate rendering is the same as the original
public static void drawHoveringText(@Nonnull final ItemStack stack, MatrixStack mStack, List<? extends ITextProperties> textLines, int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int maxTextWidth, int backgroundColor, int borderColorStart, int borderColorEnd, FontRenderer font) {
if (!textLines.isEmpty()) {
RenderTooltipEvent.Pre event = new RenderTooltipEvent.Pre(stack, textLines, mStack, mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, maxTextWidth, font);
if (
mouseX = event.getX();
mouseY = event.getY();
screenWidth = event.getScreenWidth();
screenHeight = event.getScreenHeight();
maxTextWidth = event.getMaxWidth();
font = event.getFontRenderer();
int tooltipTextWidth = 0;
for (ITextProperties textLine : textLines) {
int textLineWidth = font.width(textLine);
if (textLineWidth > tooltipTextWidth)
tooltipTextWidth = textLineWidth;
boolean needsWrap = false;
int titleLinesCount = 1;
int tooltipX = mouseX + 12;
if (tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 4 > screenWidth) {
tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth;
if (// if the tooltip doesn't fit on the screen
tooltipX < 4) {
if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2)
tooltipTextWidth = mouseX - 12 - 8;
tooltipTextWidth = screenWidth - 16 - mouseX;
needsWrap = true;
if (maxTextWidth > 0 && tooltipTextWidth > maxTextWidth) {
tooltipTextWidth = maxTextWidth;
needsWrap = true;
if (needsWrap) {
int wrappedTooltipWidth = 0;
List<ITextProperties> wrappedTextLines = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++) {
ITextProperties textLine = textLines.get(i);
List<ITextProperties> wrappedLine = font.getSplitter().splitLines(textLine, tooltipTextWidth, Style.EMPTY);
if (i == 0)
titleLinesCount = wrappedLine.size();
for (ITextProperties line : wrappedLine) {
int lineWidth = font.width(line);
if (lineWidth > wrappedTooltipWidth)
wrappedTooltipWidth = lineWidth;
tooltipTextWidth = wrappedTooltipWidth;
textLines = wrappedTextLines;
if (mouseX > screenWidth / 2)
tooltipX = mouseX - 16 - tooltipTextWidth;
tooltipX = mouseX + 12;
int tooltipY = mouseY - 12;
int tooltipHeight = 8;
if (textLines.size() > 1) {
tooltipHeight += (textLines.size() - 1) * 10;
if (textLines.size() > titleLinesCount)
// gap between title lines and next lines
tooltipHeight += 2;
if (tooltipY < 4)
tooltipY = 4;
else if (tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 4 > screenHeight)
tooltipY = screenHeight - tooltipHeight - 4;
final int zLevel = 400;
RenderTooltipEvent.Color colorEvent = new RenderTooltipEvent.Color(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipY, font, backgroundColor, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);;
backgroundColor = colorEvent.getBackground();
borderColorStart = colorEvent.getBorderStart();
borderColorEnd = colorEvent.getBorderEnd();
Matrix4f mat = mStack.last().pose();
// TODO, lots of unnessesary GL calls here, we can buffer all these together.
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 4, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 4, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 4, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 4, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3 + 1, tooltipX - 3 + 1, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 2, tooltipY - 3 + 1, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY - 3, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY - 3 + 1, borderColorStart, borderColorStart);
drawGradientRect(mat, zLevel, tooltipX - 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 2, tooltipX + tooltipTextWidth + 3, tooltipY + tooltipHeight + 3, borderColorEnd, borderColorEnd); RenderTooltipEvent.PostBackground(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipY, font, tooltipTextWidth, tooltipHeight));
IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl renderType = IRenderTypeBuffer.immediate(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuilder());
mStack.translate(0.0D, 0.0D, zLevel);
int tooltipTop = tooltipY;
for (int lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < textLines.size(); ++lineNumber) {
ITextProperties line = textLines.get(lineNumber);
if (line != null)
font.drawInBatch(LanguageMap.getInstance().getVisualOrder(line), (float) tooltipX, (float) tooltipY, -1, true, mat, renderType, false, 0, 15728880);
if (lineNumber + 1 == titleLinesCount)
tooltipY += 2;
tooltipY += 10;
mStack.popPose(); RenderTooltipEvent.PostText(stack, textLines, mStack, tooltipX, tooltipTop, font, tooltipTextWidth, tooltipHeight));
use of net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.
the class ScreenJournalOverlayPerkStatistics method drawHeader.
private void drawHeader(MatrixStack renderStack) {
ITextProperties title = new TranslationTextComponent("perk.reader.astralsorcery.gui");
List<IReorderingProcessor> lines = font.trimStringToWidth(title, MathHelper.floor(HEADER_WIDTH / 1.4F));
int step = 14;
float offsetTop = guiTop + 15 - (lines.size() * step) / 2F;
renderStack.translate(0, offsetTop, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
IReorderingProcessor line = lines.get(i);
float offsetLeft = width / 2F - (font.func_243245_a(line) * 1.4F) / 2F;
renderStack.translate(offsetLeft, i * step, 0);
renderStack.scale(1.4F, 1.4F, 1F);
RenderingDrawUtils.renderStringAt(line, renderStack, font, 0xEE333333, false);
use of net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.
the class RenderingOverlayUtils method renderDefaultItemDisplay.
public static void renderDefaultItemDisplay(MatrixStack renderStack, List<Tuple<ItemStack, Integer>> itemStacks) {
int heightNormal = 26;
int heightSplit = 13;
int width = 26;
int offsetX = 30;
int offsetY = 15;
ItemRenderer itemRender = Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer();
FontRenderer fontRenderer = Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer;
// Draw background frame
int tempY = offsetY;
for (int i = 0; i < itemStacks.size(); i++) {
boolean first = i == 0;
boolean last = i + 1 == itemStacks.size();
float currentY = tempY;
if (first) {
// Draw upper half of the 1st slot
RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX, buf -> {
Matrix4f offset = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, currentY + heightSplit, 10).tex(0, 0.5F).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, currentY + heightSplit, 10).tex(1, 0.5F).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, currentY, 10).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, currentY, 10).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
tempY += heightSplit;
} else {
// Draw lower half and upper next half of the sequence
RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX, buf -> {
Matrix4f offset = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, currentY + heightNormal, 10).tex(0, 1).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, currentY + heightNormal, 10).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, currentY, 10).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, currentY, 10).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
tempY += heightNormal;
if (last) {
float drawY = tempY;
// Draw lower half of the slot
RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX, buf -> {
Matrix4f offset = renderStack.getLast().getMatrix();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, drawY + heightSplit, 10).tex(0, 1).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, drawY + heightSplit, 10).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX + width, drawY, 10).tex(1, 0.5F).endVertex();
buf.pos(offset, offsetX, drawY, 10).tex(0, 0.5F).endVertex();
tempY += heightSplit;
// Draw itemstacks on frame
tempY = offsetY;
for (Tuple<ItemStack, Integer> stackTpl : itemStacks) {
renderStack.translate(offsetX + 5, tempY + 5, 0);
RenderingUtils.renderItemStackGUI(renderStack, stackTpl.getA(), null);
tempY += heightNormal;
// Draw itemstack counts
renderStack.translate(offsetX + 14, offsetY + 16, 0);
int txtColor = 0x00DDDDDD;
for (Tuple<ItemStack, Integer> stackTpl : itemStacks) {
ItemStack stack = stackTpl.getA();
FontRenderer fr;
if ((fr = stack.getItem().getFontRenderer(stack)) == null) {
fr = fontRenderer;
String amountStr = String.valueOf(stackTpl.getB());
if (stackTpl.getB() == -1) {
// +Inf
amountStr = "\u221E";
ITextProperties prop = new StringTextComponent(amountStr);
int length = fontRenderer.getStringPropertyWidth(prop);
renderStack.translate(-length / 3F, 0, 500);
renderStack.scale(0.7F, 0.7F, 1F);
if (amountStr.length() > 3) {
renderStack.scale(0.9F, 0.9F, 1F);
RenderingDrawUtils.renderStringAt(fr, renderStack, prop, txtColor);
renderStack.translate(0, heightNormal, 0);
use of net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties in project AstralSorcery by HellFirePvP.
the class RenderingUtils method mcdefault_renderItemOverlayIntoGUI.
// TODO wait for mojang to do their work and actually port this method so i don't have to do this myself
public static void mcdefault_renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(FontRenderer fr, MatrixStack renderStack, ItemStack stack, float pTicks, @Nullable String text) {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
// TODO ugh.
renderStack.translate(0, 0, 100F);
if (stack.getCount() > 1 || text != null) {
ITextProperties display = new StringTextComponent(ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(text, String.valueOf(stack.getCount())));
int length = fr.getStringPropertyWidth(display);
renderStack.translate(17 - length, 9, 0);
RenderingDrawUtils.renderStringAt(display, renderStack, fr, 0xFFFFFFFF, true);
if (stack.getItem().showDurabilityBar(stack)) {
float health = (float) stack.getItem().getDurabilityForDisplay(stack);
float durabilityPercent = 13F - health * 13F;
int color = stack.getItem().getRGBDurabilityForDisplay(stack);
RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
RenderingGuiUtils.rect(buf, renderStack, 2, 13, 0, 13, 2).color(0, 0, 0, 255).draw();
RenderingGuiUtils.rect(buf, renderStack, 2, 13, 0, durabilityPercent, 1).color(color >> 16 & 255, color >> 8 & 255, color & 255, 255).draw();
ClientPlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
float cooldownPercent = player == null ? 0F : player.getCooldownTracker().getCooldown(stack.getItem(), pTicks);
if (cooldownPercent > 0F) {
RenderingUtils.draw(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX, buf -> {
RenderingGuiUtils.rect(buf, renderStack, 0, 16F * (1F - cooldownPercent), 0, 16, 16F * cooldownPercent).color(255, 255, 255, 127).draw();