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Example 1 with ChunkCoordIntPair

use of in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.

the class MainProxy method isAnyoneWatching.

// ignores dimension; more stringent check done inside sendPacketToAllWatching
public static boolean isAnyoneWatching(int X, int Z, int dimensionID) {
    ChunkCoordIntPair chunk = new ChunkCoordIntPair(X >> 4, Z >> 4);
    PlayerCollectionList players = LogisticsEventListener.watcherList.get(chunk);
    if (players == null) {
        return false;
    return !players.isEmptyWithoutCheck();
Also used : ChunkCoordIntPair( PlayerCollectionList(logisticspipes.utils.PlayerCollectionList)

Example 2 with ChunkCoordIntPair

use of in project Trains-In-Motion-1.7.10 by EternalBlueFlame.

the class ChunkHandler method forceChunkLoading.

     * <h2>Force load chunks</h2>
     * collects the chunk positions around the entity and it's sub-entities, and then forces them to load
     * @param transport the entity to update
     * @param newChunkX the x position of the new chunk
     * @param newChunkZ the z position of the new chunk
private static void forceChunkLoading(GenericRailTransport transport, int newChunkX, int newChunkZ) {
    /*be sure the ticket is valid, otherwise we just crash*/
    if (transport.getChunkTicket() != null) {
        ChunkCoordIntPair pair = null;
        List<ChunkCoordIntPair> newChunks = new ArrayList<ChunkCoordIntPair>();
        /*get the chunks around the new chunk of the main entitiy, this should find 9 chunks (3x3 grid).
            * it would probably be a good idea to be sure the chunk limit per ticket will support at least 9 chunks
            *     if it doesn't, then the settings should change chunkloading to off and stop it before using it*/
        for (int x = newChunkX - 1; x <= newChunkX + 1; ++x) {
            for (int z = newChunkZ - 1; z <= newChunkZ + 1; ++z) {
                newChunks.add(new ChunkCoordIntPair(x, z));
        /*update chunks around the sub-entities, in this case it's the hitbox entities
            * this should also find 9 chunks, per hitbox. But we only add the ones we don't already know,
            *     and we clamp the list length to the max chunk count for the ticket,
            *     since the user can change that value in forge, and we don't wanna try and bite off more than we can chew*/
        for (HitboxHandler.MultipartHitbox hitbox : transport.hitboxHandler.hitboxList) {
            for (int x = hitbox.chunkCoordX - 1; x <= hitbox.chunkCoordX + 1; ++x) {
                for (int z = hitbox.chunkCoordZ - 1; z <= hitbox.chunkCoordZ + 1; ++z) {
                    pair = new ChunkCoordIntPair(x, z);
                    if (!newChunks.contains(pair) && newChunks.size() < transport.getChunkTicket().getMaxChunkListDepth()) {
        /*now we take the list we generated and force the chunks to load.*/
        for (ChunkCoordIntPair chunk : newChunks) {
            ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(transport.getChunkTicket(), chunk);
            ForgeChunkManager.reorderChunk(transport.getChunkTicket(), chunk);
        /*now we go through the old list and force any chunks that were previously loaded to unload*/
        for (ChunkCoordIntPair oldChunk : transport.chunkLocations) {
            if (!newChunks.contains(oldChunk)) {
                ForgeChunkManager.unforceChunk(transport.getChunkTicket(), oldChunk);
        /*and lastly we set the old chunk list to the new one*/
        transport.chunkLocations = newChunks;
Also used : ChunkCoordIntPair( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 3 with ChunkCoordIntPair

use of in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class PowerNodeCache method onWorldSave.

public void onWorldSave(WorldEvent.Save event) {
    World world =;
    if (world.isRemote)
    HashMap<ChunkCoordIntPair, NBTTagCompound> saveData = PowerNodeRegistry.For(world).saveAll();
    for (ChunkCoordIntPair pair : saveData.keySet()) {
        SaveNBTToFile(world, pair, saveData.get(pair), AMCore.config.savePowerDataOnWorldSave());
Also used : ChunkCoordIntPair( NBTTagCompound(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound) World( SubscribeEvent(cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent)

Example 4 with ChunkCoordIntPair

use of in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class PowerNodeRegistry method removePowerNode.

public void removePowerNode(IPowerNode node) {
    ChunkCoordIntPair chunk = getChunkFromNode(node);
    removePowerNode(chunk, new AMVector3((TileEntity) node));
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) AMVector3(am2.api.math.AMVector3) ChunkCoordIntPair(

Example 5 with ChunkCoordIntPair

use of in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class RetroactiveWorldgenerator method continueRetrogen.

public void continueRetrogen(World world) {
    if (world == null)
    int dimensionID = world.provider.dimensionId;
    int count = 0;
    ArrayList<ChunkCoordIntPair> chunks = deferredChunkGeneration.get(dimensionID);
    if (chunks != null && chunks.size() > 0) {
        int amt = Math.min(5, chunks.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < amt; ++i) {
            ChunkCoordIntPair chunkPos = chunks.get(0);
            AMCore.proxy.worldGen.generate(world.rand, chunkPos.chunkXPos, chunkPos.chunkZPos, world, world.getChunkProvider(), world.getChunkProvider());
        deferredChunkGeneration.put(dimensionID, chunks);"Retro-genned %d chunks, %d left to generate.", count, chunks.size());
Also used : ChunkCoordIntPair(


ChunkCoordIntPair ( NBTTagCompound (net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound)8 SubscribeEvent (cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)4 AMVector3 (am2.api.math.AMVector3)3 IRadioWaveReceiver ( RadarObject ( Chunk ( Ticket (net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeChunkManager.Ticket)3 PlayerCollectionList (logisticspipes.utils.PlayerCollectionList)2 World ( IPowerNode (am2.api.power.IPowerNode)1 IRadioWaveSender ( Cube ( EntityPlayer (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)1