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Example 21 with WorldChunk

use of in project sodium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class ChunkGraph method getOpenChunkFaces.

private Set<Direction> getOpenChunkFaces(BlockPos pos) {
    WorldChunk chunk = >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4);
    ChunkSection section = chunk.getSectionArray()[pos.getY() >> 4];
    if (section == null || section.isEmpty()) {
        return EnumSet.allOf(Direction.class);
    ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder occlusionBuilder = new ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder();
    BlockPos.Mutable mpos = new BlockPos.Mutable();
    for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
                BlockState state = section.getBlockState(x, y, z);
                mpos.set(x, y, z);
                if (state.isFullOpaque(, mpos)) {
    return occlusionBuilder.getOpenFaces(pos);
Also used : BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) WorldChunk( ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder(net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder) ChunkSection(

Example 22 with WorldChunk

use of in project sodium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class MixinChunkRendererRegion method test.

@Inject(method = "<init>", at = @At("RETURN"))
private void test(World world, int chunkX, int chunkZ, WorldChunk[][] chunks, BlockPos startPos, BlockPos endPos, CallbackInfo ci) {
    final BlockState defaultState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
    final int minX = startPos.getX();
    final int minY = startPos.getY();
    final int minZ = startPos.getZ();
    final int maxX = endPos.getX();
    final int maxY = endPos.getY();
    final int maxZ = endPos.getZ();
    for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
        for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
            WorldChunk worldChunk = chunks[(x >> 4) - chunkX][(z >> 4) - chunkZ];
            for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
                BlockState state;
                if (y >= 0 && y < 256) {
                    ChunkSection section = worldChunk.getSectionArray()[y >> 4];
                    if (section != null) {
                        state = section.getBlockState(x & 15, y & 15, z & 15);
                    } else {
                        state = defaultState;
                } else {
                    state = defaultState;
                int i = this.getIndex(x, y, z);
                this.blockStates[i] = state;
Also used : BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) WorldChunk( ChunkSection( Inject(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)

Example 23 with WorldChunk

use of in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.

the class WorldUtils method getLoadedChunks.

public static List<WorldChunk> getLoadedChunks() {
    List<WorldChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>();
    int viewDist = mc.options.viewDistance;
    for (int x = -viewDist; x <= viewDist; x++) {
        for (int z = -viewDist; z <= viewDist; z++) {
            WorldChunk chunk = mc.player.getX() / 16 + x, (int) mc.player.getZ() / 16 + z);
            if (chunk != null) {
    return chunks;
Also used : WorldChunk( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 24 with WorldChunk

use of in project roadrunner by MaxNeedsSnacks.

the class ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageMixin method startWatchingChunk.

protected void startWatchingChunk(ServerPlayerEntity player, int x, int z) {
    ForgeEventFactory.fireChunkWatch(true, player, new ChunkPos(x, z),;
    ChunkHolder holder = this.getChunkHolder(ChunkPos.toLong(x, z));
    if (holder != null) {
        WorldChunk chunk = holder.getWorldChunk();
        if (chunk != null) {
            this.sendChunkDataPackets(player, new Packet[2], chunk);
Also used : WorldChunk( ChunkHolder( ChunkPos(net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos)

Example 25 with WorldChunk

use of in project roadrunner by MaxNeedsSnacks.

the class RedstoneWireBlockMixin method getReceivedPower.

 * Calculate the redstone power a wire at the given location receives from the
 * blocks around it.
private int getReceivedPower(World world, BlockPos pos) {
    WorldChunk chunk = world.getWorldChunk(pos);
    int power = MIN;
    for (Direction dir : DIRECTIONS_VERTICAL) {
        BlockPos side = pos.offset(dir);
        BlockState neighbor = chunk.getBlockState(side);
        // below a wire, it does not receive any power from that direction.
        if (!neighbor.isAir() && !neighbor.isOf(this)) {
            power = Math.max(power, this.getPowerFromVertical(world, side, neighbor, dir));
            if (power >= MAX) {
                return MAX;
    // In vanilla this check is done up to 4 times.
    BlockPos up = pos.up();
    boolean checkWiresAbove = !chunk.getBlockState(up).isSolidBlock(world, up);
    for (Direction dir : DIRECTIONS_HORIZONTAL) {
        power = Math.max(power, this.getPowerFromSide(world, pos.offset(dir), dir, checkWiresAbove));
        if (power >= MAX) {
            return MAX;
    return power;
Also used : BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) WorldChunk( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) Direction(net.minecraft.util.math.Direction)


WorldChunk ( BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)15 BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)9 ChunkPos (net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos)8 Inject (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)8 ClientPlayerEntity ( PlayerUtils (at.haha007.edenclient.utils.PlayerUtils)4 ConfigSubscriber (at.haha007.edenclient.utils.config.ConfigSubscriber)4 PerWorldConfig (at.haha007.edenclient.utils.config.PerWorldConfig)4 Collectors ( PlayerTickCallback (at.haha007.edenclient.callbacks.PlayerTickCallback)3 CommandManager (at.haha007.edenclient.command.CommandManager)3 ChatColor (at.haha007.edenclient.utils.ChatColor)3 PlayerUtils.sendModMessage (at.haha007.edenclient.utils.PlayerUtils.sendModMessage)3 LiteralArgumentBuilder (com.mojang.brigadier.builder.LiteralArgumentBuilder)3 CommandContext (com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext)3 Biome (com.seedfinding.mcbiome.biome.Biome)3 BiomeSource (com.seedfinding.mcbiome.source.BiomeSource)3 BlockEntity (net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity)3 Direction (net.minecraft.util.math.Direction)3