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Example 1 with HangingEntity

use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.

the class LevelMixin method bridge$createEntity.

public <E extends org.spongepowered.api.entity.Entity> E bridge$createEntity(final EntityType<E> type, final Vector3d position, final boolean naturally) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
    if (type == {
        // Unable to construct these
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A Player cannot be created by the API!");
    } entity = null;
    final double x = position.x();
    final double y = position.y();
    final double z = position.z();
    final thisWorld = ( (Object) this;
    // Not all entities have a single World parameter as their constructor
    if (type == {
        entity =;
        entity.moveTo(x, y, z);
        ((LightningBolt) entity).setVisualOnly(false);
    // TODO - archetypes should solve the problem of calling the correct constructor
    if (type == {
        final ArmorStand tempEntity = new ArmorStand(thisWorld, x, y, z);
        tempEntity.setPos(tempEntity.getX(), tempEntity.getY() - tempEntity.getEyeHeight(), tempEntity.getZ());
        entity = new ThrownEnderpearl(thisWorld, tempEntity);
        ((EnderPearl) entity).offer(Keys.SHOOTER, UnknownProjectileSource.UNKNOWN);
    // set them is to use the more specialised constructor).
    if (type == {
        entity = new FallingBlockEntity(thisWorld, x, y, z, Blocks.SAND.defaultBlockState());
    if (type == {
        entity = new ItemEntity(thisWorld, x, y, z, new ItemStack(Blocks.STONE));
    if (entity == null) {
        final ResourceKey key = (ResourceKey) (Object) Registry.ENTITY_TYPE.getKey((<?>) type);
        try {
            entity = (( type).create(thisWorld);
            entity.moveTo(x, y, z);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("There was an issue attempting to construct " + key, e);
    if (entity instanceof HangingEntity) {
        if (!((HangingEntity) entity).survives()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hanging entity does not survive at the given position: " + position);
    if (naturally && entity instanceof Mob) {
        // Adding the default equipment
        final DifficultyInstance difficulty = this.shadow$getCurrentDifficultyAt(new BlockPos(x, y, z));
        ((MobAccessor) entity).invoker$populateDefaultEquipmentSlots(difficulty);
    if (entity instanceof Painting) {
        // This is default when art is null when reading from NBT, could
        // choose a random art instead?
        ((Painting) entity).motive = Motive.KEBAB;
    return (E) entity;
Also used : DifficultyInstance( ThrownEnderpearl( LightningBolt( ArmorStand( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) FallingBlockEntity( HangingEntity( Mob( ItemEntity( EnderPearl(org.spongepowered.api.entity.projectile.EnderPearl) ResourceKey(org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey) Painting( MobAccessor( Level( Level( ItemStack(

Example 2 with HangingEntity

use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.

the class EntityTickPhaseState method postBlockTransactionApplication.

public void postBlockTransactionApplication(final EntityTickContext context, final BlockChange blockChange, final BlockTransactionReceipt transaction) {
    if (blockChange == BlockChange.BREAK) {
        final Entity tickingEntity = context.getSource(Entity.class).get();
        final BlockPos blockPos = VecHelper.toBlockPos(transaction.originalBlock().position());
        final List<HangingEntity> hangingEntities = ((ServerLevel), new AABB(blockPos, blockPos).inflate(1.1D, 1.1D, 1.1D), entityIn -> {
            if (entityIn == null) {
                return false;
            final BlockPos entityPos = entityIn.getPos();
            // Hanging Neighbor Entity
            if (entityPos.equals(blockPos.offset(0, 1, 0))) {
                return true;
            // Check around source block
            final Direction entityFacing = entityIn.getDirection();
            if (entityFacing == Direction.NORTH) {
                return entityPos.equals(blockPos.offset(Constants.Entity.HANGING_OFFSET_NORTH));
            } else if (entityFacing == Direction.SOUTH) {
                return entityIn.getPos().equals(blockPos.offset(Constants.Entity.HANGING_OFFSET_SOUTH));
            } else if (entityFacing == Direction.WEST) {
                return entityIn.getPos().equals(blockPos.offset(Constants.Entity.HANGING_OFFSET_WEST));
            } else if (entityFacing == Direction.EAST) {
                return entityIn.getPos().equals(blockPos.offset(Constants.Entity.HANGING_OFFSET_EAST));
            return false;
        for (final HangingEntity entityHanging : hangingEntities) {
            if (entityHanging instanceof ItemFrame) {
                final ItemFrame itemFrame = (ItemFrame) entityHanging;
                if (!itemFrame.removed) {
                    ((ItemFrameAccessor) itemFrame).invoker$dropItem(( tickingEntity, true);
Also used : HangingEntity( Entity(org.spongepowered.api.entity.Entity) HangingEntity( ServerLevel(net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel) BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) ItemFrame( Direction(net.minecraft.core.Direction) AABB( ItemFrameAccessor(

Example 3 with HangingEntity

use of in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.

the class StructureEventHandler method setItemFrameFacingAndRotation.

private static Entity setItemFrameFacingAndRotation(ItemFrame frame, BuildEntity buildEntity, BlockPos entityPos, Structure structure) {
    float yaw = frame.getYRot();
    Rotation rotation = Rotation.NONE;
    double x_axis_offset = buildEntity.entityXAxisOffset;
    double z_axis_offset = buildEntity.entityZAxisOffset;
    Direction facing = frame.getDirection();
    double y_axis_offset = buildEntity.entityYAxisOffset;
    x_axis_offset = x_axis_offset * -1;
    z_axis_offset = z_axis_offset * -1;
    Direction structureDirection = structure.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection();
    Direction configurationDirection = structure.configuration.houseFacing.getOpposite();
    if (facing != Direction.UP && facing != Direction.DOWN) {
        if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getOpposite()) {
            rotation = Rotation.CLOCKWISE_180;
            facing = facing.getOpposite();
        } else if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getClockWise()) {
            rotation = Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90;
            facing = facing.getClockWise();
        } else if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getCounterClockWise()) {
            rotation = Rotation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90;
            facing = facing.getCounterClockWise();
        } else {
            x_axis_offset = 0;
            z_axis_offset = 0;
    yaw = frame.rotate(rotation);
    CompoundTag compound = new CompoundTag();
    ((HangingEntity) frame).addAdditionalSaveData(compound);
    compound.putByte("Facing", (byte) facing.get3DDataValue());
    ((HangingEntity) frame).readAdditionalSaveData(compound);
    frame.moveTo(entityPos.getX() + x_axis_offset, entityPos.getY() + y_axis_offset, entityPos.getZ() + z_axis_offset, yaw, frame.getXRot());
    ChunkAccess chunk =;
    return frame;
Also used : HangingEntity( ChunkAccess( Direction(net.minecraft.core.Direction) NetworkDirection( CompoundTag(net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag)

Example 4 with HangingEntity

use of in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.

the class StructureEventHandler method onServerTick.

 * This event is primarily used to build 100 blocks for any queued structures for all players.
 * @param event The event object.
public static void onServerTick(ServerTickEvent event) {
    if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
        ArrayList<Player> playersToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
        if (StructureEventHandler.entitiesToGenerate.size() > 0) {
            if (StructureEventHandler.ticksSinceLastEntitiesGenerated > 40) {
                // Process any entities.
                StructureEventHandler.ticksSinceLastEntitiesGenerated = 0;
        if (StructureEventHandler.structuresToBuild.size() > 0) {
            for (Entry<Player, ArrayList<Structure>> entry : StructureEventHandler.structuresToBuild.entrySet()) {
                ArrayList<Structure> structuresToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
                // Build the first 100 blocks of each structure for this player.
                for (Structure structure : entry.getValue()) {
                    if (!structure.entitiesRemoved) {
                        // If there is a player there...they will probably die anyways.....
                        for (BlockPos clearedPos : structure.clearedBlockPos) {
                            AABB axisPos = Shapes.block().bounds().move(clearedPos);
                            List<Entity> list =, axisPos);
                            if (!list.isEmpty()) {
                                for (Entity entity : list) {
                                    // Don't kill living entities.
                                    if (!(entity instanceof LivingEntity)) {
                                        if (entity instanceof HangingEntity) {
                                            structure.BeforeHangingEntityRemoved((HangingEntity) entity);
                              , false);
                        structure.entitiesRemoved = true;
                    if (structure.airBlocks.size() > 0) {
                        structure.hasAirBlocks = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                        i = StructureEventHandler.setBlock(i, structure, structuresToRemove);
                    // After building the blocks for this tick, find waterlogged blocks and remove them.
                // Update the list of structures to remove this structure since it's done building.
                StructureEventHandler.removeStructuresFromList(structuresToRemove, entry);
                if (entry.getValue().size() == 0) {
        // Remove each player that has their structure's built.
        for (Player player : playersToRemove) {
Also used : LivingEntity( HangingEntity( Entity( BuildEntity(com.wuest.prefab.structures.base.BuildEntity) HangingEntity( ServerPlayer(net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer) Player( LivingEntity( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) Structure(com.wuest.prefab.structures.base.Structure) AABB( SubscribeEvent(net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent)

Example 5 with HangingEntity

use of in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.

the class StructureEventHandler method setPaintingFacingAndRotation.

private static Entity setPaintingFacingAndRotation(Painting entity, BuildEntity buildEntity, BlockPos entityPos, Structure structure) {
    float yaw = entity.getYRot();
    Rotation rotation = Rotation.NONE;
    double x_axis_offset = 0;
    double z_axis_offset = 0;
    Direction facing = entity.getDirection();
    double y_axis_offset = buildEntity.entityYAxisOffset * -1;
    Direction structureDirection = structure.getClearSpace().getShape().getDirection();
    Direction configurationDirection = structure.configuration.houseFacing.getOpposite();
    if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getOpposite()) {
        rotation = Rotation.CLOCKWISE_180;
        facing = facing.getOpposite();
    } else if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getClockWise()) {
        rotation = Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90;
        facing = facing.getClockWise();
    } else if (configurationDirection == structureDirection.getCounterClockWise()) {
        rotation = Rotation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90;
        facing = facing.getCounterClockWise();
    int paintingBlockWidth = entity.motive.getWidth() / 16;
    int paintingBlockHeight = entity.motive.getHeight() / 16;
    if ((paintingBlockHeight > paintingBlockWidth || paintingBlockHeight > 1) && !(paintingBlockWidth == 4 && paintingBlockHeight == 3)) {
    yaw = entity.rotate(rotation);
    CompoundTag compound = new CompoundTag();
    ((HangingEntity) entity).addAdditionalSaveData(compound);
    compound.putByte("Facing", (byte) facing.get2DDataValue());
    ((HangingEntity) entity).readAdditionalSaveData(compound);
    entity.moveTo(entityPos.getX() + x_axis_offset, entityPos.getY() + y_axis_offset, entityPos.getZ() + z_axis_offset, yaw, entity.getXRot());
    ChunkAccess chunk =;
    return entity;
Also used : HangingEntity( ChunkAccess( Direction(net.minecraft.core.Direction) NetworkDirection( CompoundTag(net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag)


HangingEntity ( BlockPos (net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)5 Direction (net.minecraft.core.Direction)5 CompoundTag (net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag)4 AABB ( Entity ( ItemFrame ( Player ( ItemStack ( Level ( ChunkAccess ( NetworkDirection ( BuildEntity (com.wuest.prefab.structures.base.BuildEntity)1 Structure (com.wuest.prefab.structures.base.Structure)1 ResourceLocation (net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)1 ServerLevel (net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel)1 ServerPlayer (net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer)1 DifficultyInstance ( LightningBolt ( LivingEntity (