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Example 1 with StructureProcessorList

use of in project RepurposedStructures by TelepathicGrunt.

the class NbtDungeon method place.

public boolean place(FeaturePlaceContext<NbtDungeonConfig> context) {
    if (GeneralUtils.isBlacklistedForWorld(context.level(), context.config().cfID))
        return false;
    BlockPos position = context.origin().above(-1);
    ResourceLocation nbtRL = GeneralUtils.getRandomEntry(context.config().nbtResourcelocationsAndWeights, context.random());
    StructureManager structureManager = context.level().getLevel().getStructureManager();
    Optional<StructureTemplate> template = structureManager.get(nbtRL);
    if (template.isEmpty()) {
        RepurposedStructures.LOGGER.error("Identifier to the specified nbt file was not found! : {}", nbtRL);
        return false;
    Rotation rotation = Rotation.getRandom(context.random());
    BlockPos size = new BlockPos(template.get().getSize());
    // For proper offsetting the dungeon so it rotate properly around position parameter.
    BlockPos halfLengths = new BlockPos(size.getX() / 2, size.getY() / 2, size.getZ() / 2);
    // Rotated blockpos for the nbt's sizes to be used later.
    BlockPos fullLengths = new BlockPos(Math.abs(size.rotate(rotation).getX()), Math.abs(size.rotate(rotation).getY()), Math.abs(size.rotate(rotation).getZ()));
    // For post processing spawners and chests for rotated dungeon.
    BlockPos halfLengthsRotated = new BlockPos(fullLengths.getX() / 2, fullLengths.getY() / 2, fullLengths.getZ() / 2);
    BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(position);
    ChunkAccess cachedChunk = context.level().getChunk(mutable);
    int xMin = -halfLengthsRotated.getX();
    int xMax = halfLengthsRotated.getX();
    int zMin = -halfLengthsRotated.getZ();
    int zMax = halfLengthsRotated.getZ();
    int wallOpenings = 0;
    int ceilingOpenings = 0;
    int ceiling = size.getY();
    for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
        for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
            for (int y = 0; y <= ceiling; y++) {
                mutable.set(position).move(x, y, z);
                if (mutable.getX() >> 4 != cachedChunk.getPos().x || mutable.getZ() >> 4 != cachedChunk.getPos().z)
                    cachedChunk = context.level().getChunk(mutable);
                BlockState state = cachedChunk.getBlockState(mutable);
                // Dungeons cannot touch fluids if set to air mode and reverse if opposite
                if (context.config().airRequirementIsNowWater ? state.isAir() || state.getFluidState().is(FluidTags.LAVA) : !state.getFluidState().isEmpty()) {
                    return false;
                } else // Floor must be complete
                if (!GeneralUtils.isFullCube(context.level(), mutable, state)) {
                    if (y == 0 && !state.getMaterial().isSolid()) {
                        return false;
                    } else if ( {
                        // ignore leaves
                    } else if (y == ceiling) {
                // Check only along wall bottoms for openings
                if ((x == xMin || x == xMax || z == zMin || z == zMax) && y == 1 && isValidNonSolidBlock(context.config(), state)) {
                    BlockState aboveState = cachedChunk.getBlockState(mutable);
                    if (context.config().airRequirementIsNowWater ? !aboveState.getFluidState().isEmpty() : aboveState.isAir()) {
                // Too much open space. Quit
                if (wallOpenings > context.config().maxAirSpace || ceilingOpenings > context.config().maxAirSpace) {
                    return false;
    // Check if we meet minimum for open space.
    if (wallOpenings >= context.config().minAirSpace) {
        // offset the dungeon such as ocean dungeons down 1
        position = position.above(context.config().structureYOffset);
        // RepurposedStructures.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, nbtRL + " at X: "+position.getX() +", "+position.getY()+", "+position.getZ());
        StructurePlaceSettings placementsettings = (new StructurePlaceSettings()).setRotation(rotation).setRotationPivot(halfLengths).setIgnoreEntities(false);
        Optional<StructureProcessorList> processor = context.level().getLevel().getServer().registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registry.PROCESSOR_LIST_REGISTRY).getOptional(context.config().processor);
        // add all processors
        BlockPos finalPos = mutable.set(position).move(-halfLengths.getX(), 0, -halfLengths.getZ());
        template.get().placeInWorld(context.level(), finalPos, finalPos, placementsettings, context.random(), Block.UPDATE_CLIENTS);
        // Post-processors
        // For all processors that are sensitive to neighboring blocks such as vines.
        // Post processors will place the blocks themselves so we will not do anything with the return of Structure.process
        Optional<StructureProcessorList> postProcessor = context.level().getLevel().getServer().registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registry.PROCESSOR_LIST_REGISTRY).getOptional(context.config().postProcessor);
        // add all post processors
        List<StructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo> list = placementsettings.getRandomPalette(((TemplateAccessor) template.get()).repurposedstructures_getPalettes(), mutable).blocks();
        StructureTemplate.processBlockInfos(context.level(), mutable, mutable, placementsettings, list, template.get());
        spawnLootBlocks(context.level(), context.random(), position, context.config(), fullLengths, halfLengthsRotated, mutable);
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : StructureManager( Rotation( ChunkAccess( BlockState( ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation) StructureProcessorList( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) StructureTemplate( StructurePlaceSettings( TemplateAccessor(com.telepathicgrunt.repurposedstructures.mixin.structures.TemplateAccessor)


TemplateAccessor (com.telepathicgrunt.repurposedstructures.mixin.structures.TemplateAccessor)1 BlockPos (net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)1 ResourceLocation (net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)1 Rotation ( BlockState ( ChunkAccess ( StructureManager ( StructurePlaceSettings ( StructureProcessorList ( StructureTemplate (