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Example 1 with Direction

use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.

the class ModelHelper method toQuadLists.

 * Converts a mesh into an array of lists of vanilla baked quads.
 * Useful for creating vanilla baked models when required for compatibility.
 * The array indexes correspond to {@link Direction#getId()} with the
 * addition of {@link #NULL_FACE_ID}.
 * <p>Retrieves sprites from the block texture atlas via {@link SpriteFinder}.
public static List<BakedQuad>[] toQuadLists(Mesh mesh) {
    SpriteFinder finder = SpriteFinder.get(StationRenderAPI.getBakedModelManager().getAtlas(Atlases.GAME_ATLAS_TEXTURE));
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ImmutableList.Builder<BakedQuad>[] builders = new ImmutableList.Builder[7];
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        builders[i] = ImmutableList.builder();
    if (mesh != null) {
        mesh.forEach(q -> {
            final int limit = q.material().spriteDepth();
            for (int l = 0; l < limit; l++) {
                Direction face = q.cullFace();
                builders[face == null ? 6 : face.getId()].add(q.toBakedQuad(l, finder.find(q, l), false));
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<BakedQuad>[] result = new List[7];
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        result[i] = builders[i].build();
    return result;
Also used : ImmutableList( Direction(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction)

Example 2 with Direction

use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.

the class BakedModelRendererImpl method renderWorld.

public boolean renderWorld(BlockState state, BakedModel model, BlockView blockView, int x, int y, int z, int textureOverride) {
    long seed = state.getRenderingSeed(pos);
    if (!model.isVanillaAdapter()) {
        BlockRenderContext context = CONTEXTS.get();
        return context.render(blockView, model, state, pos, random, seed);
    BlockBase block = state.getBlock();
    if (textureOverride >= 0)
        return true;
    Tessellator t = Tessellator.INSTANCE;
    StationTessellator fastT = StationTessellator.get(t);
    light.initialize(block, blockView, x, y, z, Minecraft.isSmoothLightingEnabled() && model.useAmbientOcclusion());
    boolean rendered = false;
    ImmutableList<BakedQuad> qs;
    BakedQuad q;
    float[] qlight = light.light;
    for (int quadSet = 0, size = DIRECTIONS.length; quadSet < size; quadSet++) {
        Direction face = DIRECTIONS[quadSet];
        qs = model.getQuads(state, face, random);
        if (!qs.isEmpty() && (face == null || block.isSideRendered(blockView, x + face.vector.x, y + face.vector.y, z + face.vector.z, quadSet))) {
            rendered = true;
            for (int j = 0, quadSize = qs.size(); j < quadSize; j++) {
                q = qs.get(j);
                if (q.hasColour()) {
                    int i = StationRenderAPI.getBlockColours().getColour(state, blockView, pos, q.getColorIndex());
                    float r = redI2F(i);
                    float g = greenI2F(i);
                    float b = blueI2F(i);
                    if (GameRenderer.anaglyph3d) {
                        float colourMultiplierGreenTmp = (r * 30F + g * 70F) / 100F, colourMultiplierBlueTmp = (r * 30F + b * 70F) / 100F;
                        r = (r * 30F + g * 59F + b * 11F) / 100F;
                        g = colourMultiplierGreenTmp;
                        b = colourMultiplierBlueTmp;
                    fastT.quad(q.getVertexData(), x, y, z, colourF2I(r * qlight[0], g * qlight[0], b * qlight[0]), colourF2I(r * qlight[1], g * qlight[1], b * qlight[1]), colourF2I(r * qlight[2], g * qlight[2], b * qlight[2]), colourF2I(r * qlight[3], g * qlight[3], b * qlight[3]));
                } else
                    fastT.quad(q.getVertexData(), x, y, z, colourF2I(qlight[0], qlight[0], qlight[0]), colourF2I(qlight[1], qlight[1], qlight[1]), colourF2I(qlight[2], qlight[2], qlight[2]), colourF2I(qlight[3], qlight[3], qlight[3]));
    return rendered;
Also used : BakedQuad(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.client.render.model.BakedQuad) Tessellator(net.minecraft.client.render.Tessellator) StationTessellator(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.client.render.StationTessellator) BlockBase(net.minecraft.block.BlockBase) StationTessellator(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.client.render.StationTessellator) Direction(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction)

Example 3 with Direction

use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.

the class NormalHelper method computeFaceNormal.

 * Computes the face normal of the given quad and saves it in the provided non-null vector.
 * If {@link QuadView#nominalFace()} is set will optimize by confirming quad is parallel to that
 * face and, if so, use the standard normal for that face direction.
 * <p>Will work with triangles also. Assumes counter-clockwise winding order, which is the norm.
 * Expects convex quads with all points co-planar.
public static void computeFaceNormal(@NotNull Vector3f saveTo, QuadView q) {
    final Direction nominalFace = q.nominalFace();
    if (GeometryHelper.isQuadParallelToFace(nominalFace, q)) {
        Vec3i vec = nominalFace.vector;
        saveTo.set(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
    final float x0 = q.x(0);
    final float y0 = q.y(0);
    final float z0 = q.z(0);
    final float x1 = q.x(1);
    final float y1 = q.y(1);
    final float z1 = q.z(1);
    final float x2 = q.x(2);
    final float y2 = q.y(2);
    final float z2 = q.z(2);
    final float x3 = q.x(3);
    final float y3 = q.y(3);
    final float z3 = q.z(3);
    final float dx0 = x2 - x0;
    final float dy0 = y2 - y0;
    final float dz0 = z2 - z0;
    final float dx1 = x3 - x1;
    final float dy1 = y3 - y1;
    final float dz1 = z3 - z1;
    float normX = dy0 * dz1 - dz0 * dy1;
    float normY = dz0 * dx1 - dx0 * dz1;
    float normZ = dx0 * dy1 - dy0 * dx1;
    float l = (float) Math.sqrt(normX * normX + normY * normY + normZ * normZ);
    if (l != 0) {
        normX /= l;
        normY /= l;
        normZ /= l;
    saveTo.set(normX, normY, normZ);
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.maths.Vec3i) Direction(net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction)


Direction (net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.util.math.Direction)3 ImmutableList ( BlockBase (net.minecraft.block.BlockBase)1 Tessellator (net.minecraft.client.render.Tessellator)1 Vec3i (net.minecraft.util.maths.Vec3i)1 StationTessellator (net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.client.render.StationTessellator)1 BakedQuad (net.modificationstation.stationapi.api.client.render.model.BakedQuad)1