use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.impl.level.chunk.ChunkSection in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class MixinLevelManager method saveBlockStates.
@Inject(method = "method_1480(Lnet/minecraft/level/chunk/Chunk;Lnet/minecraft/level/Level;Lnet/minecraft/util/io/CompoundTag;)V", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/util/io/CompoundTag;put(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V", ordinal = 0, shift = At.Shift.AFTER))
private static void saveBlockStates(Chunk chunk, Level level, CompoundTag tag, CallbackInfo ci) {
ChunkSection[] sections = ((ChunkSectionsAccessor) chunk).getSections();
ListTag listTag = new ListTag();
for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; ++i) {
ChunkSection section = sections[i];
if (section != ChunkSection.EMPTY_SECTION) {
CompoundTag compoundTag7 = new CompoundTag();
compoundTag7.put("Y", (byte) (i & 255));
section.getContainer().write(compoundTag7, "Palette", "BlockStates");
tag.put(SECTIONS_TAG, listTag);
use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.impl.level.chunk.ChunkSection in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class MixinLevelManager method loadBlockState.
@Inject(method = "method_1479(Lnet/minecraft/level/Level;Lnet/minecraft/util/io/CompoundTag;)Lnet/minecraft/level/chunk/Chunk;", at = @At(value = "FIELD", target = "Lnet/minecraft/level/chunk/Chunk;tiles:[B", opcode = Opcodes.PUTFIELD, shift = At.Shift.AFTER), locals = LocalCapture.CAPTURE_FAILHARD)
private static void loadBlockState(Level arg, CompoundTag arg1, CallbackInfoReturnable<Chunk> cir, int var2, int var3, Chunk var4) {
ChunkSection[] sections = ((ChunkSectionsAccessor) var4).getSections();
if (arg1.containsKey(SECTIONS_TAG)) {
ListTag listTag = arg1.getListTag(SECTIONS_TAG);
for (int i = 0; i < listTag.size(); i++) {
CompoundTag section = (CompoundTag) listTag.get(i);
int k = section.getByte("Y");
if (section.containsKey("Palette") && section.containsKey("BlockStates")) {
ChunkSection chunkSection = new ChunkSection(k << 4);
chunkSection.getContainer().read(section.getListTag("Palette"), ((LongArrayCompound) section).getLongArray("BlockStates"));
if (!chunkSection.isEmpty()) {
sections[k] = chunkSection;
// poiStorage.initForPalette(pos, chunkSection);
use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.impl.level.chunk.ChunkSection in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class MixinChunk method setTileWithMetadata.
* @reason early version
* @author mine_diver
public boolean setTileWithMetadata(int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int meta) {
BlockState state = ((BlockStateHolder) BlockBase.BY_ID[blockId]).getDefaultState();
int yOffset = y >> 4;
ChunkSection section = sections[yOffset];
boolean sameMeta = this.field_957.method_1703(x, y, z) == meta;
if (section == ChunkSection.EMPTY_SECTION) {
if (state.isAir() && sameMeta)
return false;
section = new ChunkSection(yOffset << 4);
this.sections[yOffset] = section;
int var6 = this.heightmap[(z << 4) | x] & 255;
BlockState oldState = section.getBlockState(x, y & 15, z);
if (oldState == state && sameMeta)
return false;
else {
int levelX = this.x * 16 + x;
int levelZ = this.z * 16 + z;
section.setBlockState(x, y & 15, z, state);
oldState.getBlock().onBlockRemoved(this.level, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.field_957.method_1704(x, y, z, meta);
if (!this.level.dimension.halvesMapping) {
if (BlockBase.LIGHT_OPACITY[state.getBlock().id] != 0) {
if (y >= var6)
this.method_889(x, y + 1, z);
} else if (y == var6 - 1)
this.method_889(x, y, z);
this.level.method_166(LightType.SKY, levelX, y, levelZ, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.level.method_166(LightType.BLOCK, levelX, y, levelZ, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.method_887(x, z);
this.field_957.method_1704(x, y, z, meta);
state.getBlock().onBlockPlaced(this.level, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.field_967 = true;
return true;
use of net.modificationstation.stationapi.impl.level.chunk.ChunkSection in project StationAPI by ModificationStation.
the class MixinChunk method setBlockState.
public BlockState setBlockState(int x, int y, int z, BlockState state) {
int yOffset = y >> 4;
ChunkSection section = sections[yOffset];
if (section == ChunkSection.EMPTY_SECTION) {
if (state.isAir())
return null;
section = new ChunkSection(yOffset << 4);
this.sections[yOffset] = section;
int topY = this.heightmap[(z << 4) | x] & 255;
BlockState oldState = section.getBlockState(x, y & 15, z);
if (oldState == state)
return null;
else {
int levelX = this.x * 16 + x;
int levelZ = this.z * 16 + z;
oldState.getBlock().onBlockRemoved(this.level, levelX, y, levelZ);
// moving this to after onBlockRemoved because some blocks may want to get their blockstate before being removed
section.setBlockState(x, y & 15, z, state);
this.field_957.method_1704(x, y, z, 0);
if (!this.level.dimension.halvesMapping) {
if (BlockBase.LIGHT_OPACITY[state.getBlock().id] != 0) {
if (y >= topY)
this.method_889(x, y + 1, z);
} else if (y == topY - 1)
this.method_889(x, y, z);
this.level.method_166(LightType.SKY, levelX, y, levelZ, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.level.method_166(LightType.BLOCK, levelX, y, levelZ, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.method_887(x, z);
if (!this.level.isClient) {
state.getBlock().onBlockPlaced(this.level, levelX, y, levelZ);
this.field_967 = true;
return oldState;