use of net.morimekta.providence.PApplicationException in project providence by morimekta.
the class TProtocolSerializer method deserialize.
public <Message extends PMessage<Message, Field>, Field extends PField> PServiceCall<Message, Field> deserialize(@Nonnull InputStream input, @Nonnull PService service) throws SerializerException {
PServiceCallType type = null;
TMessage tm = null;
try {
TTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport(input);
TProtocol protocol = protocolFactory.getProtocol(transport);
tm = protocol.readMessageBegin();
type = PServiceCallType.findById(tm.type);
if (type == null) {
throw new SerializerException("Unknown call type for id " + tm.type).setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE);
} else if (type == PServiceCallType.EXCEPTION) {
PApplicationException exception = readMessage(protocol, PApplicationException.kDescriptor);
return new PServiceCall(, type, tm.seqid, exception);
PServiceMethod method = service.getMethod(;
if (method == null) {
throw new SerializerException("No such method " + + " on " + service.getQualifiedName()).setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.UNKNOWN_METHOD);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") PMessageDescriptor<Message, Field> descriptor = isRequestCallType(type) ? method.getRequestType() : method.getResponseType();
Message message = readMessage(protocol, descriptor);
return new PServiceCall<>(, type, tm.seqid, message);
} catch (TTransportException e) {
throw new SerializerException(e, e.getMessage()).setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.findById(e.getType())).setCallType(type).setSequenceNo(tm != null ? tm.seqid : 0).setMethodName(tm != null ? : null);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new SerializerException(e, e.getMessage()).setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.PROTOCOL_ERROR).setCallType(type).setSequenceNo(tm != null ? tm.seqid : 0).setMethodName(tm != null ? : null);
} catch (SerializerException e) {
throw e;
use of net.morimekta.providence.PApplicationException in project providence by morimekta.
the class TTupleProtocolSerializer method deserialize.
public <Message extends PMessage<Message, Field>, Field extends PField> PServiceCall<Message, Field> deserialize(@Nonnull InputStream input, @Nonnull PService service) throws SerializerException {
TMessage tm = null;
PServiceCallType type = null;
try {
TTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport(input);
TTupleProtocol protocol = (TTupleProtocol) protocolFactory.getProtocol(transport);
tm = protocol.readMessageBegin();
type = PServiceCallType.findById(tm.type);
if (type == null) {
throw new SerializerException("Unknown call type for id " + tm.type);
} else if (type == PServiceCallType.EXCEPTION) {
PApplicationException exception = readMessage(protocol, PApplicationException.kDescriptor);
return new PServiceCall(, type, tm.seqid, exception);
PServiceMethod method = service.getMethod(;
if (method == null) {
throw new SerializerException("No such method " + + " on " + service.getQualifiedName());
PMessageDescriptor<Message, Field> descriptor = isRequestCallType(type) ? method.getRequestType() : method.getResponseType();
Message message = readMessage(protocol, descriptor);
return new PServiceCall<>(, type, tm.seqid, message);
} catch (TTransportException e) {
throw new SerializerException(e, "Unable to serialize into transport protocol").setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.findById(e.getType())).setCallType(type).setMethodName(tm != null ? : "").setSequenceNo(tm != null ? tm.seqid : 0);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new SerializerException(e, "Transport exception in protocol").setExceptionType(PApplicationExceptionType.PROTOCOL_ERROR).setCallType(type).setMethodName(tm != null ? : "").setSequenceNo(tm != null ? tm.seqid : 0);