use of in project ontrack by nemerosa.
the class GitServiceImpl method buildSync.
protected <T> void buildSync(Branch branch, GitBranchConfiguration branchConfiguration, JobRunListener listener) {
listener.message("Git build/tag sync for %s/%s", branch.getProject().getName(), branch.getName());
GitConfiguration configuration = branchConfiguration.getConfiguration();
// Gets the branch Git client
GitRepositoryClient gitClient = gitRepositoryClientFactory.getClient(configuration.getGitRepository());
// Link
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") IndexableBuildGitCommitLink<T> link = (IndexableBuildGitCommitLink<T>) branchConfiguration.getBuildCommitLink().getLink();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T linkData = (T) branchConfiguration.getBuildCommitLink().getData();
// Configuration for the sync
Property<GitBranchConfigurationProperty> confProperty = propertyService.getProperty(branch, GitBranchConfigurationPropertyType.class);
boolean override = !confProperty.isEmpty() && confProperty.getValue().isOverride();
// Makes sure of synchronization
listener.message("Synchronizing before importing");
// Gets the list of tags
listener.message("Getting list of tags");
Collection<GitTag> tags = gitClient.getTags();
// Creates the builds
listener.message("Creating builds from tags");
for (GitTag tag : tags) {
String tagName = tag.getName();
// Filters the tags according to the branch tag pattern
link.getBuildNameFromTagName(tagName, linkData).ifPresent(buildNameCandidate -> {
String buildName = NameDescription.escapeName(buildNameCandidate);
listener.message(format("Build %s from tag %s", buildName, tagName));
// Existing build?
boolean createBuild;
Optional<Build> build = structureService.findBuildByName(branch.getProject().getName(), branch.getName(), buildName);
if (build.isPresent()) {
if (override) {
// Deletes the build
listener.message("Deleting existing build %s", buildName);
createBuild = true;
} else {
// Keeps the build
listener.message("Build %s already exists", buildName);
createBuild = false;
} else {
createBuild = true;
// Actual creation
if (createBuild) {
listener.message("Creating build %s from tag %s", buildName, tagName);
structureService.newBuild(Build.of(branch, new NameDescription(buildName, "Imported from Git tag " + tagName), securityService.getCurrentSignature().withTime(tag.getTime())));
use of in project ontrack by nemerosa.
the class BuildGitCommitLinkMigrationAction method migrateBranchConfigurations.
private void migrateBranchConfigurations(Connection connection) throws SQLException, IOException {
// For all branches...
try (PreparedStatement psBranches = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ID FROM BRANCHES")) {
try (ResultSet rsBranches = psBranches.executeQuery()) {
while ( {
int branchId = rsBranches.getInt("ID");
// For all the Git branch configurations
try (PreparedStatement psProperty = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM PROPERTIES WHERE TYPE = ? AND BRANCH = ?", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE)) {
psProperty.setString(1, GitBranchConfigurationPropertyType.class.getName());
psProperty.setInt(2, branchId);
try (ResultSet rsProperty = psProperty.executeQuery()) {
while ( {"Migrating Branch Git configuration: {}", branchId);
// Configuration as JSON
String json = rsProperty.getString("JSON");
// Parses the configuration
JsonNode node = objectMapper.readTree(json);
// Gets any existing tag pattern
String tagPattern = JsonUtils.get(node, "tagPattern", "*");
// Creates the commit link
ServiceConfiguration buildCommitLink;
if ("*".equals(tagPattern)) {
buildCommitLink = TagBuildNameGitCommitLink.DEFAULT.toServiceConfiguration();
} else {
buildCommitLink = new ServiceConfiguration("tagPattern", JsonUtils.object().with("pattern", tagPattern).end());
// Creates the new property
GitBranchConfigurationProperty property = new GitBranchConfigurationProperty(JsonUtils.get(node, "branch"), buildCommitLink, JsonUtils.getBoolean(node, "override"), JsonUtils.getInt(node, "buildTagInterval"));
// Saves the data back
rsProperty.updateString("json", objectMapper.writeValueAsString(property));