use of net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class MetaSync method run.
* Loops through the entire TSDB data set and exits when complete.
public void run() {
// list of deferred calls used to act as a buffer
final ArrayList<Deferred<Boolean>> storage_calls = new ArrayList<Deferred<Boolean>>();
final Deferred<Object> result = new Deferred<Object>();
final class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
Throwable ex = e;
while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
if (ex.getCause() == null) {
LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
ex = ex.getCause();
LOG.error("Sync thread failed with exception", ex);
return null;
final ErrBack err_back = new ErrBack();
* Called when we have encountered a previously un-processed UIDMeta object.
* This callback will update the "created" timestamp of the UIDMeta and
* store the update, replace corrupted metas and update search plugins.
final class UidCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, UIDMeta> {
private final UniqueIdType type;
private final byte[] uid;
private final long timestamp;
* Constructor that initializes the local callback
* @param type The type of UIDMeta we're dealing with
* @param uid The UID of the meta object as a byte array
* @param timestamp The timestamp of the timeseries when this meta
* was first detected
public UidCB(final UniqueIdType type, final byte[] uid, final long timestamp) {
this.type = type;
this.uid = uid;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
* A nested class called after fetching a UID name to use when creating a
* new UIDMeta object if the previous object was corrupted. Also pushes
* the meta off to the search plugin.
final class UidNameCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, String> {
public Deferred<Boolean> call(final String name) throws Exception {
UIDMeta new_meta = new UIDMeta(type, uid, name);
tsdb.indexUIDMeta(new_meta);"Replacing corrupt UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
return new_meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, true);
public Deferred<Boolean> call(final UIDMeta meta) throws Exception {
// otherwise it's probably an accurate timestamp
if (meta.getCreated() > (timestamp + 3600) || meta.getCreated() == 0) {"Updating UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
// consider it corrupt and replace it with a new object
if (meta.getUID() == null || meta.getUID().isEmpty() || meta.getType() == null) {
return tsdb.getUidName(type, uid).addCallbackDeferring(new UidNameCB());
} else {
// the meta was good, just needed a timestamp update so sync to
// search and storage
tsdb.indexUIDMeta(meta);"Syncing valid UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
return meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, false);
} else {
LOG.debug("UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "] is up to date in storage");
return Deferred.fromResult(true);
* Called to handle a previously unprocessed TSMeta object. This callback
* will update the "created" timestamp, create a new TSMeta object if
* missing, and update search plugins.
final class TSMetaCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, TSMeta> {
private final String tsuid_string;
private final byte[] tsuid;
private final long timestamp;
* Default constructor
* @param tsuid ID of the timeseries
* @param timestamp The timestamp when the first data point was recorded
public TSMetaCB(final byte[] tsuid, final long timestamp) {
this.tsuid = tsuid;
tsuid_string = UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid);
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public Deferred<Boolean> call(final TSMeta meta) throws Exception {
/** Called to process the new meta through the search plugin and tree code */
final class IndexCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, TSMeta> {
public Deferred<Boolean> call(final TSMeta new_meta) throws Exception {
// pass through the trees
return tsdb.processTSMetaThroughTrees(new_meta);
/** Called to load the newly created meta object for passage onto the
* search plugin and tree builder if configured
final class GetCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Boolean> {
public final Deferred<Boolean> call(final Boolean exists) throws Exception {
if (exists) {
return TSMeta.getTSMeta(tsdb, tsuid_string).addCallbackDeferring(new IndexCB());
} else {
return Deferred.fromResult(false);
/** Errback on the store new call to catch issues */
class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
public Object call(final Exception e) throws Exception {
LOG.warn("Failed creating meta for: " + tsuid + " with exception: ", e);
return null;
// new one
if (meta == null) {
* Called after successfully creating a TSMeta counter and object,
* used to convert the deferred long to a boolean so it can be
* combined with other calls for waiting.
final class CreatedCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Long> {
public Deferred<Boolean> call(Long value) throws Exception {"Created counter and meta for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
return Deferred.fromResult(true);
* Called after checking to see if the counter exists and is used
* to determine if we should create a new counter AND meta or just a
* new meta
final class CounterCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Boolean> {
public Deferred<Boolean> call(final Boolean exists) throws Exception {
if (!exists) {
// here or in the local callback
return TSMeta.incrementAndGetCounter(tsdb, tsuid).addCallbackDeferring(new CreatedCB());
} else {
TSMeta new_meta = new TSMeta(tsuid, timestamp);
tsdb.indexTSMeta(new_meta);"Counter exists but meta was null, creating meta data " + "for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
return new_meta.storeNew(tsdb).addCallbackDeferring(new GetCB()).addErrback(new ErrBack());
// improperly before the meta is flushed to storage.
return TSMeta.counterExistsInStorage(tsdb, tsuid).addCallbackDeferring(new CounterCB());
// corrupted
if (meta.getTSUID() == null || meta.getTSUID().isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Replacing corrupt meta data for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
TSMeta new_meta = new TSMeta(tsuid, timestamp);
return new_meta.storeNew(tsdb).addCallbackDeferring(new GetCB()).addErrback(new ErrBack());
} else {
// hour otherwise it's probably an accurate timestamp
if (meta.getCreated() > (timestamp + 3600) || meta.getCreated() == 0) {
tsdb.indexTSMeta(meta);"Updated created timestamp for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
return meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, false);
LOG.debug("TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "] is up to date in storage");
return Deferred.fromResult(false);
* Scanner callback that recursively loops through all of the data point
* rows. Note that we don't process the actual data points, just the row
* keys.
final class MetaScanner implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {
private byte[] last_tsuid = null;
private String tsuid_string = "";
* Fetches the next set of rows from the scanner and adds this class as
* a callback
* @return A meaningless deferred to wait on until all data rows have
* been processed.
public Object scan() {
return scanner.nextRows().addCallback(this).addErrback(err_back);
public Object call(ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
if (rows == null) {
return null;
for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
try {
final byte[] tsuid = UniqueId.getTSUIDFromKey(row.get(0).key(), TSDB.metrics_width(), Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES);
// so we save time
if (last_tsuid != null && Arrays.equals(last_tsuid, tsuid)) {
last_tsuid = tsuid;
// see if we've already processed this tsuid and if so, continue
if (processed_tsuids.contains(Arrays.hashCode(tsuid))) {
tsuid_string = UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid);
* An error callback used to catch issues with a particular timeseries
* or UIDMeta such as a missing UID name. We want to continue
* processing when this happens so we'll just log the error and
* the user can issue a command later to clean up orphaned meta
* entries.
final class RowErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
Throwable ex = e;
while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
if (ex.getCause() == null) {
LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
ex = ex.getCause();
if (ex.getClass().equals(IllegalStateException.class)) {
LOG.error("Invalid data when processing TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
} else if (ex.getClass().equals(IllegalArgumentException.class)) {
LOG.error("Invalid data when processing TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
} else if (ex.getClass().equals(NoSuchUniqueId.class)) {
LOG.warn("Timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "] includes a non-existant UID: " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
LOG.error("Unknown exception processing row: " + row, ex);
return null;
// add tsuid to the processed list
// we may have a new TSUID or UIDs, so fetch the timestamp of the
// row for use as the "created" time. Depending on speed we could
// parse datapoints, but for now the hourly row time is enough
final long timestamp = Bytes.getUnsignedInt(row.get(0).key(), Const.SALT_WIDTH() + TSDB.metrics_width());
LOG.debug("[" + thread_id + "] Processing TSUID: " + tsuid_string + " row timestamp: " + timestamp);
// now process the UID metric meta data
final byte[] metric_uid_bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(tsuid, 0, TSDB.metrics_width());
final String metric_uid = UniqueId.uidToString(metric_uid_bytes);
Long last_get = metric_uids.get(metric_uid);
if (last_get == null || last_get == 0 || timestamp < last_get) {
// fetch and update. Returns default object if the meta doesn't
// exist, so we can just call sync on this to create a missing
// entry
final UidCB cb = new UidCB(UniqueIdType.METRIC, metric_uid_bytes, timestamp);
final Deferred<Boolean> process_uid = UIDMeta.getUIDMeta(tsdb, UniqueIdType.METRIC, metric_uid_bytes).addCallbackDeferring(cb).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
metric_uids.put(metric_uid, timestamp);
// loop through the tags and process their meta
final List<byte[]> tags = UniqueId.getTagsFromTSUID(tsuid_string);
int idx = 0;
for (byte[] tag : tags) {
final UniqueIdType type = (idx % 2 == 0) ? UniqueIdType.TAGK : UniqueIdType.TAGV;
final String uid = UniqueId.uidToString(tag);
// check the maps to see if we need to bother updating
if (type == UniqueIdType.TAGK) {
last_get = tagk_uids.get(uid);
} else {
last_get = tagv_uids.get(uid);
if (last_get != null && last_get != 0 && last_get <= timestamp) {
// fetch and update. Returns default object if the meta doesn't
// exist, so we can just call sync on this to create a missing
// entry
final UidCB cb = new UidCB(type, tag, timestamp);
final Deferred<Boolean> process_uid = UIDMeta.getUIDMeta(tsdb, type, tag).addCallbackDeferring(cb).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
if (type == UniqueIdType.TAGK) {
tagk_uids.put(uid, timestamp);
} else {
tagv_uids.put(uid, timestamp);
// handle the timeseries meta last so we don't record it if one
// or more of the UIDs had an issue
final Deferred<Boolean> process_tsmeta = TSMeta.getTSMeta(tsdb, tsuid_string).addCallbackDeferring(new TSMetaCB(tsuid, timestamp)).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("Processing row " + row + " failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
LOG.debug("Row: " + row + " stack trace: ", e);
* A buffering callback used to avoid StackOverflowError exceptions
* where the list of deferred calls can exceed the limit. Instead we'll
* process the Scanner's limit in rows, wait for all of the storage
* calls to complete, then continue on to the next set.
final class ContinueCB implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<Boolean>> {
public Object call(ArrayList<Boolean> puts) throws Exception {
return scan();
* Catch exceptions in one of the grouped calls and continue scanning.
* Without this the user may not see the exception and the thread will
* just die silently.
final class ContinueEB implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
Throwable ex = e;
while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
if (ex.getCause() == null) {
LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
ex = ex.getCause();
LOG.error("[" + thread_id + "] Upstream Exception: ", ex);
return scan();
// call ourself again but wait for the current set of storage calls to
// complete so we don't OOM ContinueCB()).addErrback(new ContinueEB());
return null;
final MetaScanner scanner = new MetaScanner();
try {
result.joinUninterruptibly();"[" + thread_id + "] Complete");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("[" + thread_id + "] Scanner Exception", e);
throw new RuntimeException("[" + thread_id + "] Scanner exception", e);
use of net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TreeBuilder method parseTagvRule.
* Processes the custom tag value paired with a custom tag name. Routes to the
* {@link #processParsedValue} method after processing if successful.
* If the custom tag group is null or empty for the tagv, or the tagv couldn't
* be found, we just return.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the tags UIDMeta array has not been set
private void parseTagvRule() {
if (meta.getTags() == null || meta.getTags().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Timeseries meta data was missing tags");
// first, find the tagv UIDMeta we're matching against
UIDMeta tagv = null;
for (UIDMeta tag : meta.getTags()) {
if (tag.getType() == UniqueIdType.TAGV && tag.getName().equals(rule.getField())) {
tagv = tag;
if (tagv == null) {
testMessage("No match on tagv [" + rule.getField() + "] for rule: " + rule);
// now scan the custom tags for a matching tag name and it's value
testMessage("Matched tagv [" + rule.getField() + "] for rule: " + rule);
final Map<String, String> custom = tagv.getCustom();
if (custom != null && custom.containsKey(rule.getCustomField())) {
if (custom.get(rule.getCustomField()) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Value for custom tagv field [" + rule.getCustomField() + "] was null");
testMessage("Matched custom tag [" + rule.getCustomField() + "] for rule: " + rule);
} else {
testMessage("No match on custom tag [" + rule.getCustomField() + "] for rule: " + rule);
use of net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class UniqueIdRpc method parseUIDMetaQS.
* Used with verb overrides to parse out values from a query string
* @param query The query to parse
* @return An UIDMeta object with configured values
* @throws BadRequestException if a required value was missing or could not
* be parsed
private UIDMeta parseUIDMetaQS(final HttpQuery query) {
final String uid = query.getRequiredQueryStringParam("uid");
final String type = query.getRequiredQueryStringParam("type");
final UIDMeta meta = new UIDMeta(UniqueId.stringToUniqueIdType(type), uid);
final String display_name = query.getQueryStringParam("display_name");
if (display_name != null) {
final String description = query.getQueryStringParam("description");
if (description != null) {
final String notes = query.getQueryStringParam("notes");
if (notes != null) {
return meta;
use of net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestTreeBuilder method before.
public void before() throws Exception {
final Config config = new Config(false);
tsdb = new TSDB(client, config);
storage = new MockBase(tsdb, client, true, true, true, true);
final List<byte[]> families = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
storage.addTable(TREE_TABLE, families);
treebuilder = new TreeBuilder(storage.getTSDB(), tree);
PowerMockito.doReturn(Deferred.fromResult(tree)).when(Tree.class, "fetchTree", (TSDB) any(), anyInt());
// set private fields via reflection so the UTs can change things at will
Field tag_metric = TSMeta.class.getDeclaredField("metric");
tag_metric.set(meta, metric);
ArrayList<UIDMeta> tags = new ArrayList<UIDMeta>(4);
Field tags_field = TSMeta.class.getDeclaredField("tags");
tags_field.set(meta, tags);
// store root
final TreeMap<Integer, String> root_path = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
final Branch root = new Branch(tree.getTreeId());
root_path.put(0, "ROOT");
storage.addColumn(TREE_TABLE, root.compileBranchId(), Tree.TREE_FAMILY(), BRANCH, (byte[]) toStorageJson.invoke(root));
use of net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TestUniqueIdRpc method setupAssign.
* Sets up common mocks for UID assignment tests
* @throws Exception if something goes pear shaped
private void setupAssign() throws Exception {
when(tsdb.assignUid("metric", "sys.cpu.0")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 });
when(tsdb.assignUid("metric", "sys.cpu.1")).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException("Name already exists with UID: 000002"));
when(tsdb.assignUid("metric", "sys.cpu.2")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 3 });
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagk", "host")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 });
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagk", "datacenter")).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException("Name already exists with UID: 000002"));
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagk", "fqdn")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 3 });
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagv", "localhost")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 });
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagv", "myserver")).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException("Name already exists with UID: 000002"));
when(tsdb.assignUid("tagv", "foo")).thenReturn(new byte[] { 0, 0, 3 });
// setup UIDMeta objects for testing
UIDMeta metric = new UIDMeta(UniqueIdType.METRIC, new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 }, "sys.cpu.0");
metric.setDisplayName("System CPU");
UIDMeta tagk = new UIDMeta(UniqueIdType.TAGK, new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 }, "host");
tagk.setDisplayName("Server Name");
UIDMeta tagv = new UIDMeta(UniqueIdType.TAGV, new byte[] { 0, 0, 1 }, "web01");
tagv.setDisplayName("Web Server 1");