use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.
the class MapActivityLayers method createLayers.
public void createLayers(final OsmandMapTileView mapView) {
OsmandApplication app = getApplication();
RoutingHelper routingHelper = app.getRoutingHelper();
// first create to make accessible
mapTextLayer = new MapTextLayer();
// 5.95 all labels
mapView.addLayer(mapTextLayer, 5.95f);
// 8. context menu layer
contextMenuLayer = new ContextMenuLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(contextMenuLayer, 8);
// mapView.addLayer(underlayLayer, -0.5f);
mapTileLayer = new MapTileLayer(true);
mapView.addLayer(mapTileLayer, 0.0f);
// 0.5 layer
mapVectorLayer = new MapVectorLayer(mapTileLayer, false);
mapView.addLayer(mapVectorLayer, 0.5f);
downloadedRegionsLayer = new DownloadedRegionsLayer();
mapView.addLayer(downloadedRegionsLayer, 0.5f);
// 0.9 gpx layer
gpxLayer = new GPXLayer();
mapView.addLayer(gpxLayer, 0.9f);
// 1. route layer
routeLayer = new RouteLayer(routingHelper);
mapView.addLayer(routeLayer, 1);
// 2. osm bugs layer
// 3. poi layer
poiMapLayer = new POIMapLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(poiMapLayer, 3);
// 4. favorites layer
mFavouritesLayer = new FavouritesLayer();
mapView.addLayer(mFavouritesLayer, 4);
// 4.6 measurement tool layer
measurementToolLayer = new MeasurementToolLayer();
mapView.addLayer(measurementToolLayer, 4.6f);
// 5. transport layer
transportStopsLayer = new TransportStopsLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(transportStopsLayer, 5);
// 5.95 all text labels
// 6. point location layer
locationLayer = new PointLocationLayer(activity.getMapViewTrackingUtilities());
mapView.addLayer(locationLayer, 6);
// 7. point navigation layer
navigationLayer = new PointNavigationLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(navigationLayer, 7);
// 7.3 map markers layer
mapMarkersLayer = new MapMarkersLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(mapMarkersLayer, 7.3f);
// 7.5 Impassible roads
impassableRoadsLayer = new ImpassableRoadsLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(impassableRoadsLayer, 7.5f);
// 7.8 ruler control layer
rulerControlLayer = new RulerControlLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(rulerControlLayer, 7.8f);
// 8. context menu layer
// 9. map info layer
mapInfoLayer = new MapInfoLayer(activity, routeLayer);
mapView.addLayer(mapInfoLayer, 9);
// 11. route info layer
mapControlsLayer = new MapControlsLayer(activity);
mapView.addLayer(mapControlsLayer, 11);
// 12. quick actions layer
mapQuickActionLayer = new MapQuickActionLayer(activity, contextMenuLayer);
mapView.addLayer(mapQuickActionLayer, 12);
transparencyListener = new StateChangedListener<Integer>() {
public void stateChanged(Integer change) {
OsmandPlugin.createLayers(mapView, activity);
app.getAppCustomization().createLayers(mapView, activity);