use of net.praqma.jenkins.memorymap.result.MemoryMapConfigMemory in project memory-map-plugin by Praqma.
the class GccMemoryMapParser method parseConfigFile.
public MemoryMapConfigMemory parseConfigFile(File f) throws IOException {
// Collect sections from both the MEMORY and the SECTIONS areas from the command file.
// The memory are the top level components, sections belong to one of these sections
CharSequence stripped = stripComments(createCharSequenceFromFile(f));
MemoryMapConfigMemory memConfig = getMemory(stripped);
for (MemoryMapGraphConfiguration g : getGraphConfiguration()) {
for (String gItem : g.itemizeGraphDataList()) {
for (String gSplitItem : gItem.split("\\+")) {
// We will fail if the name of the data section does not match any of the named items in the map file.
if (!memConfig.containsSectionWithName(gSplitItem)) {
throw new MemoryMapMemorySelectionError(String.format("The memory section named %s not found in map file%nAvailable sections are:%n%s", gSplitItem, memConfig.getItemNames()));
return memConfig;
use of net.praqma.jenkins.memorymap.result.MemoryMapConfigMemory in project memory-map-plugin by Praqma.
the class GccMemoryMapParser method getMemory.
* Parses the MEMORY section of the GCC file. Throws an abort exception
* which will be shown in the Jenkins console log.
* @param seq The content of the map file
* @return a list of the defined MEMORY in the map file
* @throws hudson.AbortException when a illegal value of memory found
public MemoryMapConfigMemory getMemory(CharSequence seq) throws AbortException {
Pattern allMemory = Pattern.compile("^\\s*(\\S+).*?(?:ORIGIN|org|o)\\s*=\\s*([^,]*).*?(?:LENGTH|len|l)\\s*\\=\\s*([^\\s]*)", Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher match = allMemory.matcher(seq);
MemoryMapConfigMemory memory = new MemoryMapConfigMemory();
while (match.find()) {
try {
String hexLength = new HexUtils.HexifiableString(;
MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem item = new MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem(,, hexLength);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to convert %s to a valid hex string.", ex);
throw new AbortException(String.format("Unable to convert %s to a valid hex string.",;
return memory;
use of net.praqma.jenkins.memorymap.result.MemoryMapConfigMemory in project memory-map-plugin by Praqma.
the class TexasInstrumentsMemoryMapParser method parseConfigFile.
public MemoryMapConfigMemory parseConfigFile(File f) throws IOException {
MemoryMapConfigMemory config = new MemoryMapConfigMemory();
CharSequence sequence = createCharSequenceFromFile(f);
for (MemoryMapGraphConfiguration graph : getGraphConfiguration()) {
String[] split = graph.getGraphDataList().split(",");
for (String s : split) {
String[] multiSections = s.trim().split("\\+");
for (String ms : multiSections) {
Matcher m = MemoryMapConfigFileParserDelegate.getPatternForMemoryLayout(ms.replace(" ", "")).matcher(sequence);
MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem item = null;
while (m.find()) {
item = new MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem(,,;
if (item == null) {
logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "parseConfigFile", AbstractMemoryMapParser.class.getName(), String.format("parseConfigFile(List<MemoryMapGraphConfiguration> graphConfig, File f) non existing item: %s", s));
throw new MemoryMapMemorySelectionError(String.format("No match found for program memory named %s", s));
return config;
use of net.praqma.jenkins.memorymap.result.MemoryMapConfigMemory in project memory-map-plugin by Praqma.
the class TexasInstrumentsMemoryMapParserTest method testParseMapFile.
public void testParseMapFile() throws IOException {
TexasInstrumentsMemoryMapParser parser = new TexasInstrumentsMemoryMapParser();
String file = TexasInstrumentsMemoryMapParserTest.class.getResource("TexasInstrumentsMapFile.txt").getFile();
File f = new File(file);
MemoryMapConfigMemory configMemory = new MemoryMapConfigMemory();
configMemory.add(new MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem("RAMM0", "00000050", "000003b0", "00000195", "0000021b"));
configMemory = parser.parseMapFile(f, configMemory);
assertTrue(configMemory.size() > 0); -> item.getName().equals("RAMM0")).forEach(item -> {
assertEquals(item.getUsed(), "00000195");
assertEquals(item.getUnused(), "0000021b");
use of net.praqma.jenkins.memorymap.result.MemoryMapConfigMemory in project memory-map-plugin by Praqma.
the class MemoryMapBuildAction method buildDataSet.
* Builds the data set. Returns the maximum value.
* @param graphData GraphData
* @param dataSet the data set
* @param graphDataSet the graph data set
* @param markers markers to add (max values)
* @return a double with the value to be drawn on graph
public double buildDataSet(List<String> graphData, String dataSet, DataSetBuilder<String, ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel> graphDataSet, HashMap<String, ValueMarker> markers) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Entering buildDataSet with data set {0}", dataSet);
double max = 0d;
for (String s : graphData) {
if (s.contains(" ")) {
String[] parts = s.split(" ");
String maxLabel = constructMaxLabel(parts);
String categoryLabel = constructCategoryLabel(parts);
for (MemoryMapBuildAction memBuild = this; memBuild != null; memBuild = memBuild.getPreviousAction()) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Building graph data set for build #{0}",;
MemoryMapConfigMemory result = memBuild.getMemoryMapConfigs().get(dataSet);
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Building MemoryMapConfig: {0}", result);
if (result == null) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Data set {0} not found", dataSet);
for (String key : memBuild.getMemoryMapConfigs().keySet()) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "found {0}", key);
ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel label = new ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel(;
if (result != null) {
List<MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem> ourItems = result.getItemByNames(parts);
MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem[] ourItemsArray = ourItems.toArray(new MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem[ourItems.size()]);
double value = extractValue(ourItemsArray);
boolean allBelongSameParent = MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem.allBelongSameParent(ourItemsArray);
if (allBelongSameParent) {
max = extractMaxNonZeroValue(ourItemsArray);
} else {
max = extractMaxValue(ourItemsArray);
graphDataSet.add(value, categoryLabel, label);
makeMarker(maxLabel, max, markers);
} else {
for (MemoryMapBuildAction memBuild = this; memBuild != null; memBuild = memBuild.getPreviousAction()) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Building graph data set for build #{0}",;
MemoryMapConfigMemory result = memBuild.getMemoryMapConfigs().get(dataSet);
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Building MemoryMapConfig: {0}", result);
if (result == null) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Data set {0} not found", dataSet);
for (String key : memBuild.getMemoryMapConfigs().keySet()) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "found {0}", key);
ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel label = new ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel(;
if (result != null) {
for (MemoryMapConfigMemoryItem item : result) {
if (item.getName().equals(s)) {
String maxLabel = constructMaxLabel(item.getName());
double newMax = extractMaxNonZeroValue(item);
double value = extractValue(item);
String categoryLabel = constructCategoryLabel(item.getName());
graphDataSet.add(value, categoryLabel, label);
if (newMax >= max) {
max = newMax;
if (newMax > 0d) {
makeMarker(maxLabel, newMax, markers);
return max;