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Example 1 with BackgroundComponent

use of net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.BackgroundComponent in project runelite by runelite.

the class PuzzleSolverOverlay method render.

public Dimension render(Graphics2D graphics) {
    if ((!config.displaySolution() && !config.displayRemainingMoves()) || client.getGameState() != GameState.LOGGED_IN) {
        return null;
    ItemContainer container = client.getItemContainer(InventoryID.PUZZLE_BOX);
    if (container == null) {
        return null;
    Widget puzzleBox = client.getWidget(WidgetInfo.PUZZLE_BOX);
    if (puzzleBox == null) {
        return null;
    net.runelite.api.Point puzzleBoxLocation = puzzleBox.getCanvasLocation();
    String infoString = "Solving..";
    int[] itemIds = getItemIds(container);
    boolean shouldCache = false;
    if (solver != null) {
        if (solver.hasFailed()) {
            infoString = "The puzzle could not be solved";
        } else {
            if (solver.hasSolution()) {
                boolean foundPosition = false;
                // Find the current state by looking at the current step and then the next 5 steps
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                    int j = solver.getPosition() + i;
                    if (j == solver.getStepCount()) {
                    PuzzleState currentState = solver.getStep(j);
                    // If this is false, player has moved the empty tile
                    if (currentState != null && currentState.hasPieces(itemIds)) {
                        foundPosition = true;
                        if (i > 0) {
                            shouldCache = true;
                // see if we can find the current state in the 5 previous steps
                if (!foundPosition) {
                    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                        int j = solver.getPosition() - i;
                        if (j < 0) {
                        PuzzleState currentState = solver.getStep(j);
                        if (currentState != null && currentState.hasPieces(itemIds)) {
                            foundPosition = true;
                            shouldCache = true;
                if (foundPosition) {
                    int stepsLeft = solver.getStepCount() - solver.getPosition() - 1;
                    if (stepsLeft == 0) {
                        infoString = "Solved!";
                    } else if (config.displayRemainingMoves()) {
                        infoString = "Moves left: " + stepsLeft;
                    } else {
                        infoString = null;
                    if (config.displaySolution()) {
                        if (config.drawDots()) {
                            // Display the next 4 steps
                            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
                                int j = solver.getPosition() + i;
                                if (j >= solver.getStepCount()) {
                                PuzzleState futureMove = solver.getStep(j);
                                if (futureMove == null) {
                                int blankX = futureMove.getEmptyPiece() % DIMENSION;
                                int blankY = futureMove.getEmptyPiece() / DIMENSION;
                                int markerSize = DOT_MARKER_SIZE - i * 3;
                                int x = puzzleBoxLocation.getX() + blankX * PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE + PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE / 2 - markerSize / 2;
                                int y = puzzleBoxLocation.getY() + blankY * PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE + PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE / 2 - markerSize / 2;
                                graphics.fillOval(x, y, markerSize, markerSize);
                        } else {
                            // Find the current blank tile position
                            PuzzleState currentMove = solver.getStep(solver.getPosition());
                            int lastBlankX = currentMove.getEmptyPiece() % DIMENSION;
                            int lastBlankY = currentMove.getEmptyPiece() / DIMENSION;
                            // Display the next 3 steps
                            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
                                int j = solver.getPosition() + i;
                                if (j >= solver.getStepCount()) {
                                PuzzleState futureMove = solver.getStep(j);
                                if (futureMove == null) {
                                int blankX = futureMove.getEmptyPiece() % DIMENSION;
                                int blankY = futureMove.getEmptyPiece() / DIMENSION;
                                int xDelta = blankX - lastBlankX;
                                int yDelta = blankY - lastBlankY;
                                BufferedImage arrow;
                                if (xDelta > 0) {
                                    arrow = getRightArrow();
                                } else if (xDelta < 0) {
                                    arrow = getLeftArrow();
                                } else if (yDelta > 0) {
                                    arrow = getDownArrow();
                                } else {
                                    arrow = getUpArrow();
                                int x = puzzleBoxLocation.getX() + blankX * PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE + PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE / 2 - arrow.getWidth() / 2;
                                int y = puzzleBoxLocation.getY() + blankY * PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE + PUZZLE_TILE_SIZE / 2 - arrow.getHeight() / 2;
                                OverlayUtil.renderImageLocation(graphics, new net.runelite.api.Point(x, y), arrow);
                                lastBlankX = blankX;
                                lastBlankY = blankY;
    // Draw info box
    if (infoString != null) {
        int x = puzzleBoxLocation.getX() + puzzleBox.getWidth() / 2 - INFO_BOX_WIDTH / 2;
        int y = puzzleBoxLocation.getY() - INFO_BOX_OFFSET_Y;
        FontMetrics fm = graphics.getFontMetrics();
        int height = INFO_BOX_TOP_BORDER + fm.getHeight() + INFO_BOX_BOTTOM_BORDER;
        BackgroundComponent backgroundComponent = new BackgroundComponent();
        backgroundComponent.setRectangle(new Rectangle(x, y, INFO_BOX_WIDTH, height));
        int textOffsetX = (INFO_BOX_WIDTH - fm.stringWidth(infoString)) / 2;
        int textOffsetY = fm.getHeight();
        TextComponent textComponent = new TextComponent();
        textComponent.setPosition(new Point(x + textOffsetX, y + textOffsetY));
    // Solve the puzzle if we don't have an up to date solution
    if (solver == null || cachedItems == null || (!shouldCache && !Arrays.equals(cachedItems, itemIds))) {
        shouldCache = true;
    if (shouldCache) {
    return null;
Also used : ItemContainer(net.runelite.api.ItemContainer) TextComponent(net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.TextComponent) PuzzleState(net.runelite.client.plugins.puzzlesolver.solver.PuzzleState) Widget(net.runelite.api.widgets.Widget) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) BackgroundComponent(net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.BackgroundComponent) FontMetrics(java.awt.FontMetrics)

Example 2 with BackgroundComponent

use of net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.BackgroundComponent in project runelite by runelite.

the class OpponentInfoOverlay method render.

public Dimension render(Graphics2D graphics) {
    Actor opponent = getOpponent();
    // If opponent is null, try to use last opponent
    if (opponent == null) {
        if (lastOpponent != null && clientNpcs[lastOpponent.getIndex()] != lastOpponent) {
            // lastOpponent is no longer valid
            lastOpponent = null;
        } else {
            opponent = lastOpponent;
    } else {
        // Update last opponent
        lastOpponent = opponent instanceof NPC ? (NPC) opponent : null;
    if (opponent != null && opponent.getHealth() > 0) {
        lastTime =;
        lastRatio = (float) opponent.getHealthRatio() / (float) opponent.getHealth();
        opponentName = Text.removeTags(opponent.getName());
        lastMaxHealth = oppInfoHealth.get(opponentName + "_" + opponent.getCombatLevel());
        Actor opponentsOpponent = opponent.getInteracting();
        if (opponentsOpponent != null && (opponentsOpponent != client.getLocalPlayer() || client.getSetting(Varbits.MULTICOMBAT_AREA) == 1)) {
            opponentsOpponentName = Text.removeTags(opponentsOpponent.getName());
        } else {
            opponentsOpponentName = null;
    if (Duration.between(, lastTime).abs().compareTo(WAIT) > 0) {
        // don't draw anything.
        return null;
    FontMetrics fm = graphics.getFontMetrics();
    // opponent name
    int height = TOP_BORDER + fm.getHeight();
    if (lastRatio >= 0) {
        height += BAR_HEIGHT + 6;
    if (opponentsOpponentName != null) {
        height += fm.getHeight() + 3;
    height += 3;
    height += BOTTOM_BORDER;
    final BackgroundComponent backgroundComponent = new BackgroundComponent();
    backgroundComponent.setRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, height));
    int y = TOP_BORDER + fm.getHeight();
        int x = (WIDTH - fm.stringWidth(opponentName)) / 2;
        final TextComponent textComponent = new TextComponent();
        textComponent.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
        y += 3;
    if (lastRatio >= 0) {
        int barWidth = (int) (lastRatio * (float) BAR_WIDTH);
        y += 3;
        graphics.fillRect((WIDTH - BAR_WIDTH) / 2, y, barWidth, BAR_HEIGHT);
        graphics.fillRect(((WIDTH - BAR_WIDTH) / 2) + barWidth, y, BAR_WIDTH - barWidth, BAR_HEIGHT);
        String str;
        if (lastMaxHealth != null) {
            int currHealth = (int) (lastRatio * lastMaxHealth);
            str = currHealth + "/" + lastMaxHealth;
        } else {
            str = df.format(lastRatio * 100) + "%";
        y += BAR_HEIGHT;
        final TextComponent textComponent1 = new TextComponent();
        textComponent1.setPosition(new Point((WIDTH - fm.stringWidth(str)) / 2, y));
        y += 3;
    if (opponentsOpponentName != null) {
        y += fm.getHeight();
        int x = (WIDTH - fm.stringWidth(opponentsOpponentName)) / 2;
        final TextComponent textComponent = new TextComponent();
        textComponent.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
    return new Dimension(WIDTH, height);
Also used : NPC(net.runelite.api.NPC) TextComponent(net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.TextComponent) BackgroundComponent(net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.BackgroundComponent) FontMetrics(java.awt.FontMetrics) Actor(net.runelite.api.Actor) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Point(java.awt.Point)


FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)2 Point (java.awt.Point)2 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)2 BackgroundComponent (net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.BackgroundComponent)2 TextComponent (net.runelite.client.ui.overlay.components.TextComponent)2 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 Actor (net.runelite.api.Actor)1 ItemContainer (net.runelite.api.ItemContainer)1 NPC (net.runelite.api.NPC)1 Widget (net.runelite.api.widgets.Widget)1 PuzzleState (net.runelite.client.plugins.puzzlesolver.solver.PuzzleState)1