use of net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.lipididentification.lipididentificationtools.MSMSLipidTools in project mzmine2 by mzmine.
the class LipidSearchTask method searchMsmsFragments.
* This method searches for MS/MS fragments. A mass list for MS2 scans will be used if present. If
* no mass list is present for MS2 scans it will create one using centroid or exact mass detection
* algorithm
private void searchMsmsFragments(PeakListRow row, double lipidIonMass, LipidIdentity lipid) {
MassDetector massDetector = null;
// Check if selected feature has MSMS spectra
if (row.getAllMS2Fragmentations() != null) {
Scan[] msmsScans = row.getAllMS2Fragmentations();
for (Scan msmsScan : msmsScans) {
DataPoint[] massList = null;
// check if MS/MS scan already has a mass list
if (msmsScan.getMassLists().length != 0) {
massList = msmsScan.getMassLists()[0].getDataPoints();
} else {
// Create a new mass list for MS/MS scan. Check if sprectrum is profile or centroid mode
if (msmsScan.getSpectrumType() == MassSpectrumType.CENTROIDED) {
massDetector = new CentroidMassDetector();
CentroidMassDetectorParameters parametersMSMS = new CentroidMassDetectorParameters();
massList = massDetector.getMassValues(msmsScan, parametersMSMS);
} else {
massDetector = new ExactMassDetector();
ExactMassDetectorParameters parametersMSMS = new ExactMassDetectorParameters();
massList = massDetector.getMassValues(msmsScan, parametersMSMS);
MSMSLipidTools msmsLipidTools = new MSMSLipidTools();
// check for negative polarity
if (msmsScan.getPolarity() == PolarityType.NEGATIVE) {
// check if lipid class has set negative fragments
String[] fragments = lipid.getLipidClass().getMsmsFragmentsNegativeIonization();
if (fragments.length > 0) {
ArrayList<String> listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < massList.length; i++) {
Range<Double> mzTolRangeMSMS = mzToleranceMS2.getToleranceRange(massList[i].getMZ());
String annotatedNegativeFragment = msmsLipidTools.checkForNegativeClassSpecificFragment(mzTolRangeMSMS, row.getPreferredPeakIdentity(), lipidIonMass, fragments);
if (annotatedNegativeFragment.equals("") == false && row.getComment().contains(annotatedNegativeFragment) == false) {
if (listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.isEmpty() == false) {
// predict lipid fatty acid composition if possible
ArrayList<String> listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions = msmsLipidTools.predictFattyAcidComposition(listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments, row.getPreferredPeakIdentity(), lipid.getLipidClass().getNumberOfAcylChains());
for (int i = 0; i < listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.size(); i++) {
// Add possible composition to comment
if (row.getComment().equals(null)) {
row.setComment(" " + listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
} else {
row.setComment(row.getComment() + ";" + " " + listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
// add class specific fragments
for (int i = 0; i < listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.size(); i++) {
if (listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.get(i).contains("C") || listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.get(i).contains("H") || listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.get(i).contains("O")) {
// Add fragment to comment
if (row.getComment().equals(null)) {
row.setComment(" " + listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
} else {
row.setComment(row.getComment() + ";" + " " + listOfAnnotatedNegativeFragments.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
// check if lipid class has positive fragments
if (msmsScan.getPolarity() == PolarityType.POSITIVE) {
// check if lipid class has set postiev fragments
String[] fragments = lipid.getLipidClass().getMsmsFragmentsPositiveIonization();
if (fragments.length > 0) {
ArrayList<String> listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < massList.length; i++) {
Range<Double> mzTolRangeMSMS = mzToleranceMS2.getToleranceRange(massList[i].getMZ());
String annotatedPositiveFragment = msmsLipidTools.checkForPositiveClassSpecificFragment(mzTolRangeMSMS, row.getPreferredPeakIdentity(), lipidIonMass, fragments);
if (annotatedPositiveFragment.equals("") == false && row.getComment().contains(annotatedPositiveFragment) == false) {
// predict lipid fatty acid composition if possible
ArrayList<String> listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions = msmsLipidTools.predictFattyAcidComposition(listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments, row.getPreferredPeakIdentity(), lipid.getLipidClass().getNumberOfAcylChains());
for (int i = 0; i < listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.size(); i++) {
// Add possible composition to comment
if (row.getComment().equals(null)) {
row.setComment(" " + listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
} else {
row.setComment(row.getComment() + ";" + " " + listOfPossibleFattyAcidCompositions.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
// add class specific fragments
for (int i = 0; i < listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments.size(); i++) {
if (listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments.get(i).contains("C")) {
// Add fragment to comment
if (row.getComment().equals(null)) {
row.setComment(" " + listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));
} else {
row.setComment(row.getComment() + ";" + " " + listOfAnnotatedPositiveFragments.get(i) + " MS/MS scan " + msmsScan.getScanNumber() + ", RT " + MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat().format(msmsScan.getRetentionTime()));