use of net.sf.mzmine.util.SimpleSorter in project mzmine2 by mzmine.
the class TICVisualizerWindow method updateTitle.
void updateTitle() {
NumberFormat rtFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat();
NumberFormat mzFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getMZFormat();
NumberFormat intensityFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getIntensityFormat();
StringBuffer mainTitle = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer subTitle = new StringBuffer();
// If all data files have m/z range less than or equal to range of
// the plot (mzMin, mzMax), then call this TIC, otherwise XIC
Set<RawDataFile> fileSet = ticDataSets.keySet();
String ticOrXIC = "TIC";
// Enlarge range a bit to avoid rounding errors
Range<Double> mzRange2 = Range.range(mzRange.lowerEndpoint() - 1, BoundType.CLOSED, mzRange.upperEndpoint() + 1, BoundType.CLOSED);
for (RawDataFile df : fileSet) {
if (!mzRange2.encloses(df.getDataMZRange())) {
ticOrXIC = "XIC";
if (plotType == TICPlotType.BASEPEAK) {
if (ticOrXIC.equals("TIC")) {
mainTitle.append("Base peak chromatogram");
} else {
mainTitle.append("XIC (base peak)");
} else {
if (ticOrXIC.equals("TIC")) {
} else {
mainTitle.append(", m/z: " + mzFormat.format(mzRange.lowerEndpoint()) + " - " + mzFormat.format(mzRange.upperEndpoint()));
CursorPosition pos = getCursorPosition();
if (pos != null) {
subTitle.append("Selected scan #");
if (ticDataSets.size() > 1) {
subTitle.append(" (" + pos.getDataFile() + ")");
subTitle.append(", RT: " + rtFormat.format(pos.getRetentionTime()));
if (plotType == TICPlotType.BASEPEAK) {
subTitle.append(", base peak: " + mzFormat.format(pos.getMzValue()) + " m/z");
subTitle.append(", IC: " + intensityFormat.format(pos.getIntensityValue()));
// update window title
RawDataFile[] files = ticDataSets.keySet().toArray(new RawDataFile[0]);
Arrays.sort(files, new SimpleSorter());
String dataFileNames = Joiner.on(",").join(files);
setTitle("Chromatogram: [" + dataFileNames + "; " + mzFormat.format(mzRange.lowerEndpoint()) + " - " + mzFormat.format(mzRange.upperEndpoint()) + " m/z" + "]");
// update plot title
ticPlot.setTitle(mainTitle.toString(), subTitle.toString());