use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class EarnedValueMemberTrendChartData method recalc.
public void recalc() {
// see if the user has permission to view personal data in this chart
UserFilter f = GroupPermission.getGrantedMembers(permissionID);
if (f == null)
EVTaskListFilter pf = new EVTaskListGroupFilter(f);
EVSchedule schedule = rollup.getSchedule();
double mult = 100.0 / schedule.getMetrics().totalPlan();
MemberChartNameHelper nameHelper = new MemberChartNameHelper(rollup);
for (int i = 0; i < rollup.getSubScheduleCount(); i++) {
EVTaskList tl = rollup.getSubSchedule(i);
String personalDataID = tl.getPersonalDataID();
if (personalDataID != null && !pf.include(personalDataID))
EVSchedule subschedule = tl.getSchedule();
String seriesName = nameHelper.get(tl);
maybeAddSeries(subschedule.getActualValueTrendChartSeries(seriesName, mult));
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class SelectGroupFilter method applyFilter.
private void applyFilter(String projectRoot, String selectedFilter, String destUri) {
UserFilter f = UserGroupManager.getInstance().getFilterById(selectedFilter);
if (f == null)
f = UserGroup.EVERYONE;
int pos = destUri.indexOf(FILTER_PARAM + '=');
if (pos > 0) {
int beg = pos + FILTER_PARAM.length() + 1;
int end = destUri.indexOf('&', beg);
destUri = destUri.substring(0, beg) + HTMLUtils.urlEncode(f.getId()) + (end == -1 ? "" : destUri.substring(end));
} else {
UserGroupManagerDash.getInstance().setLocalFilter(projectRoot, f);
out.write("Location: " + destUri + "\r\n\r\n");
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class EVWeekReport method writeContents.
/** Generate CGI output. */
protected void writeContents() throws IOException {
EVReportSettings settings = new EVReportSettings(getDataRepository(), parameters, getPrefix());
// Get the name of the earned value model to report on.
String taskListName = settings.getTaskListName();
if (taskListName == null)
throw new IOException("No EV task list specified.");
// Load and recalculate the named earned value model.
EVTaskList evModel = EVTaskList.openExisting(taskListName, getDataRepository(), getPSPProperties(), getObjectCache(), // change notification not required
if (evModel == null)
throw new TinyCGIException(404, "Not Found", "No such task/schedule");
UserFilter f = settings.getUserGroupFilter();
if (f != null && !UserGroup.isEveryone(f) && evModel instanceof EVTaskListRollup)
((EVTaskListRollup) evModel).applyTaskListFilter(new EVTaskListGroupFilter(f));
EVTaskFilter taskFilter = settings.getEffectiveFilter(evModel);
EVTaskListFilter privacyFilter = null;
UserFilter pf = GroupPermission.getGrantedMembers(EVPermissions.PERSONAL_WEEK);
if (!UserGroup.isEveryone(pf))
privacyFilter = new EVTaskListGroupFilter(pf);
EVDependencyCalculator depCalc = new EVDependencyCalculator(getDataRepository(), getPSPProperties(), getObjectCache());
evModel.setTaskLabeler(new DefaultTaskLabeler(getDashboardContext()));
EVSchedule schedule = evModel.getSchedule();
String effDateParam = getParameter(EFF_DATE_PARAM);
Date effDate = null;
if (effDateParam != null)
try {
effDate = new Date(Long.parseLong(effDateParam));
} catch (Exception e) {
boolean monthly = isMonthly(settings);
if (effDate == null || parameters.containsKey(ADJ_EFF_DATE_PARAM)) {
// if the user hasn't specified an effective date, then use the
// current time to round the effective date to the nearest week.
// With a Sunday - Saturday schedule, the following line will show
// the report for the previous week through Tuesday, and will
// start showing the next week's report on Wednesday.
Date now = effDate;
if (now == null)
now = EVCalculator.getFixedEffectiveDate();
if (now == null)
now = new Date();
int dayOffset = (monthly ? 0 : (effDate == null ? 3 : 7));
Date effDateTime = new Date(now.getTime() + EVSchedule.WEEK_MILLIS * dayOffset / 7);
// now, identify the schedule boundary that precedes the effective
// date and time; use that as the effective date.
Date scheduleEnd = schedule.getLast().getEndDate();
Date firstPeriodEnd = schedule.get(1).getEndDate();
if (effDateTime.compareTo(scheduleEnd) >= 0) {
if (effDate == null)
effDate = maybeRoundToMonthEnd(monthly, scheduleEnd);
else if (monthly)
effDate = roundToMonthEnd(effDate);
effDate = extrapolateWeekAfterScheduleEnd(effDateTime, scheduleEnd);
} else if (monthly) {
Date scheduleStart = schedule.get(1).getBeginDate();
if (effDateTime.before(scheduleStart))
effDateTime = scheduleStart;
effDate = roundToMonthEnd(effDateTime);
} else if (effDateTime.compareTo(firstPeriodEnd) <= 0)
effDate = firstPeriodEnd;
effDate = schedule.getPeriodStart(effDateTime);
// make certain we have an effective date to proceed with.
if (effDate == null)
effDate = maybeRoundToMonthEnd(monthly, new Date());
int purpose = PLAIN_REPORT;
if (evModel instanceof EVTaskListRollup && parameters.containsKey(SPLIT_PARAM))
purpose = SPLIT_REPORT;
writeReport(taskListName, evModel, effDate, settings, taskFilter, privacyFilter, purpose);
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class TeamProjectBrowser method showSelectedScript.
* Display the script that is currently selected
* @param clearSelection
* if true, clear the selection after displaying the script
* @param evt
* the mouse click event that triggered this action; can be null
private void showSelectedScript(boolean clearSelection, MouseEvent evt) {
// find out which item is currently selected
int selectedIndex = scriptList.getMinSelectionIndex();
if (selectedIndex == -1)
// somewhere within the empty space of the JList.
if (evt != null && evt.getPoint() != null) {
Rectangle selectedCellBounds = scriptList.getCellBounds(selectedIndex, selectedIndex);
if (selectedCellBounds != null && !selectedCellBounds.contains(evt.getPoint()))
ScriptID id = (ScriptID) scripts.elementAt(selectedIndex);
if (id.getScript() == null)
UserFilter f = UserGroupManager.getInstance().getGlobalFilter();
UserGroupManagerDash.getInstance().setLocalFilter(id.getDataPath(), f);
if (clearSelection)
use of in project processdash by dtuma.
the class ConfidenceIntervalMemberCompletionDateChartData method recalc.
public void recalc() {
lowerBound = upperBound = null;
// see if the user has permission to view personal data in this chart
UserFilter f = GroupPermission.getGrantedMembers(permissionID);
if (f == null)
EVTaskListFilter pf = new EVTaskListGroupFilter(f);
MemberChartNameHelper nameHelper = new MemberChartNameHelper(rollup);
for (int i = 0; i < rollup.getSubScheduleCount(); i++) {
EVTaskList tl = rollup.getSubSchedule(i);
String personalDataID = tl.getPersonalDataID();
if (personalDataID != null && !pf.include(personalDataID))
String seriesName = nameHelper.get(tl);
// confidence interval
if (maybeAddSeries(tl.getSchedule().getMetrics().getDateConfidenceInterval(), seriesName))
// if no confidence interval is available, see if this schedule
// is 100% complete. If so, draw a vertical line on the chart.
Date completionDate = tl.getTaskRoot().getActualDate();
if (completionDate != null && maybeAddSeries(new SingleValueConfidenceInterval(completionDate.getTime()), seriesName))
// if no interval is available and we're less than 100% complete,
// see if they have a forecast date, and draw that as a single
// point on the chart.
Date forecastDate = tl.getSchedule().getMetrics().independentForecastDate();
if (forecastDate != null && !forecastDate.equals(EVSchedule.NEVER))
maybeAddSeries(new SinglePointXYChartSeries(seriesName, forecastDate.getTime(), 0));