use of net.yacy.grid.http.ServiceResponse in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class DeleteService method serviceImpl.
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response) {
// String indexName, String typeName, final String id, JSONObject object
String indexName = call.get("index", "");
// should not be null
String typeName = call.get("type", "");
String id = call.get("id", "");
QueryLanguage language = QueryLanguage.valueOf(call.get("language", "yacy"));
String query = call.get("query", "");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
if (indexName.length() > 0 && typeName.length() > 0 && id.length() > 0) {
try {
Index index = Data.gridIndex.getElasticIndex();
String url = index.checkConnection().getConnectionURL();
boolean deleted = index.delete(indexName, typeName, id);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, true);
json.put("deleted", deleted);
json.put("count", deleted ? 1 : 0);
if (url != null)
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
} else if (indexName.length() > 0 && typeName.length() > 0 && query.length() > 0) {
try {
Index index = Data.gridIndex.getElasticIndex();
String url = index.checkConnection().getConnectionURL();
long count = index.delete(indexName, typeName, language, query);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, true);
json.put("count", count);
if (url != null)
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
} else {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, "the request must contain an index, type, and either an id or a query");
return new ServiceResponse(json);
use of net.yacy.grid.http.ServiceResponse in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class ExistService method serviceImpl.
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response) {
// String indexName, String typeName, final String id, JSONObject object
String indexName = call.get("index", "");
String typeName = call.get("type", "");
if (typeName.length() == 0)
typeName = null;
String id = call.get("id", "");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
if (indexName.length() > 0 && id.length() > 0) {
try {
Index index = Data.gridIndex.getElasticIndex();
String url = index.checkConnection().getConnectionURL();
boolean exists = index.exist(indexName, typeName, id);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, true);
json.put("exists", exists);
if (url != null)
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
} else {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, "the request must contain an index, type, and an id");
return new ServiceResponse(json);
use of net.yacy.grid.http.ServiceResponse in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class YaCySearchService method serviceImpl.
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response) {
String callback = call.get("callback", "");
boolean jsonp = callback != null && callback.length() > 0;
boolean minified = call.get("minified", false);
boolean explain = call.get("explain", false);
String q = call.get("query", "");
Classification.ContentDomain contentdom = Classification.ContentDomain.contentdomParser(call.get("contentdom", "all"));
// important: call arguments may overrule parsed collection values if not empty. This can be used for authentified indexes!
String collection = call.get("collection", "");
// to be compatible with the site-operator of GSA, we use a vertical pipe symbol here to divide collections.
collection = collection.replace(',', '|');
String[] collections = collection.length() == 0 ? new String[0] : collection.split("\\|");
int maximumRecords = call.get("maximumRecords", call.get("rows", call.get("num", 10)));
int startRecord = call.get("startRecord", call.get("start", 0));
// int meanCount = call.get("meanCount", 5);
int timezoneOffset = call.get("timezoneOffset", -1);
// String nav = call.get("nav", "");
// String prefermaskfilter = call.get("prefermaskfilter", "");
// String constraint = call.get("constraint", "");
int facetLimit = call.get("facetLimit", 10);
String facetFields = call.get("facetFields", YaCyQuery.FACET_DEFAULT_PARAMETER);
List<WebMapping> facetFieldMapping = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : facetFields.split(",")) facetFieldMapping.add(WebMapping.valueOf(s));
Sort sort = new Sort(call.get("sort", ""));
YaCyQuery yq = new YaCyQuery(q, collections, contentdom, timezoneOffset);
ElasticsearchClient ec = Data.gridIndex.getElasticClient();
HighlightBuilder hb = new HighlightBuilder().field(WebMapping.text_t.getMapping().name()).preTags("").postTags("").fragmentSize(140);
ElasticsearchClient.Query query = ec.query("web", null, yq.queryBuilder, null, sort, hb, timezoneOffset, startRecord, maximumRecords, facetLimit, explain, facetFieldMapping.toArray(new WebMapping[facetFieldMapping.size()]));
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
JSONArray channels = new JSONArray();
json.put("channels", channels);
JSONObject channel = new JSONObject(true);
JSONArray items = new JSONArray();
channel.put("title", "Search for " + q);
channel.put("description", "Search for " + q);
channel.put("startIndex", "" + startRecord);
channel.put("itemsPerPage", "" + items.length());
channel.put("searchTerms", q);
channel.put("totalResults", Integer.toString(query.hitCount));
channel.put("items", items);
List<Map<String, Object>> result = query.results;
List<String> explanations = query.explanations;
for (int hitc = 0; hitc < result.size(); hitc++) {
WebDocument doc = new WebDocument(result.get(hitc));
JSONObject hit = new JSONObject(true);
String titleString = doc.getTitle();
String link = doc.getLink();
if (Classification.ContentDomain.IMAGE == contentdom) {
// the url before we extract the link
hit.put("url", link);
link = doc.pickImage((String) link);
hit.put("icon", link);
hit.put("image", link);
String snippet = doc.getSnippet(query.highlights.get(hitc), yq);
Date last_modified_date = doc.getDate();
int size = doc.getSize();
int sizekb = size / 1024;
int sizemb = sizekb / 1024;
String size_string = sizemb > 0 ? (Integer.toString(sizemb) + " mbyte") : sizekb > 0 ? (Integer.toString(sizekb) + " kbyte") : (Integer.toString(size) + " byte");
String host = doc.getHost();
hit.put("title", titleString);
hit.put("link", link.toString());
hit.put("description", snippet);
hit.put("pubDate", DateParser.formatRFC1123(last_modified_date));
hit.put("size", Integer.toString(size));
hit.put("sizename", size_string);
hit.put("host", host);
if (explain) {
hit.put("explanation", explanations.get(hitc));
JSONArray navigation = new JSONArray();
channel.put("navigation", navigation);
Map<String, List<Map.Entry<String, Long>>> aggregations = query.aggregations;
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Map.Entry<String, Long>>> fe : aggregations.entrySet()) {
String facetname = fe.getKey();
WebMapping mapping = WebMapping.valueOf(facetname);
JSONObject facetobject = new JSONObject(true);
facetobject.put("facetname", mapping.getMapping().getFacetname());
facetobject.put("displayname", mapping.getMapping().getDisplayname());
facetobject.put("type", mapping.getMapping().getFacettype());
facetobject.put("min", "0");
facetobject.put("max", "0");
facetobject.put("mean", "0");
facetobject.put("count", fe.getValue().size());
JSONArray elements = new JSONArray();
facetobject.put("elements", elements);
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> element : fe.getValue()) {
JSONObject elementEntry = new JSONObject(true);
elementEntry.put("name", element.getKey());
elementEntry.put("count", element.getValue().toString());
elementEntry.put("modifier", mapping.getMapping().getFacetmodifier() + ":" + element.getKey());
if (jsonp) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
sb.append(callback).append("([").append(json.toString(minified ? 0 : 2)).append("]);");
return new ServiceResponse(sb.toString());
} else {
return new ServiceResponse(json);