use of in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class QueryService method serviceImpl.
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response) {
// String indexName, String typeName, final String id, JSONObject object
String indexName = call.get("index", "");
String typeName = call.get("type", "");
if (typeName.length() == 0)
typeName = null;
String id = call.get("id", "");
QueryLanguage language = QueryLanguage.valueOf(call.get("language", "yacy"));
String query = call.get("query", "");
int maximumRecords = call.get("maximumRecords", call.get("rows", call.get("num", 10)));
int startRecord = call.get("startRecord", call.get("start", 0));
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
if (indexName.length() > 0 && id.length() > 0) {
try {
Index index = Data.gridIndex.getElasticIndex();
String url = index.checkConnection().getConnectionURL();
JSONObject object = index.query(indexName, typeName, id);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, true);
JSONList list = new JSONList();
if (object != null)
json.put("count", list.length());
json.put("list", list.toArray());
if (url != null)
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
} else if (indexName.length() > 0 && query.length() > 0) {
try {
Index index = Data.gridIndex.getElasticIndex();
String url = index.checkConnection().getConnectionURL();
JSONList list = index.query(indexName, typeName, language, query, startRecord, maximumRecords);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, true);
json.put("count", list.length());
json.put("list", list.toArray());
if (url != null)
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
} else {
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, false);
json.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, "the request must contain an index, type, and either an id or a query");
return new ServiceResponse(json);
use of in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class MCPIndexFactory method getIndex.
public Index getIndex() throws IOException {
final JSONObject params = new JSONObject(true);
return new Index() {
public IndexFactory checkConnection() throws IOException {
String protocolhostportstub = MCPIndexFactory.this.getConnectionURL();
APIHandler apiHandler = APIServer.getAPI(CheckService.NAME);
ServiceResponse sr = apiHandler.serviceImpl(protocolhostportstub, params);
if (!success(sr.getObject()))
throw new IOException("MCP does not respond properly");
return MCPIndexFactory.this;
private JSONObject getResponse(APIHandler handler) throws IOException {
String protocolhostportstub = MCPIndexFactory.this.getConnectionURL();
ServiceResponse sr = handler.serviceImpl(protocolhostportstub, params);
return sr.getObject();
private boolean success(JSONObject response) {
return response.has(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY) && response.getBoolean(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY);
private void connectMCP(JSONObject response) {
if (response.has(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY)) {
String elastic = response.getString(ObjectAPIHandler.SERVICE_KEY);
if (MCPIndexFactory.this.index.connectElasticsearch(elastic)) {"connected MCP index at " + elastic);
} else {
Data.logger.error("failed to connect MCP index at " + elastic);
private IOException handleError(JSONObject response) {
if (response.has(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY)) {
return new IOException("cannot connect to MCP: " + response.getString(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY));
return new IOException("bad response from MCP: no success and no comment key");
public IndexFactory add(String indexName, String typeName, String id, JSONObject object) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("id", id);
params.put("object", object.toString());
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(AddService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
return MCPIndexFactory.this;
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public boolean exist(String indexName, String typeName, String id) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("id", id);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(ExistService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
return response.has("exists") && response.getBoolean("exists");
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public long count(String indexName, String typeName, QueryLanguage language, String query) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("query", query);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(CountService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
return response.has("count") ? response.getLong("count") : 0;
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public JSONObject query(String indexName, String typeName, String id) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("id", id);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(QueryService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
if (!response.has("list"))
return null;
JSONArray list = response.getJSONArray("list");
if (list.length() == 0)
return null;
return list.getJSONObject(0);
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public JSONList query(String indexName, String typeName, QueryLanguage language, String query, int start, int count) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("query", query);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(QueryService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
JSONList list = new JSONList();
if (!response.has("list"))
return list;
JSONArray l = response.getJSONArray("list");
if (l.length() == 0)
return list;
for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) list.add(l.getJSONObject(i));
return list;
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public boolean delete(String indexName, String typeName, String id) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("id", id);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(DeleteService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
return response.has("deleted") && response.getBoolean("deleted");
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public long delete(String indexName, String typeName, QueryLanguage language, String query) throws IOException {
params.put("index", indexName);
params.put("type", typeName);
params.put("query", query);
JSONObject response = getResponse(APIServer.getAPI(DeleteService.NAME));
// read the broker to store the service definition of the remote queue, if exists
if (success(response)) {
return response.has("count") ? response.getLong("count") : 0;
} else {
throw handleError(response);
public void close() {
use of in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class SusiAction method getJSONListAsset.
public JSONList getJSONListAsset(String name) {
if (!this.json.has("assets"))
return null;
JSONObject assets = this.json.getJSONObject("assets");
JSONArray jsonlist = assets.getJSONArray(name);
try {
return new JSONList(jsonlist);
} catch (IOException e) {
Data.logger.warn("error in getJSONListAsset with name " + name, e);
return null;
use of in project yacy_grid_crawler by yacy.
the class CrawlStartService method serviceImpl.
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response) {
JSONObject crawlstart = CrawlerDefaultValuesService.crawlStartDefaultClone();
for (String key : crawlstart.keySet()) {
Object object = crawlstart.get(key);
if (object instanceof String)
crawlstart.put(key, call.get(key, crawlstart.getString(key)));
else if (object instanceof Integer)
crawlstart.put(key, call.get(key, crawlstart.getInt(key)));
else if (object instanceof Long)
crawlstart.put(key, call.get(key, crawlstart.getLong(key)));
else if (object instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray a = crawlstart.getJSONArray(key);
Object cv = call.get(key);
if (cv != null)
crawlstart.put(key, cv);
} else {
System.out.println("unrecognized type: " + object.getClass().toString());
// set the crawl id
CrawlstartURLSplitter crawlstartURLs = new CrawlstartURLSplitter(crawlstart.getString("crawlingURL"));
Date now = new Date();
// start the crawls; each of the url in a separate crawl to enforce parallel loading from different hosts
SusiThought allCrawlstarts = new SusiThought();
int count = 0;
for (MultiProtocolURL url : crawlstartURLs.getURLs()) {
JSONObject singlecrawl = new JSONObject();
// create a clone of crawlstart
for (String key : crawlstart.keySet()) singlecrawl.put(key, crawlstart.get(key));
singlecrawl.put("id", Crawler.getCrawlID(url, now, count++));
try {
GridQueue queueName = Data.gridBroker.queueName(YaCyServices.crawler, YaCyServices.crawler.getQueues(), ShardingMethod.BALANCE, Crawler.CRAWLER_PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS, singlecrawl.getInt("priority"), url.getHost());
SusiThought json = new SusiThought();
json.setData(new JSONArray().put(singlecrawl));
JSONObject action = new JSONObject().put("type","queue","id", singlecrawl.getString("id")).put("depth", 0).put("sourcegraph", "rootasset");
SusiAction crawlAction = new SusiAction(action);
JSONObject graph = new JSONObject(true).put(WebMapping.canonical_s.getMapping().name(), url.toNormalform(true));
crawlAction.setJSONListAsset("rootasset", new JSONList().add(graph));
byte[] b = json.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Data.gridBroker.send(YaCyServices.crawler, queueName, b);
} catch (IOException e) {
Data.logger.warn("error when starting crawl for " + url.toNormalform(true), e);
allCrawlstarts.put(ObjectAPIHandler.COMMENT_KEY, e.getMessage());
// construct a crawl start message
allCrawlstarts.setData(new JSONArray().put(crawlstart));
allCrawlstarts.put(ObjectAPIHandler.SUCCESS_KEY, allCrawlstarts.getActions().size() > 0);
// finally add the crawl start on the queue
return new ServiceResponse(allCrawlstarts);