Search in sources :

Example 1 with FileType

use of nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType in project nikita-noark5-core by HiOA-ABI.

the class FileTypeService method findByDescription.

 * Retrieve all FileType that have a given description.
 * <br>
 * Note, this will be replaced by OData search.
 * @param description Description of object you wish to retrieve. The
 *                    whole text, this is an exact search.
 * @return A list of FileType objects wrapped as a MetadataHateoas
 * object
public MetadataHateoas findByDescription(String description) {
    MetadataHateoas metadataHateoas = new MetadataHateoas((List<INikitaEntity>) (List) fileTypeRepository.findByDescription(description), FILE_TYPE);
    metadataHateoasHandler.addLinks(metadataHateoas, new Authorisation());
    return metadataHateoas;
Also used : INikitaEntity(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.interfaces.entities.INikitaEntity) Authorisation( List(java.util.List) MetadataHateoas(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.hateoas.metadata.MetadataHateoas)

Example 2 with FileType

use of nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType in project nikita-noark5-core by HiOA-ABI.

the class FileTypeService method getFileTypeOrThrow.

 * Internal helper method. Rather than having a find and try catch in
 * multiple methods, we have it here once. If you call this, be aware
 * that you will only ever get a valid FileType object back. If there
 * is no FileType object, a NoarkEntityNotFoundException exception
 * is thrown
 * @param systemId The systemId of the FileType object to retrieve
 * @return the FileType object
private FileType getFileTypeOrThrow(@NotNull String systemId) {
    FileType fileType = fileTypeRepository.findBySystemId(systemId);
    if (fileType == null) {
        String info = INFO_CANNOT_FIND_OBJECT + " FileType, using " + "systemId " + systemId;
        throw new NoarkEntityNotFoundException(info);
    return fileType;
Also used : FileType(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType) NoarkEntityNotFoundException(nikita.common.util.exceptions.NoarkEntityNotFoundException)

Example 3 with FileType

use of nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType in project nikita-noark5-core by HiOA-ABI.

the class FileTypeService method createNewFileType.

// All CREATE operations
 * Persists a new FileType object to the database.
 * @param fileType FileType object with values set
 * @return the newly persisted FileType object wrapped as a
 * MetadataHateoas object
public MetadataHateoas createNewFileType(FileType fileType) {
    MetadataHateoas metadataHateoas = new MetadataHateoas(;
    metadataHateoasHandler.addLinks(metadataHateoas, new Authorisation());
    return metadataHateoas;
Also used : Authorisation( MetadataHateoas(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.hateoas.metadata.MetadataHateoas)

Example 4 with FileType

use of nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType in project nikita-noark5-core by HiOA-ABI.

the class FileTypeService method handleUpdate.

 * Update a FileType identified by its systemId
 * <p>
 * Copy the values you are allowed to change, code and description
 * @param systemId The systemId of the fileType object you wish to
 *                 update
 * @param fileType The updated fileType object. Note the values
 *                 you are allowed to change are copied from this
 *                 object. This object is not persisted.
 * @return the updated fileType
public MetadataHateoas handleUpdate(String systemId, Long version, FileType fileType) {
    FileType existingFileType = getFileTypeOrThrow(systemId);
    // Copy all the values you are allowed to copy ....
    if (null != existingFileType.getCode()) {
    if (null != existingFileType.getDescription()) {
    // Note this can potentially result in a NoarkConcurrencyException
    // exception
    MetadataHateoas fileTypeHateoas = new MetadataHateoas(;
    metadataHateoasHandler.addLinks(fileTypeHateoas, new Authorisation());
    applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new AfterNoarkEntityUpdatedEvent(this, existingFileType));
    return fileTypeHateoas;
Also used : FileType(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType) Authorisation( MetadataHateoas(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.hateoas.metadata.MetadataHateoas) AfterNoarkEntityUpdatedEvent(

Example 5 with FileType

use of nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType in project nikita-noark5-core by HiOA-ABI.

the class FileTypeService method findAll.

// All READ operations
 * Retrieve a list of all FileType objects
 * @return list of FileType objects wrapped as a
 * MetadataHateoas object
public MetadataHateoas findAll() {
    MetadataHateoas metadataHateoas = new MetadataHateoas((List<INikitaEntity>) (List) fileTypeRepository.findAll(), FILE_TYPE);
    metadataHateoasHandler.addLinks(metadataHateoas, new Authorisation());
    return metadataHateoas;
Also used : INikitaEntity(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.interfaces.entities.INikitaEntity) Authorisation( List(java.util.List) MetadataHateoas(nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.hateoas.metadata.MetadataHateoas)


MetadataHateoas (nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.hateoas.metadata.MetadataHateoas)6 Authorisation ( List (java.util.List)3 INikitaEntity (nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.interfaces.entities.INikitaEntity)3 FileType (nikita.common.model.noark5.v4.metadata.FileType)3 NoarkEntityNotFoundException (nikita.common.util.exceptions.NoarkEntityNotFoundException)1 AfterNoarkEntityUpdatedEvent (